

Hoping for a better after much suffering in his past life. our lead with the help of his new friends/family seeks revenge for the injustice brought to him and the ones around him. In his whole new world

Divaxin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Encounter

"When do you think he's going to wake up"

"I don't know"

"Maybe he would never wake up"

"You don't know that grandmaster virgin"

"I told you not to call me that bitch"

"How did he even survive in the abyss for this long"

"I-knowst not"

"I can't sense any kind of protection from him, could this be some kind of cultivation"

"Not everything is about cultivation"

"I won't believe that until I see it for myself"

"Who is speaking?.... When did people get here"

"Guys, Guys, Guys…he's wake!"

"Yay now there's more of us"

"Atleast try to show some excitement or something"

As I regained consciousness, I start to see different bright colored lights flashing in front of me. After I was fully conscious, I see the distinct glow of six different lights which seemed like silhouettes of people (Red, gold, blue, silver, purple, and green)

"Ok everyone, act cool" the man with the blue glow around him speaks up and moves. As he approaches me, I realize that his body is not very well defined, you can't see anything but the see-through outline of a man.

"What's up, I and my friends come in peace" he lifts his arm and parting his middle and ring finger. Peace bro"

"Mon.. Mon...monster!!" I shouted and dashed backward

"Am I really that ugly" he looks at his hand "are these right-hand signs"

"You idiot, just because in your universe they meant peace, doesn't mean peace in other universes" A woman glowing a bright green says to the blue man before moving towards me.

"And to answer your question, yeah you kinda are" she proceeds to appear before me in a split second.

"Please, don't hurt me" I crept back begging her " please don't take me back" "I don't wanna go back, pls"

"wait.. wait.. wait, I didn't mean to scare you … I am sorry," she says as the aura around her dims a little

She tries to move forward but I move back faster. "you are trying to trick me, you will hurt me or send me back to daddy"…." I don't want to go back" I said visibly shaken up with fear as I think about all these things a dark fume like aura begins to glow around my body

"Holy shit is that a…"


"I have heard tales about this"

"It can't be "

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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