
Chapter 13: Siblings

What's the best thing to do?

When you need to do something for the sake of saving them from being hurt by anyone, but at the same time it still will lead to them being hurt not by anyone but, by you.

Confront them and falsely hurt them?

If I do this, they'll have no choice but to leave me alone, and that I'll really will become my destined persona... The [Main Villainess].

Sure, they'll be hurt for now. But, in exchange with the hurt that they'll received now... In the future, I know that they will never be hurt again...

You can say that, this can be an investment for them and me.

Think about it, I the Main Villainess will face them, confront them and bully them. They will be hurt and will then decided not to befriend me ever again, and a bonus there is...

The Capture Targets will also stay by their side too.

The past Luna bullied only the Heroine, Belle. And did not bully the other Villainesses. Which in return the Capture Targets only ends up pitying Belle... And ends up ignoring the other Villainesses.

But, if I change it... And bully both the Heroine, Belle. And the Villainesses, Dahlia, Ivy, Camille. Then wouldn't my plan of shipping them, will eventually come smooth sailing? And my path of being a Sacrificial Main Villainess will also ends up smooth sailing?

Well, isn't this great? Killing two birds with one stone.

( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧

*Sigh* _(:ェ」∠)_ Who am I kidding? I, Luna Sakura Smith, can't even dare bare my hands to hurt our neighbor's dog. How much more a person? *Sigh* And, even I myself is unwilling.

I don't want to hurt them...

If it's even possible, I even really wanted to become one of their friends no matter what. But, *sigh* if I do that... The consequence will be really to much.

So, it leads me to the second plan of mine... What is it?

It's of course,

Ignoring them...

Running away from them...


Hiding from them...

Yes, I know I said that I didn't want to hurt them, but... This is the most suitable plan there is now.

Yes, it still will hurt them, because they'll think, that I am running away from them... (Which is true.) And they'll also think that I don't want to see them again...(Which is clearly impossible because Fate wouldn't let me do that.) So, in the end I can only continue doing this.

Two weeks have already past, after the confrontation of the Main Villainess, which is me. And the Heroine, Belle, and the other Villainesses, Dahlia, Ivy, and Camille.

In other words it has been already two weeks since I started ignoring, hiding from them, and keep running away from the Heroine and the other Villainess.

And also it's been also two weeks already, since that time... That time... *cough* (.﹏.) let's just forget about that embarrassing time.

Tonight will be [Acquaintance Ball], and right now my mother is in a frenzy state, holding and bringing different kinds and styles of her designs to me.

"Come on, now my dear, listen to mommy and try this out." She was brimming with joy while raising and pushing this dress to me.

"Mom~~~" I helplessly tried to stop her sudden impulse of giddiness. But, to my disappointment... She's to powerful for me.

So, I was pushed inside her walking closet.

"Lunaa~~ dear~~ you look so lovely." She gushed. Well... Looking myself in the mirror, well, I guess mom's right... I do look beautiful.

I'm not a narcissistic person. I'm just saying what's true.

I'm wearing a long sleeves translucent water blue, water like dress that was like a water flowing through my body. It really fits me. If you ask me, I really do look elegant wearing this.



*Sigh* Here they go again.

Luna grab her vibrating phone and glance to the name on the screen, and see to who it was this time.

[Dahlia is Calling...]

Sigh. Why don't they just give up? Besides can't they understand?? This is for their own good.

Luna helplessly sighed and slumped herself on her bed. Thinking...

'oh well... Maybe I do need to make a move, to stop them coming after me, huh.'

So, Luna stayed at her bed and keep thinking of different kinds of evil(not so.) plans.


I keep calling her...

Arghh!! Why won't she pick up!??



"Still not picking up?" I look back at the people beside me. Bitterly smile and shakes my head.

"No..." I'm irritated, sad, angry, helpless, and many more. It's really absurd.

"It's already been two weeks, and still we weren't able to talk to Luna yet." Belle sighed.

Camille seems helpless... And said. "Tonight at the Acquaintance Ball... We can try."

I look at them, and thought...

'It was already two weeks since we all became friends... And it's all thanks to Luna. But, why must she be aggrieved and bullied by the boys??? Arghh. So irritating!'

"Does, Luna... hate... us?" After Ivy's voice was heard by us, we immediately looked at her. She was their wearing a forest green dress with little ribbons which looks like a vine by the side. Her voice was sad.

How much more us? We were all sad.

"No. Of course not..." Belle then went forward, and console Ivy.

I couldn't help myself but sigh.

Sigh. Belle, the Heroine. She-- she is actually nice. Just like in the Otome Game... A girl who will be loved by everyone. A girl who will receive endless and countless of love... from people.

*Bitter laugh* She's lucky. Too lucky... Yes, she experienced bitter, and sad life in the game... Suffered, bullied and played. But, still she's lucky... Because in the end of time...

She will still be the one who'll end up having an endless happiness in life. And, endless people loving her. Really lucky of her.

