
Reincarnation of the Dragon

In the distant future, a profound transformation occurs as an ancient dragon, Zephyrion, is reborn as a human child. With golden-brown hair and silver eyes, the child's extraordinary existence begins to manifest in astonishing ways. Is this child's arrival a twist of fate or something more? As the young Zephyrion grows, the world begins to realize that they are witnessing a unique, enigmatic force emerging from a past shrouded in mystery. "Reincarnation of the Dragon" is a story of an extraordinary rebirth. What unfolds in this new chapter of existence is a tale of wonder, self-discovery, and the uncharted potential of an ancient spirit reborn. Could this rebirth hold the key to something far greater than anyone could have imagined?

Metal_Heart · Fantasi
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10 Chs

Going on a family trip

After the battle ended, I exchanged some pleasantries with the Guard Captain, Roland, and then made my way back to my room. While on my way, I started pondering more about battle arts. 

That was truly an amazing fight. I've always wondered how humans came up with the idea of combining their battle will with mana and actually succeeding in doing so. Humans are known for their adeptness at using battle will. Despite being the weakest among all the major races, humans have consistently held their ground in all the wars they've fought. While most races rely on brute strength, humans have prevailed with their tenacity, trickery, and strategic thinking. Perhaps it's due to their inherent weakness that they've excelled in the use of battle will, a skill that most races consider a mere trick. When someone reaches a certain level of strength, they can exert pressure on their opponents using their will, a technique referred to as battle will. In its purest form, battle will is nothing more than an illusion, a clever ruse played on the opponent's mind. At its weakest, it can create pressure on your opponent, but in the hands of a master, battle will can manipulate an opponent's perception, making them believe an attack is coming from one direction while it's actually coming from another. While this tactic might work on weaker-minded opponents, those with strong willpower can easily resist its effects. 

When it comes to battle arts, their capabilities far surpass those of basic battle will. While battle will is merely an illusion, when mana is infused into it, this mere illusion transforms into a physical phenomenon. In the past, using battle will allowed them to create the illusion that an attack was coming from a different direction. However, with battle arts, they can make that illusion a reality, launching attacks from multiple directions. This innovation can be seen as a testament to human ingenuity, as they have effectively developed their own unique specialty by inventing battle arts. 

In my past life, by the time battle arts gained prominence, I was already reaching the end of my life. This prevented me from exploring the fascinating world of this new art form. What fascinated me the most about battle arts was the underlying theory, which bore a striking resemblance to dragonic magic. While dragonic magic could directly manifest physical phenomena, battle arts achieved similar results by blending mana with one's will. The key difference lay in the fact that dragonic magic didn't rely on mana, whereas battle arts demanded a certain amount of it. 

 My inability to delve into battle arts during my past life wasn't due to my reaching the end of my life but rather my lack of time to complete my experiments. You see, we dragons don't possess battle will; instead, we wield something far more potent known as dragon's might. I often wondered what the outcome would be if I attempted to replicate the principles of battle arts using dragon's might. Yet, before I could make any headway in my experiments, I reached the end of my life. 

While I long to continue my experiments from my previous existence, I remain uncertain about the extent to which I've retained my dragonic powers in this human life. Consequently, for now, all I can do is harbor these thoughts and ponder the possibilities. 

It's currently nighttime, and I'm having dinner along with my parents. Throughout the entire dinner, I noticed that my father was acting a bit suspicious. Just as the dinner came to an end, my father spoke up. 

"Zeph, do you know that the Bellerridge family is going to hold an exhibition of magical tools very soon?" 

Hearing that, my eyes immediately lit up, and I asked, "Really?" 

"Yes, they are going to exhibit various magical tools during this time, including some latest inventions and also some old antiques." 

Hearing him say that, I got super excited and eagerly started listening to him. My heart raced with anticipation. 

"Not only that, but they are also going to conduct a competition during this time to encourage young and upcoming magical tool inventors." 

My father's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he shared the news. 

"But we can't go to this exhibition." 

I immediately got dejected hearing that. I wondered whether it was because our family is ranked lower than the Bellerridge family. The disappointment weighed on my shoulders. 

But then, with an exaggerated expression, my father continued, "Apparently, your mother doesn't want us to go to the exhibition." 

Hearing that, I understood that my father wants to use me as an excuse to go to the exhibition. But I don't mind him using me like that because I also want to go there. I shared an eager glance with him, fully supporting the idea. 

So, I turned to my mother, and with a pleading look, I asked, "Why can't we go, Mom?" 

Looking at me, she appeared a bit reluctant and vexed, her brow furrowing as she considered the request. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, and she finally conceded, "Yes, you can go." 

Hearing that, both my father and I rejoiced. My father's eyes shone with happiness, and I couldn't help but break into a grin. But before my father could completely digest his joy, my mother added, "But only you and Emily will be going along with some of the guards to provide you with security." 

My father's elation was suddenly replaced with an amusing mix of surprise and disbelief. His mouth hung open for a moment before he responded, "But, dear, I thought... we..." 

My mother's expression remained firm, and I could sense that an entertaining back-and-forth argument was about to ensue between my parents. 

I wouldn't exactly call it an argument; it was more of my father's desperate pleading with my mother for permission. Observing his rather pathetic attempt, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for him and interjected, "Why don't we all go together to the exhibition? Like a family trip." 

My mother appeared slightly surprised at first, but a smile eventually graced her face, and she responded, "Okay, let's all go together." 

My father looked visibly relieved, and that's how our family trip to the exhibition was settled. 

The following day, the mansion was a hive of activity as preparations for our upcoming journey continued. Emily, along with two other maids, was assigned to accompany us. The security arrangements of our territory had been entrusted to the Vice-Captain and Captain Roland, who, along with four guards, would be providing protection during our trip. 

The day after that, a magnificent horse-drawn carriage stood ready outside the mansion. We boarded the carriage, setting off in the direction of Marquess Bellerridge's territory. Emily and the other maids joined us inside the same carriage, while Captain Roland and the other guards formed a protective perimeter around it on horseback. 

The carriage that awaited us outside the mansion was a work of art, a polished ebony exterior adorned with intricate golden engravings, reflecting the opulence of the Bellerridge family. Its wheels, spokeless and wrapped in fine leather, glided silently on the cobblestone path. 

As we stepped inside, the plush crimson velvet upholstery cradled us in comfort. Gilded sconces lining the carriage walls bathed the interior in a warm, amber glow. The delicate scent of lavender lingered in the air, evidence of the meticulous care given to every detail. 

Gold-leafed accents framed the windows, each pane more like a jeweled mosaic of stained glass than a simple opening to the world outside. 

The captain's voice, laced with respect, broke the silence. "We are ready to depart, my lord. Please inform us of any specific instructions." 

With your father's nod of approval, our little family trip commenced. The horses pulled the resplendent carriage forward, and we began our journey to the territory of Marquess Bellerridge. 

Although Marquess Bellerridge's territory wasn't a great distance from our own territory, it's still going to take at least a week to reach our destination. As we made our way, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anticipation and excitement. The prospect of the experiences and adventures awaiting me during this journey filled me with enthusiasm.