
Reject My Billionaire Ex-Husband

Moona, after seeing her husband having an affair in her own bed, was so shocked that she was muted and lost her unborn child. After the two divorced, she was fortunate to find a companion, although his mind was a bit abnormal, although life was hard, despite being made difficult by her ex-husband everywhere, she was still very happy. She just hopes every day that passes is still the same. But one day he wakes up, remembers everything, just forgets her, what should she do?

And_Wish_Hope · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

Chapter 2:

"YES." Tom Hulce responded that his heart would ache a little for her condescension. His voice became softer: "Tomorrow, I will take you out."

On the other side, the girl happily turned off the phone, leaving a man looking at his mobile phone for a long time.

Turning to go back to his room, the person on the bed was asleep; he went over to her to pull the blanket back, then lay next to him; in the bedroom, there was a faint scent of roses; he raised his head, barely able to see it. A rose is placed on top of the nightstand.

Frowning tightly, he had 999 flowers, the missing flower; he bought it for another girl because he fell in the car with her 'intimacy,' so he took it to give to his wife.

This stupid girl, he didn't understand and felt guilty, hugged her body tightly in his arms, although this girl didn't make him fall in love, she would hurt him.

This evening, extremely silent, two people sharing the same bed start a kind of strange dream.

Demi Moore closes the computer and holds the well-repaired documents; However, she is only at home; she also works as a translator and usually finds the documents herself to translate. Does she earn a lot or not? Anyway, she just wanted her life not to be so dull.

Grabbing the documents on the table, she went out. On the way, people came and went, and it was hectic; she usually didn't go out much, but felt very happy, looked at this place a little, looked there a little. Every single thing in her eyes is good.

She clutched the document in her arms, suddenly felt a familiar scent, turned around, and saw a girl holding a massive bouquet of roses standing not far away.

Strangely enough, the girl also saw her and smiled at her, but that smile made her heart shrink a little; she felt speechless.

She looked closely at the girl and discovered where she seemed to have met. That's right, she suddenly thought, this girl was the girl who took the tie she liked last time.

The girl is thrilled because the smile on her face can be compared to the sun; that is why smiling like that makes her feel cold.

She turned to go in another direction, but if she turned her head, she would see a man wearing a neat suit, wearing a gray white tie, and the girl holding a bouquet of roses stood up, smiling and kissing. One is on the man's face; the man's face has a faint smile, hugging the girl's waist; they sit in the car together.

The girl turned and looked at the figure that had gone away; her sweet smile now turned cold.

Demi Moore finished delivering the documents by noon, happy to go home but disappointed; she was alone in the house. Going into the bedroom and changing the water in the flower vase, the other rose had already withered, no longer as bright red as before; she picked it up, put it in her mouth, feeling a little bitter, then the rose was not a rose sweet.

Standing in the large living room, such a prominent place, now alone, she suddenly felt a kind of loneliness, speechless; she missed him so much, she didn't know what he was doing. Today is an important day; does he remember?

Picking up the phone, she dialed the number she had already memorized.

"Ugh, how's that?" On the other side, his voice was magnetic but also very indifferent.

Demi Moore used her strength to hold the phone; her voice was also sweet and gentle:

"Husband, it's me; I want to ask when you'll return. I will do a good job waiting for you."

The other side was silent for half a day: "I will try to do it quickly, today there are many things in the company. If you're tired, go to sleep first." After he finished speaking, without waiting for her to say anything more, he turned off the phone and didn't even tell her to see her again.

"Husband, I…" Demi Moore raised her lips slightly, finally swallowing everything she wanted to say.

She still didn't let go of the phone, and she heard a hang up on her ear; she leaned on the table, stupidly staring into the distance; since when would she have a job to find him, since when would he also be unwilling to speak to her anymore.

But at this time, in a high-class restaurant, a couple of men and women are sitting, the man is tall and handsome, and the girl is small and beautiful; the man puts down the phone, and his fingers gently caress the beautiful girl's lips...

"Look at you; they've all eaten to their mouths." The gentle magnetic voice could be heard clearly, the eyes that were already tense when looking at the gentle wave of the girl's eyes slightly relaxed.

The girl pulled his hand and placed it on her face: "Tom, come to my place at night. I miss you." She rubbed his hand with her face, and the man's eyes darkened a little; it was an invitation he was familiar with, the invitation of her body.

No matter how long Demi Moore waited that night, her husband, Tom Hulce, was still a white night.

The second day was the morning; a car was parked in front of the house. A man came out from inside; his clothes were a little wrinkled, and under the messy hair was a face that did not seem well-rested.

He opened the door until he saw the girl sleeping on the sofa, his face was a little dark, but he still stepped forward and hugged this seemingly weightless girl.

