
Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God - Side Story

DISCLOSURE: FOR PROMOTIONAL AND PERSONAL USES ONLY. All information used to create this novel can be located on the Author's "Lucky Old Cat (天运老猫)" Public Wechat (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/appmsgalbum?__biz=Mzg3ODU3MDI3OA==&action=getalbum&album_id=1736590865898209290&scene=173&from_msgid=2247483960&from_itemidx=1&count=3&nolastread=1#wechat_redirect) and no premium services are being provided except for translating the public RAWs using chatgpt to English. DESCRIPTION: Side Stories for Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God published by the author on his WeChat. You can find the Professional translation of this novel by @Hellscythe at https://hostednovel.com/novel/reincarnation-of-the-strongest-sword-god-side-stories

Earth_Kingzz · Game
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25 Chs

Chapter 16: The Existence of the Fifth Order

As they approached the towering city walls in the inner area, everyone present, whether it was Yu Lin who noticed it earlier or Nan Tian Chi Hu and others who noticed it later, fell silent and looked incredulously at Shi Feng and his group, who were getting closer and closer.


"Level 101?"


"How could a team like them make it here?"


These questions deeply stimulated the members of the Soul Fire Adventure Team, and some couldn't help but rub their eyes, thinking that their observation skills were mistaken.


"Captain, could they be monsters disguised as players?" Yu Lin, who stood up, looked at Shi Feng and his group and asked Nan Tian Chi Hu in a low voice, her eyes filled with vigilance.


She had already observed Wu Ling Ling and the others in front of the instance dungeon, and she knew very well their capabilities. Even if they entered the outer area of the Desolate Ruins, they wouldn't be able to survive for more than half an hour.


But now, not only did Wu Ling Ling and the others make it to the entrance of the inner area of the Desolate Ruins, but the members of their team also showed no signs of distress. It was unbelievable no matter how you looked at it.


As for monsters disguising themselves as players, such incidents had occurred in the Divine Realm before, but they were rare. However, any monster capable of such deception not only possessed high intelligence but also posed extreme danger.


Because these monsters that could disguise themselves as players were all capable of devouring players.


Once a player was devoured, not only would their revival time be extended to an indefinite period, but their attributes would also be permanently reduced to a small extent. It was a very dangerous existence in the Divine Realm.


And in order to see through these disguised monsters, ordinary observation skills and advanced observation skills are useless. Only top-level observation skills can see through them.


Currently, among the entire team, only the team leader, Nantian Chihu, possesses top-level observation skills.


"No, they are indeed the people we encountered at the door, not monsters in disguise," Nantian Chihu shook his head slightly and said with some confusion, "I don't know if it's just my illusion, but I always feel like they have changed since we last saw them at the door."


"Changed?" Yuelin also couldn't help but carefully observe Wu Lingling and the others, filled with curiosity, "Their equipment?"


As one of the sixteen team leaders in the adventure team, Nantian Chihu may not be the strongest, but he has the most accurate judgment of people.


If Nantian Chihu says someone has changed, then it is almost certain.


However, after observing for a long time, Yuelin did not see any changes in Wu Lingling and the others, except that their levels were one level higher than hers. The only difference was that the equipment on Wu Lingling and the others was different from when they first entered the desolate ruins. Their equipment not only did not improve, but the quality became worse. They went from wearing level 100 weapons and equipment of fine gold or even dark gold quality to now wearing several pieces of mithril-level weapons and equipment. It was as if they were a group of new players with rerolled characters.


"It's not the equipment, it's a change in attitude," Nantian Chihu directly denied it, and then seemed to think of something and couldn't help but look at Wu Lingling and the others, saying, "Calm! Yes, compared to before, they are all much calmer in their spirits."




Yuelin looked at Wu Lingling and the others again, and with Nantian Chihu's reminder, she suddenly realized.


If Wu Lingling and the others were like anxious little rabbits before entering the desolate ruins, showing signs of being at a loss, then now they all seemed like experienced hunters. They faced various dangers in the desolate ruins with great composure, even when they arrived at the entrance to the inner area, they showed no sense of crisis.


What is the desolate ruins?


The desolate ruins is a hell-level area instance. Just the outer area is enough to keep the top experts of the Divine Realm on high alert, not to mention the areas closer to the entrance to the inner area.


Even the members of the Soul Fire Adventure Team, even when resting, are always on edge, not letting any movement around them go unnoticed. Because even a slight mistake could lead to the team's annihilation, rendering all their previous leveling efforts in vain.


