
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Komik
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22 Chs

18. Sylphiette's hidden side

Author Notes:- I am not feeling well, so this chapter will be short.



As Arthur continued to train Eris and explore the world of knowledge, the Greyrats, Paul and Ruby, returned to their village, Buena.

"Finally, we're back home," said Ruby, looking around the familiar streets.

"I can't wait to take a long bath and rest," replied Paul, stretching his arms.

Upon their arrival, they were greeted by an anxious Zenith who had been worried sick about them.

"Thank goodness you're back!" exclaimed Zenith, embracing both of them. "I was so worried."

"Everything went well, don't worry," assured Paul, patting her back.

Paul assured her that everything had gone well, but before he could explain further, he requested to be let inside.

"Can we come in? We have a lot to tell you," said Paul, looking at Zenith.

"Of course, come in," replied Zenith, opening the door for them.

Once inside, Zenith noticed that Arthur wasn't with them, making her worry that something terrible had happened.

"Where's Arthur?" asked Zenith, looking around them.

"He's still at the Boreas Greyrats' place, teaching Eris," answered Paul.

She asked Paul about the meeting with the Boreas Greyrats, and while he explained everything, Lilia served them refreshments.

"So, tell me everything," said Zenith, sitting down with them.

Paul shared the details of how a simple joke had caused him to take things seriously and how they were welcomed to stay for a few days.

"I couldn't believe it, all that tension for a joke," said Paul, shaking his head.

"Dad thought we were going to fight them!" added Ruby, giggling.

He also explained how Arthur had become an instructor for Eris and how he decided to stay for a few more days to teach her properly.

"Arthur volunteered to teach her, and he's been doing a great job," said Paul, smiling.

Zenith and Lilia were shocked to hear that all the tension had been caused by a jest and blamed Paul for being foolish enough to believe it.

"You should have known better, Paul," scolded Lilia, shaking her head.

"I know, I know," replied Paul, raising his hands in surrender.

Lilia questioned why Arthur had decided to stay and teach Eris, as it wasn't his duty to do so, especially when they already had an experienced instructor in Ghisaline Doldia, a member of their former adventurer party.

"I asked him the same thing, but he said that he saw potential in Eris and that he wanted to help her reach greater heights," explained Paul.

Zenith asked why Arthur was teaching Eris instead of Ghisaline, who was an accomplished sword king.

"He said that Ghisaline is a great fighter, but she couldn't teach Eris discipline like he could," replied Paul."But I'm not very sure," Paul countered. "Maybe Arthur stayed because he fell in love with Eris?"

"Dad, you're just teasing," Ruby retorted and shook her head. "I don't think so. Arthur saw potential in Eris that made him stay. He's just being a good teacher," added Ruby, smiling.

The situation was intense, and Zenith couldn't believe all that had happened. She was worried about Arthur and wondered what would happen next.

"I hope everything turns out well," said Zenith, looking at Paul and Ruby. "We'll have to wait and see."

As the conversation unfolded, a gentle knock echoed through the Greyrats' home. Lilia, curious about the visitor, opened the door to reveal a shy elf girl named Sylphiette, a friend of Ruby and Arthur. Ruby greeted her with a bright smile, inviting her inside.

"Hey, Sylphy! Long time no see!" exclaimed Ruby, giving her friend a warm hug.

Ruby, eager to share the recent events, brought her up to speed, Amid the conversation, Ruby playfully complained about her brother, Arthur, seemingly forgetting about her due to a girl. Sylphiette, the shy elf girl and a friend of Ruby and Arthur, appeared lost as she listened to the unfolding events. Ruby, excited to share, included her in the updates, emphasizing Arthur's extended stay and his role in teaching Eris.

"Can you believe my brother forgot about us because of Eris?" Ruby teased, nudging Sylphiette with a playful grin.

Sylphiette's expression shifted, her unease growing as she processed the unexpected dynamics. While Ruby continued her lively explanation, Sylphiette hesitated, her discomfort becoming apparent.

"I... I think I should go back. I'm not feeling well," she murmured, her shy demeanor paired with a hint of sadness.

Ruby, quick to pick up on Sylphiette's feelings, immediately shifted her tone, recognizing the unintended impact of her words.

"Oh, Sylphy, I didn't mean it like that. It's just a joke. You're always important to us," Ruby reassured, her playful demeanor replaced with a sincere smile.

Despite Ruby's reassurance, Sylphiette remained uncertain. The atmosphere became a mix of emotions as Ruby and Lilia tried their best to make her feel comfortable, understanding that unexpected changes and jokes could be overwhelming

Distraught by the unintended revelation about Arthur and Eris, Sylphiette returned to her home, and when her father, Laws, asked about her day, he said, "Hey Sylphiette, how was your day?"

Sylphiette remained silent for a few seconds before responding, "It was fine, thanks."

Laws noticed that Sylphiette seemed upset and asked, "Is everything okay? You seem upset."

Sylphiette sighed and said, "It's nothing. Really ."

Laws nodded understandingly and said, "Well, if you ever want to talk about anything, I'm here for you."

Sylphiette smiled weakly and said, "Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it." She then headed straight to her room to be alone with her thoughts.

Locking the door behind her, she dove into her bed, seemingly distraught. Little did anyone know, the next scene in her room would have shocked even Arthur or Ruby if they had witnessed it, particularly Ruby.

In the dimly lit room, countless hologram images of Arthur materialized a magical replication that not only captured moments like a modern-day camera but surpassed it in the medieval fantasy world. The sheer scale of her collection, however, went beyond the ordinary. Sylphiette had crafted a heaven of holographic images, each one depicting Arthur in various scenarios. What would have been a remarkable feat of magical prowess took a darker turn as the purpose behind these images became evident.

Her room unveiled a hidden obsession, a collection of Arthur's images that surpassed even the most experienced stalker. Sylphiette's eyes glinted with an unsettling darkness as she gazed at her compilation. She was more than just a fan; she had crossed into the territory of a yandere.

"I'll become stronger, so Arthur will belong to me alone," she whispered with an intense determination, her eyes reflecting a possessive desire.

In her imagination, she painted vivid scenarios of a future where Arthur would be confined to a basement, entirely at her mercy. Lost in her fantasies, Sylphiette's fixation on Arthur had taken a decidedly unsettling turn, leaving an air of unease in her room that contrasted sharply with the innocent exterior she presented to the world.