Now, thinking about it... I seem so bitter aren't I? Well... You can't blame me. Since... Even in my past life...

... I'm like this.

No one cared for me...

No hope was given to me...

No one even tried to know me...

How much more love?

Even 'him'.

So in the end... I ended my life. Just like a new born bird, who decided to spread it's wings and jump... And be, free.

From that place that bind me.

But, who could've thought... That I ended up, waking up. And even found myself in the opening ceremony. But, not just any [Opening Ceremony].

But, the game's 'String's Of Love' [Opening Ceremony]. Funny right? How Fate was cruel... And, even transmigrating me here... As a Villainess, who was destined to not only be abandoned, played, and even used, but also suffer all her life.

I... I really thought that time, that it will be the same. That everything will be the same just as the game, and I was disappointed once again. But, something different happened.

And flame of hope had suddenly bloomed inside of me.

When, she, The Main Villainess, Luna. Stood in front of me, and say hi... Everything then changed.

At that time I was so happy, that I didn't even notice the changes. But, realizing it now... Looking at them, starting from Luna, Ivy, Camille and even Belle.


Really changed. Every thing about them changed. Because of that... I even end up thinking that, maybe there's really a way, there's really a chance... That, we won't need to follow our predestined fate.

And it gave me hope.

But, the Capture Targets, had to burst my bubble!! And, because of them... Luna, my hope, ended up walking away. That it made me... Scared.

Scared that I will be...

alone again.


"Hmm?" Blinking away my thoughts, I have returned from the present, I looked up to whom have called me. "Yes?" It was actually actually Ivy.

Ivy from the game was a loyal servant of the Capture Target, Liam. And if you choose Liam in the game, after you as Belle, and Liam ends up together...

She will come to your wedding and will give you both her blessing, and then be forgotten. But in the [Epilogue], you'll found out that she actually commit suicide, by jumping off the cliff.

Because, she was no longer needed, and so she ends up her life.

Just like, me... She only needs someone's love too... But, Liam the one she loves just ended up, disappointing her.

I smiled slightly to her and complimented. "I love your dress~~" she was surprised for a moment, and then next second, she blushed.

Blushing. Her gloomy self, eventually lightened up a little and even smiled. "Thank you..."

Camille seeing us like that, then suggested. "How about we just go prepare for tonight? Besides we will need to plan ahead to what to do if Luna still tried to run away from us, right?"

Belle, then agreed, and added. "Hmm... Camille is right..." She smiled, then as if suddenly remembered something, she frowned. "And, we really need to plan ahead, especially how to shoo away those annoying guys. Or else..."

She didn't continue, but I understand what she means~ those guys...

The Capture Targets.

They are the reasons,

to our future...

...downfall after all.

And, we all understand that.


The ball has yet to start, when I arrived. Since I was the student representative for this year, of course I need to be here earlier than usual.

Actually, this [Acquaintance Ball] isn't really much of a big thing. Well, that is if you're to blind or you just really want to purposely ignore, the event in the game, which was something about, what will happen to Belle, the Heroine tonight.




I just even barely, land my feet to the floor, when I caught the sight of them~~

(꒪⌓꒪) Oh no~~ don't tell me, I'll end up running away again huh?? (ó﹏ò。) but, I still need to start the program!! What will I do now??

There's that thing, that I shouldn't be caught by them, because surely I will be up to interrogation if I ended up being captured by them.

Especially, with Dahlia's temper~~


And, Camille's techno machines~~ what if, she'll even decide to use a lie detector on me huh? Huhuhuhu... I feel so stress~~


Luna, who was after seeing the Heroine, and the Villainesses inside the Ball Room Hall immediately went back a step and hide, didn't even dare to move forward inside anymore.

Sneaking glances inside while outside the door. She was like a thief. A beautiful thief at that.

While still looking inside with a complicated look, Luna didn't even realize, that a certain person was already beside her.

"Who are you looking at?" A voice sounded beside her, so naturally Luna turned around.

"!!! Σ(`Д' )!?" At that moment, Luna was really shocked silly. Thinking.

'How!??? Why!?? Wait a moment. How the heck I didn't notice him!??'

With a gloomy face... Luna retreated, she took a step back, and silently staring at the guy, who was like a mushroom which keep popping out of nowhere.

Alistair on the other hand, was silently watching Luna too~ observing her every movements... If you'll say that he's a stalker. Then you will surely puke blood out of anger when you'll hear his answer.

What will his answer?

Of course he'll answer you!!

'Do you have the qualifications?'

With that cold aloof face of him. Of course many shameless daydreamers have already been broken by him, not only their heart, but even their shameless, proud face too!!!

None of the two, made a move to break the silence. Both of them, only keep looking at each other, watching each other waiting for the other to make a move first.

Luna, who was facing this guy, Alistair. Couldn't help herself, but to be stubborn and to not stop herself, from staring straight, head on to this guy.

Especially this guy started it first!!

Actually, this face off was actually possible to be hold on for an eternity, if only not for the girls who have caught sight of Luna and suddenly calling her out.