But at this moment, Wu Lingling and the others are behaving as if they are just casually sightseeing, without any sense of danger...


"They couldn't have not encountered any monsters along the way, right?" Moon Lin couldn't help but speak up.


The change in attitude of Wu Lingling and the others has left Moon Lin extremely puzzled, not understanding what kind of confidence they have to remain so calm in front of the dangerous entrance to the inner area.


The only possibility is that they haven't encountered any monsters, so they don't take the danger of the desolate ruins seriously.


After entering the desolate ruins, the locations that appear are random. If they appear near them, it is not impossible for them to have cleared a path of monsters all the way here.


Listening to Moon Lin's words, Nan Tian Chihu, who was beside her, also rolled his eyes and slowly said, "If they really haven't encountered any monsters, do you think they could have reached level 101 before us?"


"That's true." Moon Lin suddenly remembered this simple logic, but couldn't help but ask, "But with their strength, how could they have reached here so quickly? Our team has 200 people, while they only have 31 people, and each of them is so weak."


Although the teleportation in the desolate ruins is random, the locations shouldn't be too close to the inner area, and the closer to the inner area, the denser the monsters.


"It's hard to imagine how a team with less strength and far fewer numbers than them could reach the entrance to the inner area so quickly," said Yue Lin.


"I guess it might have something to do with that male swordsman," Nan Tian Chi Hu couldn't help but turn his gaze towards Shi Feng in the crowd, his eyes filled with a hint of battle intent. "It's been a long time since I've encountered such a formidable expert. I never expected to see one in this ancient small world."


Following Nan Tian Chi Hu's gaze, Yue Lin only saw Shi Feng in the crowd, who seemed like an ordinary passerby. She couldn't sense any sharp aura of an expert from him, and even his equipment was surprisingly inferior. His equipment level was lower than that of Wu Ling Ling and the others.


"An expert?" Yue Lin looked at Shi Feng, filled with disbelief.


Even the most ordinary Tier 4 expert in the Divine Domain could easily obtain a set of Level 100 Epic equipment in the ancient small world. Not to mention the experts mentioned by their team leader Nan Tian Chi Hu.


In the entire Divine Domain, those referred to as experts by Nan Tian Chi Hu were at least Half-step Tier 5 experts. Such experts were giants in the Divine Domain and could easily control a top-tier guild with just a word. Not to mention a set of Level 100 Epic equipment, it would be a piece of cake for them to organize a thousand-man expert team for leveling.


But what about Shi Feng?


Not only did he only have thirty people with him, but they were also a group of inexperienced youngsters. If such a thing were to be said, everyone would probably think she was crazy.


"It's normal that you can't see it now. True experts don't reveal themselves easily. Whether it's killing intent or aura, they only manifest in the moment of action because that is the perfect display of self-control," Nan Tian Chi Hu said with a rare smile in response to Yue Lin's disbelief. "Being able to control one's own aura to such an extent, I guess his combat level might be similar to that of the Honorary Elder Qingyun Xiao."


"How is that possible!" Yue Lin's gaze was filled with disbelief.


Qingyun smiled is not only the honorary elder of their Soulfire Adventure Team, but also a great knight of the fifth-order profession. She is one of the top combat powers of the Soulfire Adventure Team, and her fighting level is so high that it is hard to imagine such a fifth-order expert entering the ancient small world, let alone leveling up with a group of little kids.


Nantian Chihu did not deny this either, because he was just speculating. After all, the fifth-order profession is so prestigious that they are busy finding ways to promote to the sixth-order. How could they abandon the many opportunities they had before and casually enter the ancient small world to level up?


As Moonlin and Nantian Chihu chatted back and forth, Stone Peak and the others also arrived in front of the tens of meters tall city wall. However, when Wu Lingling and the others saw the members of the Soulfire Adventure Team resting in front of the city wall, their emotions became very excited.


"Teacher Shi is amazing! We actually caught up with the exploration progress of the Soulfire Adventure Team! I can brag to my old classmates when I go back!"


"Am I dreaming? Our leveling speed is actually faster than the Soulfire Adventure Team?"




Previously, everyone had been relentlessly killing the demonized half-beasts with Stone Peak, constantly improving and enhancing their own technical level. Although everyone knew that their leveling speed was fast, they never thought that their leveling speed would be faster than the famous Soulfire Adventure Team led by Nantian Chihu. For a while, they were all extremely excited.