Putting her on the bed, he opened the drawer to take out a new set of clothes.

Looking down at the sleeping person, her face was not pretty, still carrying the pure Terri features of two years ago. She was a good wife but not a good one, and she did not make him love her. Before, he liked her, and he also needed a wife. He didn't want an unclean girl, so he married her. Two years is not long, but he is used to living with her; it is a habit that can be fixed when his feelings for her have begun to deviate from the trajectory.

The idea of wanting a divorce appeared in his mind not only once, but he still couldn't decide. Sitting at the side of the bed, his hand gently caressing her face, with a wife who does not love, how should he treat it?

"Husband…" Demi Moore slowly opened her eyes, a little bewildered, out of habit, burying her face in his hand.

But this one sentence makes Tom Hulce's face soften a lot; he pulls his hand out and stands up; there are things to choose from, so think carefully.

Entering the living room, he sat on the sofa, and when he looked up again, he saw a large table full of cold food and a cake on the table. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Yesterday, she wanted to tell him this. Yesterday was her birthday.

Rubbing her hair lightly, she stood up and returned to the bedroom again. Demi Moore was still fast asleep, but looking at the dark circles in her eyes, he knew she probably didn't sleep last night.

"Demi..." He sighed, sitting on the side of the bed, gently patting her face, still the same pure Terri face he had then, but still, he couldn't move anymore.

"How am I supposed to treat you now?" He let go of her hand, looked at her for a long time, then turned to leave.

When Demi Moore woke up, Tom Hulce Tom had left for a long time; she patted her face, looked at the clothes next to her, only knew that he had returned last night, but did not know when.

She hadn't seen him for a day, got out of bed, and put her clothes aside. Looking at the rose petals falling at the head of the bed, her eyes showed a faint loss of loss. In the living room, there was still the cake and food from yesterday; she sat down and cut a piece; the butter was so sweet, eating until her mouth seemed bitter.

It's bitter, but why is it heartbreaking and salty? She turned her head, and no one looked at her; two tears ran down her face.

On the eighteenth floor of the Hulce Group building is the president's office, Thomas Anderson took the signed document and looked at his good friend, who was in a trance.

"Tom, what are you thinking about today? It's strange and hard to see a workaholic like you so dumbfounded?" He dropped the document, his hands resting on the table; Tom was extremely unusual lately, unlike the friend he still knew.

"Nothing." Tom Hulce Tom put down his pen, adjusted his mind a little, and finally returned to an unpredictable mysterious figure.

"Tom, how will you handle the Mary Wickes thing?" Thomas Anderson's face suddenly became severe; although he was a longtime friend, he still couldn't accept that good friends had an affair. Why does having such a good wife still feel inadequate?

"Tom, Demi Moore is a good girl; you shouldn't hurt her." He said his words from the bottom of his heart, and there will be a day when everything will break, then the damage will be more.

"I know; I'm thinking of solutions." Tom Hulce Tom didn't even raise his head, just concentrating on the documents in his hand. Thomas Anderson saw him like that and had to shrug his shoulders and go outside.

Tom is hiding again. If this continues, the problem will increase more and more. He sighed; everyone knew, only she didn't. That girl was pitiful…

When Thomas Anderson was out, Tom Hulce Tom stopped his pen and picked up the phone.

"Secretary Locke, order me two bouquets…"

After work, he went to Mary Wickes first, gave her a large bouquet of red roses, and the two were intimate for a while before driving home.

Demi Moore heard the door open, turned her head, and saw Tom Hulce Tom entering.

"Husband, you're back." She smiled slightly, and before she could get close, a large bouquet of star flowers was already in her eyes.

"Husband, this is…" She gently blinked her eyes, seeing the steam in her eyes.

"Give it to me; what are you crying for, dumbass." Tom Hulce Tom gently patted her head. "I was so sorry yesterday. I forgot; I'll remember it next year."

"Happy birthday, Demi." He put the flower in her lap. Sure enough, Secretary Locke has an excellent eye, and she is very suitable for such a flower, small and delicate.

"Husband, thank you." Demi Moore wrapped her arms around his waist; if yesterday's wait had worn her out, the surprise he brought today had brought her back to life. Perhaps she couldn't take that feeling of joy and sadness anymore.

"Idiot, you're my wife, thank you." Tom Hulce Tom gently patted her back; although he said comforting words in his mouth, his eyes constantly looked at the clock as if waiting for something.

"I'll shower first; I'll call you later." He patted her face, turned away, and Demi Moore still clutched the bouquet in her lap, a happy smile on her face.

Tom Hulce turned his head, saw that stupid smile, and slightly raised his lips as if he had been disinterested in her lately.