
The Beginning and End of a Legend

In 2022, twenty-four-year-old Roman Pierce transcended the boundaries of the ordinary. He dominated every global championship in pool, snooker, and billiards, earning him the title of 'Pool King'. His proficiency was unmatched, even extending into the realm of digital competition – he was the reigning champion in a globally popular 8Ball Pool Video Game.

Born in a regular European family with no siblings, he grew up loved and supported. His father was an accountant and mom was a math and physics teacher in a local school, which made him accustomed to working with numbers from a young age.

During a memorable summer vacation when Roman was just five, he was introduced to the fascinating world of Billiards. It was love at first strike. Immersed in this new passion, he quickly acquainted himself with the rules and game mechanics, developing an insatiable obsession. This passion spilled over into daily games with his father at local billiard clubs, where he steadily honed his skills.

Recognizing his fervor, his parents gifted him a spot at a prestigious billiards academy on his sixth birthday. This proved to be a turning point in young Roman's life. He was fortunate enough to train under a nationally recognized champion who instructed his students with unyielding professionalism and infectious passion.

Funnily enough, before going to the academy, Roman thought that he was one of the best players in the world because he beat his dad a couple times. But he quickly went through a reality check, as he could not even beat anyone in the junior class, but that only ignited his competitive heart to improve and polish his skills.

Roman's education in billiards went far beyond simply aiming and striking a ball. He delved into the intricate strategic aspects of the game, learning to interpret the positioning of the balls on the table, anticipating their trajectory post-strike, and understanding the importance of defensive play when the optimal offensive shot wasn't available. His affinity for math, physics, and geometry became a secret weapon, enabling him to calculate angles, spins, and power requirements with impressive precision just by a glance at the table. Complementing his analytical prowess was his robust technique and steady physique, permitting him to execute each shot with consistent accuracy.

Life became a rhythmic dance for Roman, a steady cadence of discipline, hard work, and commitment. His world revolved around school and the academy, interspersed with the quiet evenings at home and restorative nights of sleep. It was a cycle of constant growth, a tireless pursuit of mastery. But after a year of this strict regimen, Roman's world expanded. He plunged into the demanding arena of competitive play, participating in his first tournament one fateful Saturday morning. The experience was a bitter pill of reality; he was outmatched, outplayed by opponents who carried a wealth of experience under their belts. Yet, Roman didn't recoil from these defeats. Instead, he embedded himself deeper into the world of competitive billiards. Every Saturday became a test, a day to sharpen his skills, acclimatize to the stress of competition, and strive to bring his best game to the table.

When he was eight, Roman finally tasted a hint of victory. Third place wasn't a grand triumph, and the pocket money he won barely offset the expenses of his tournament entries. Yet, this minor achievement was more than a simple prize for Roman; it was a beacon of hope, a validation that affirmed his aspirations. It sparked a new fire in his heart, one that fortified his conviction and paved the way for his journey to become a professional player.

With a fresh wave of confidence, and his eyes set firmly on the pinnacle of the sport, Roman dove headlong into a regimen that would intimidate even the most seasoned athletes. He committed to grueling 4.5-hour daily practice sessions, occasionally playing hooky from school to chalk his cue and refine his strokes. His weeks were punctuated by local tournaments every Saturday, and regional/national tournaments as they came. A lesser soul might've been daunted by such a relentless schedule, but for Roman, it was just another day at the billiards table.

Then came the jaw-dropping upset no one saw coming. At a regional tournament for under-16s, Roman strolled in and, almost casually, won the whole thing. It was like watching a seasoned pro going up against a bunch of rookies. It was hardly surprising, given that he'd been squaring off with hardened adults every Saturday for the last two years, often bagging a spot in the top three. Against kids his own age, it was no contest. Roman practically had his name engraved on the trophy before the first ball was struck.

At the tender age of ten, Roman did the unthinkable—he clinched the national tournament for the under-18s. His victory reverberated through the world of billiards, turning him into an overnight sensation. It was as if he'd pocketed the moon with his cue. But Roman was unperturbed by the sudden onslaught of fame. His sights were set on a higher game.

Over the next few years, Roman stamped his dominance on every regional, national, and European tournament he graced. He racked up awards, honed his craft, and earned a reputation as the game's most promising prodigy. When he was just thirteen, he won the under-18 world championship and received the prestigious title of 'Master'. He wasn't just playing in the big leagues; he was rewriting the rulebook.

