
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Game
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25 Chs

Chapter 19: Monsters

On the venue, as the crowd was amazed by the footwork displayed by Wu Lingling, Qin Wuchen and others, who had trained and fought alongside her in the desolate ruins, remained calm. There was no trace of surprise or ripples in their eyes as they watched Wu Lingling's footwork.


A high school friend sitting next to Qin Wuchen, filled with envy, said, "Wuchen, I was wondering why you were following a new mentor. So this is why. With such an amazing class leader and this incredible movement technique, you guys are in for a treat when it comes to competing for the academy's benefits!"


While the Divine Realm Academy indeed had abundant resources, the quantity of resources was always limited. Moreover, all the Divine Realm Academies aimed to cultivate professional experts, so the supply of resources to students was never equal. It emphasized survival of the fittest, as the Divine Realm was just that cruel, let alone the fact that it aimed to produce professional players.


Therefore, if the various classes in the Divine Realm Academy wanted to obtain more resources, they not only needed mentors but also had to strive and compete for them. The monthly grade ranking battle was a typical example.


The top three ranked classes not only received a bottle of A-grade nutritional potion each, but also had three days of free access to the academy's simulation training room. They could fight against the recorded experts in the simulation training room. Although these recorded experts were not as good as the simulation training rooms created by top guilds, they were still better than many simulation training rooms created by large guilds.


And simulation training rooms were extremely resource-consuming. Even in top guilds, the number of guild experts who could use them was very limited, and the usage time was calculated in hours. It was simply impossible for them to be as generous as the academy.


Therefore, the monthly class ranking competition was fiercely competitive. If there was a powerful expert in a class, the resources obtained by that class would definitely be much better than other classes.


"Is she really that amazing?" Qin Wuchen looked at his friend with some confusion. "The class leader just managed to avoid the combined attack of Gutong and Lieyun. I really don't know what Gutong and Lieyun are thinking. Their straightforward attacks are not even comparable to a demonized half-beast warrior. Could it be that they are testing the class leader?"


At this time, as new students in the Shifeng class, sitting next to Qin Wuchen, Xie Yuheng, a long-haired girl who is also being assessed by the academy, nodded and agreed, "It's very possible. After all, the class leader is a genius among the new students, not inferior to Gutong. That's why Gutong planned to use such a simple attack to test the class leader's strength and see if the class leader is qualified to truly fight against him. It's just that this kind of simple test is really underestimating people."


Regarding Wu Lingling's performance, Xie Yuheng thought it was normal because after more than ten hours of battle in the desolate ruins, Wu Lingling was already able to stand undefeated against three demonized half-beast warriors on her own. Although others couldn't match Wu Lingling in dodging skills, they could still face the joint attacks of two demonized half-beast warriors.


The attack methods of the demonized half-beast warriors were varied and inhuman. The joint attacks of the two warriors were like a violent storm, continuous and relentless, leaving no room for respite. Moreover, their feints during attacks were overwhelming, and even a slight misjudgment would have serious consequences.


However, the attacks of Gutong and Lieyun seemed well-coordinated and even sacrificial, but their attack methods were monotonous and the easiest to dodge frontal attacks. As long as the timing was grasped, it wasn't difficult to dodge, at least more than half of the class could avoid such attacks, let alone Wu Lingling.


As for the afterimages created, it was just a dodge technique taught by Shifeng before, using the moment of evasion to mobilize the muscles of the whole body, transitioning from stillness to motion, and bursting out the fastest speed instantly, making it difficult for the opponent to grasp the timing of evasion and allowing for precise consecutive attacks. It also created a delayed afterimage in vision.


This was explained clearly by Shifeng during the battle in the desolate ruins. The faster the transition from stillness to motion, the more realistic the afterimage would be. It could be said to be a side effect of dodge manipulation, and there was nothing worth being surprised about.


Because truly powerful experts would not create any visual afterimages at all. Instead, they would completely disappear from the sight of others, making it impossible for the brain's nerves to perceive or process such complex visual signals, causing the brain to actively choose to ignore such signals and treat the person as if they didn't exist.


"Indeed, at least more than half of the people in our class can dodge this kind of test. I really don't know what Gutong and the others were thinking." Qin Wuchen also nodded seriously.


And with Qin Wuchen speaking, as old classmates in high school, even the new students from other classes didn't know what to say for a while.


Simple probing?


More than half of the people in the class can avoid it?


Is this really human language?


You should know that Wu Lingling's performance, even many experts from various guilds present were amazed, but Qin Wuchen and others felt that there was nothing special about it, as if they were being treated like idiots!


However, just as everyone was discussing the steps demonstrated by Wu Lingling, Gu Tong on the battlefield also used his life-saving skill, the third-tier skill "Shadowless Step," at a critical moment. This skill allowed him to forcibly enter stealth mode and have a brief 0.5-second period where he could ignore a certain degree of damage, thus avoiding the embarrassing situation of being heavily injured by Lie Yun.


However, the use of this life-saving skill temporarily prevented Gu Tong from escaping Wu Lingling's continuous attacks.


Because the assassin profession is inherently unsuitable for direct combat, only suitable for ambushes and agile fighting styles. However, Wu Lingling, a swordsman, is not only skilled in direct combat, but she is also known for her agility. This completely put Gu Tong in a passive state, with his health constantly decreasing. Even though Lie Yun was attacking frantically from the side, Wu Lingling seemed to have an extra eye on her back and always managed to dodge Lie Yun at the most opportune moments, as if Lie Yun didn't exist at all, engaging in a one-on-one battle with Gu Tong...


"Damn it! How can she be so strong?"


"Could it be that she has been hiding her true strength all this time?"


As Gu Tong retreated while desperately blocking Wu Lingling's continuous sword strikes, he stared at Wu Lingling in front of him, filled with unwillingness and confusion. However, Gu Tong's health was slowly depleting with each clash of their blades.


As for Lie Yun by his side and the Ice Hunter attacking from a distance, Wu Lingling completely ignored their attacks with her uncanny evasion skills...


In just under twenty seconds of battle, Gu Tong was killed by Wu Lingling, and without Gu Tong as the core, Lie Yun and Bing Shu lasted less than twenty seconds before being dealt with by Wu Lingling. The battle didn't even last a minute from start to finish, and it ended completely.


As the final whistle of the match sounded, the whole venue fell into a dead silence, all staring at Wu Lingling who had just walked out of the virtual reality warehouse. The looks in their eyes, one by one, were like seeing a monster!