Which ends up Dahlia, Ivy, Camille and Belle who were just thinking about the plan to capture Luna for a talk, hearing it... And immediately turned their head, and yep. They saw her~~

Luna flustered. Look to the left and to the right.

'Fudge!! Where can I hide!!'

Seeing her like that, Alistair then decided to grab her hand, and run. But, as he grab her her hand, both of them suddenly seems like being electrified, it was as if there was a spark.

But, who could think about that, this time right? So, with no thought of the consequences or not so ever. The one who should be pulled, is now the one who is pulling.

Luna grab Alistair's hand, and run...

'Ohhhh~~ Where can I hide!??'

But, who is Alistair? Of course, he won't let Luna just grab him and be pulled anywhere as a luggage.

So, by the sudden tug of her hand, Luna almost fell... But, luckily Alistair was still consider a gentleman.

And, so our Main Villainess, Luna... Elop--- I mean~ ran away, with the heterochroma guy, Alistair.

Where are they headed? ╮(╯_╰)╭

Who knows~~

Run away~~ #AliLuna or should it be #LunaStair


"What? Where~~? Where is Luna?" A girl with red hair, who's name is Dahlia asked confused.

"*Sigh* She escaped again..." A pink haired girl answered. She was the Heroine, Belle.

"We... We will still... Be able to talk, to her... Right??" Ivy, a girl with forest green hair, asked sadly.

"Don't think much about this matter... We will still be able to talk to Luna later." An innocent like girl, with yellow golden hair smiled at them, consoling them.

"Besides, she's the student representative~ she really oughta be here no matter what happen." She reasoned.

Everyone, then nods in agreement.

When they were about to go back inside, a guy who was named Jacob suddenly showed up, with the other guys, Damon, Liam, and Spade.

They were in front the Ball's entrance, and was waiting obviously for the Heroine, Belle.

And, because the Villainess understands that. That they will never be the one...

Never be the person he will ask to dance with...

Never be the person, the reason why is here...

And will never be the person, he will love and will occupy his heart...

So, with a glance towards their respective Capture Targets.

They then made an excuse, to excuse themselves... Especially they don't want to hope anymore~ Never again be played... And to never fall again.

Dahlia looked at the Capture Targets with a cold empty dull eyes, her gaze then stopped at Damon, but this time it wasn't just an empty dull eyes but a look of complex emotions.

The most concentrated emotion there was her hurt, from him, disappointing her, and from him betraying her... but a blink of an eye it was gone. And, the empty dull gaze was then back and so she just nod in greetings, and immediately walk away.

Damon who was really planning to ask Belle, the Heroine, to dance... Was frozen in spot, when he saw Dahlia, and when she looked at him with hurt, disappointment, and the eyes that says 'you betrayed me...'.

He wanted to explain to her, but when seeing her empty dull eyes once again. He, didn't have a power to. Especially he knows himself that he is guilty. And, when she walked away... His heart suddenly ache, it was as if being stabbed repeatedly. And, he was really uncomfortable.

While Ivy on the other hand, after Dahlia walked away, Ivy then immediately follow suit. Bowing in greetings to the guys. Saying in greetings.

"Young masters..." After her bow. She immediately then walk away... If Dahlia looked at them with that cold empty dull eyes... Ivy on the other hand, just bowed her head without even giving a single glance to them.

Because for her, in her entire past life, she already did everything to him... Selflessly given him everything... But, did he care? No... He didn't. Ivy, was just forgotten...

So, what's wrong, if in this lifetime she decided to be selfish for once. She was given the chance to be reborn for what? Isn't it for her to be happy, and to live her life to the fullest? So, that's what she's doing now...

And, besides, she isn't alone in this world anymore... Because they are here...

Liam, seeing Belle and Ivy together was really happy, thinking that if they are this close, then in the future, wouldn't it be a happy time by then? When he'll finally make Belle his.

But, seeing Ivy's spiritless self greeting him, the thought of dancing with Belle was suddenly gone. The only thought he has now was what happen to Ivy?.

When she walked away without even giving him a glance, scared him especially when he saw Ivy's silhouette seems to fade. His heart was in panic but when he blink, it was back to normal... But only his heart remain still frantic.

Camille and Belle, saw the two guy's reaction, and in Camille and Belle's heart, they ridiculed them...

' 'Serves you right!' '

Because for Camille, even this is just a mission. But, somehow in her heart, she knows that this girls' are just more than that to her.

That it seems a special bond connects them all~~ from Luna, Dahlia, Ivy, Her, and even Belle.

Somehow she feels...

She knows...

That they,

Are connected...

Just like a~~~


Long lost...


•Chapter 13 Ends•


Luna: When will they stop hunting me down? QwQ

WhiteSunflowerS2: When they caught you, obviously.

Luna: Why!!? 


WhiteSunflowerS2: Sigh... Then let me ask you.

Luna: *expectant*

WhiteSunflowerS2: Would you rather be caught by them? *wicked grin*Or.... By Alistair?

Luna: .......






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