However, before everyone could get too excited, Stone Peak suddenly said in a deep voice, "Quiet down, it's getting late today. We will rest offline next to the city wall and wait for the opening ceremony of the academy to end. Then, we will log in together and enter the internal area to level up. Remember not to be late."


After hearing Stone Peak's words, everyone complained, feeling that it was too early to rest now. Clearly, they still had plenty of energy, and there were still two hours left until the opening ceremony. They all suggested entering the internal area first, so that they could enter the internal area one step ahead of the Soulfire Adventure Team and continue to fight stronger monsters to improve their technical level. After all, such opportunities were rare.


However, they were all rejected by Stone Peak.


The reason is simple. In the long-term battles in the Divine Realm, due to the recovery potions, it doesn't seem to cost players much stamina on the surface. They all appear energetic, but their mental state is no longer at its peak. Even if they continue to fight, the training effect won't be too good. It's better to return to reality to rest and recharge, which is also beneficial for exploring the internal areas later.


However, Shifeng's refusal also left Wuling Ling with no choice but to log off and rest in frustration.


As Wuling Ling and others logged off, Shifeng also followed suit and chose to log off and rest. After all, today was his first day as a teacher at the Divine Realm Academy, and he couldn't be as free as he was in his previous life.


But talk is talk, and action is action. The villa where he lived was quite far from the Divine Realm Academy. When Shifeng arrived at the academy, the opening ceremony had already started for less than fifteen minutes, barely making it on time.


Originally, Shifeng didn't think much of such an opening ceremony. However, when he walked into the large indoor training ground of the Golden Sea Divine Realm Academy, he was amazed by the opening ceremony held by the academy.


"What's going on?"


In the large training room the size of a stadium, there were not only over a thousand freshmen standing, but also many high-level members of first-class guilds and leaders of second-class guilds sitting there. The number of major guilds exceeded thirty, as if a kingdom within the Divine Realm was holding a grand competition.


As Shifeng walked towards the seat of the academy mentors, he saw dozens of mentors turning their heads to look at him, discussing one by one.


"So he is the former guild leader Shifeng who was expelled by the Shadow Guild?"


"I didn't expect him to dare to come. The current guild leader of the Shadow Guild, Guyiren, personally came today. I heard that he wants to watch his cousin win the championship in this year's freshman academy tournament and become the designated newcomer representing the Shadow Guild to visit and exchange at the Tianji Pavilion branch. Does he think it's not embarrassing enough to come at this time?"


"Maybe he thinks that the genius freshman Wuling Ling he tricked can defeat Guyiren's cousin. After all, Guyiren's cousin, Gutong, is also a renowned talent in the academy, reaching the fifth floor of the Trial Tower, just like Wuling Ling. Maybe there's a chance of winning."


"His idea is good. If it were one-on-one, he would indeed have a chance. After all, their abilities are similar. Unfortunately, this is a team battle. The team led by Gu Tong has two talented freshmen. With just Wu Lingling alone, she won't be able to stop them."




Regarding Shi Feng's arrival, the mentors present were quietly discussing, and some mentors even secretly laughed at Shi Feng for overestimating himself. Clearly, he had been driven out by the Shadow, yet he still planned to rely on the talented freshman, Wu Lingling, whom he deceived, to save face. It was simply shameless and overestimating himself.


Sitting at the end, Luo Tiancheng looked at Shi Feng, who was completely unaware of this, and couldn't help but sneer, "If you want to compare yourself to President Gu, let's see how you embarrass yourself then!"


Amidst the mentors' secret discussions, the opening ceremony of the Divine Realm Academy's freshmen was officially beginning.


After the academy's dean gave a speech, more than ten guild presidents and high-level members also gave speeches, which made the freshmen present excited. They wished they could join these major guilds and make a name for themselves in the Divine Realm, reaching the pinnacle of their lives.


After each speech ended, the highly anticipated freshmen team competition was about to begin, causing the emotions of everyone in the venue to reach its peak.


"Teacher Shi, the notice for the freshmen team competition has been sent to your email a long time ago, and the rules of the competition have been explained in detail. " Wearing a sexy and charming black work uniform, Lin Yaoyue suddenly walked up to Shi Feng and looked at the student participation list on the light brain. She said in surprise, "Are you really sure you only want Wu Lingling to participate?"