By fourteen, Roman had conquered his first European tournament against adults. And, by sixteen, he did what most players only dream of—he became the top-ranked billiards player in the world, claiming the coveted title of Grand Master. Roman had not only learned to run before he could walk, but he also leaped when others were merely taking baby steps. His prowess with the cue was no longer just a talent; it had become a legend.

Yet, rather than basking in the glory of his unmatched feats, Roman's passion for the game only intensified. He was like a billiards prodigy who couldn't get enough of the green baize. Realizing that he had virtually no equals left in the billiards world, he sought fresh challenges, turning his sights on the disciplines of American pool and Snooker. His appetite for the game was insatiable, his resolve unyielding. The new arenas of competition were not so much a choice as they were an inevitable next step in his ceaseless pursuit of mastery.

Even though Roman had never played neither American pool nor snooker seriously, he recognized that it would not be much of a challenge because billiards was the most challenging of these three sports.

Billiards tables were 12 foot long with 15 white balls and 1 red/black ball, the pockets were big enough to barely have a ball go through without touching its edges. American pool tables on the other hand were 7 foot long, pockets were wide enough to fit 2 balls at the same time and the balls were much smaller. Snooker tables were also 12 foot long, but the balls were smaller, and the sport required more control over the ball positions, which Roman was best at. The other difference were the rules and cues that were used to hit the balls, that varied in length.

For Roman though, the above were not really challenges, but advantages. Because billiards was the most challenging, requiring higher precision than the other two, he only needed to practice for a short time to be good and learn the strategies of the games.

By 20 years old, 2018, Roman had won his first American pool World Cup, but failed to win in snooker, as tragically, his snooker cue broke during semifinals of a World Championship when the game score was 6-6, giving his opponent a chance, which the latter took and won the game.

The incident during his snooker game made Roman aware that mishaps happen and that he has to be prepared for everything, therefore he started carrying three cues for each tournament just in case one broke, and then the backup broke, which is nigh impossible, as professional cues are made of high-level expensive wood with excellent craftsmanship by select few masters of the craft.

At the beginning of 2020, when the Snooker World Cup was about to begin, a global pandemic broke out, which resulted in it being cancelled and delayed until further notice. The pandemic became so severe, that travel was blocked, and people were afraid to go outside because of the unknown virus.

Luckily for Roman, he had three pool tables at his home, one for each game, so he could continue practicing and polishing his skills. During the two-year-long pandemic, Roman started a YouTube channel to teach the basics of the games and showcase some of his signature hits. At the same time, he started playing an online pool game, in which he instantly became a top player with almost no losses, reaching the top of the leaderboard under a nickname 'Triple', which he picked out because of his thirst for being a triple world champion in Russian billiards, Snooker, and American pool.

After two years, the global pandemic ended, people got their vaccines, and in 2022, Roman had finally achieved his ambitious goal of owning a triple crown in all the games. He became a world champion in billiards, Snooker, and American Pool at the same time, while leading the leaderboard in the 8Ball Pool online game.

Roman brought this sport to a spotlight and reignited its fading popularity. He became as popular as some movie starts and supermodels, being invited to endorse products, star in some TV productions, and become an ambassador for famous non-profits.

Elated because of his historical achievement, Roman decided to throw a party and invite all of his close friends and family to celebrate his achievement, new title of a 'Pool King', and his journey that took sixteen years to reach the top.

On his way home from the party, slightly drunk, thinking of what is next, he realized that he has achieved all that he has dreamed of. He even thought of learning how to play tennis or other ball games and becoming a world champion there, but he quickly dismissed that idea, as he knew that it was not realistic. Roman remembered an old saying that he once heard somewhere: "it is lonely at the top" and it struck him that he was indeed lonely. Despite having a loving family and some close friends, he had never encountered an opponent that could keep up with him and pose a challenge and shake his dominance over the sport.

Thus, as he gazed at the night sky strewn with stars and spotted a shooting star, he found himself longing for a new goal, a fresh challenge to surmount, yearning for that familiar, relentless pursuit of excellence. However, he quickly understood that wishes cast upon fleeting celestial bodies held no true power. The creation of new goals, he realized, was a responsibility he must bear himself. It seemed as though this epiphany provoked the ire of some unseen Goddess of Luck, because moments later, as he ambled along a sidewalk, he was assailed by the blinding headlights of an off-course truck. The truck had veered from the road in an attempt to avoid colliding with a small girl who had ventured into the street. Regrettably, it was he who bore the brunt of the impact instead.

Roman's last thought was: "At least I have achieved what I wished for, so I can rest in peace now".


Author's Note:

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Thank you, and enjoy the book!

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