
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Komik
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22 Chs

15. Eris Boreas Greyrat

( Eris thoughts The night after their dual.........)

Eris sat in her room, brooding over the events of the day. Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions, and she couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that had settled within her. Arthur and Ruby, the Greyrat siblings, had managed to stir up a storm in her world, leaving her with a mix of frustration and begrudging respect.

In the quiet of her room, Eris allowed herself a moment of introspection. "Who do they think they are?" she muttered under her breath. Her bratty exterior masked a turbulent inner turmoil as she grappled with the reality of their encounter.

First, there was Arthur, the so-called sword genius. Eris clenched her fists at the memory of their spar in the courtyard. She had expected a challenge, perhaps even a worthy opponent, but what she got was a revelation of power that surpassed anything she had encountered before. His Ragnarök style, an evolved form of his Wrath Style, had left her reeling.

"Defeated in an instant," she mused, her frustration evident in her furrowed brows. "He made it look so effortless. How could someone my age possess such skill?"

Her thoughts then turned to Ruby, the younger sibling with an affinity for magic. Eris had initially dismissed her as just a tagalong sister, but the demonstration of the sea dragon's roar had shattered that perception. The destructive force unleashed by Ruby's magic left an indelible mark on Eris's pride.

"She casually cast a destruction class magic," Eris fumed. "Who does that? It's reckless, dangerous... and infuriating."

Yet, amidst the frustration, a tiny seed of respect sprouted within Eris. She couldn't deny the undeniable prowess of the Greyrat siblings. Her bratty demeanor momentarily softened as she grudgingly acknowledged their talents.

"Arthur's swordsmanship and Ruby's magic... they're on another level," she admitted to herself. "I hate to admit it, but they're not ordinary."

As she pondered the differences between herself and the Greyrat siblings, a tinge of envy crept into her thoughts. Eris was used to being at the center of attention, her sword skills placing her above her peers. Now, faced with individuals who outshone her in their respective fields, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration.

"They're different," she muttered, her eyes narrowing in thought. "I don't understand how they got so powerful. It's not fair."

Yet, beneath the frustration and envy, a spark of determination ignited within Eris. She wouldn't let herself be overshadowed, not by Arthur's swordsmanship or Ruby's magic. The challenge was set, and she was determined to rise above it.

As Eris prepared for the night, the begrudging respect she felt for Arthur lingered in her thoughts. The Greyrat siblings had left an undeniable mark on her, and the bratty swordswoman couldn't deny that she was now faced with a challenge that went beyond her expectations.

The next day dawned, bringing with it a new set of expectations and requests. Philip, displaying a surprisingly serious demeanor, approached Arthur with a peculiar proposition. "Arthur," he began, "I was wondering if you could help Eris with her studies. She seems to respect you as a swordsman, and I believe she would listen to you more than a mage like Ruby."

Arthur arched an eyebrow, considering the request. "Why not ask Ruby? She's excellent in her studies and magic. Besides, Eris and she are both girls, and it might be more comfortable for Eris to learn from someone closer in age."

Philip, however, had a different agenda, one that lurked in the depths of his thoughts. "I understand your point, Arthur, but I think your influence as a skilled swordsman could be beneficial for Eris. She needs guidance, and you might be the key to unlocking her potential."

Arthur sighed inwardly, sensing an ulterior motive behind Philip's request. "Alright, I'll talk to Eris about it and see if she's willing to learn."

As Arthur approached Eris with the proposition, he found her in the courtyard, practicing her sword forms with intense focus. "Eris," he called out, catching her attention. "Your father asked if I could help you with your studies. What do you think?"

Eris scowled, her irritation evident. "Studies? I hate them. I'd rather spend my time with the sword."

Arthur chuckled, understanding her sentiment. "I get it, but education is essential. Think of it this way: knowledge is another weapon in your arsenal. Besides, it won't hurt to have some balance between swordsmanship and academics."

Eris grumbled but didn't outright refuse. Arthur knew that convincing her would be a gradual process. As they discussed the possibility of study sessions, Philip observed from a distance, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. In his mind, he envisioned a potential alliance between Arthur and Eris, one that could extend beyond studies.

As the day unfolded, Arthur and Eris embarked on a journey of learning, navigating the intricacies of academia alongside their pursuits of swordsmanship. The courtyard became their classroom, and the clash of swords provided a unique soundtrack to their unconventional study sessions.

Despite Arthur's patient attempts to guide Eris through her studies, her refusal persisted, accompanied by a demeanor that bordered on outright rebellion. She remained adamant in her aversion to academic pursuits, displaying a stubbornness that only fueled Arthur's frustration.

One day, after a particularly challenging study session, Eris flippantly tossed aside her books, her expression contorted into a scowl. "This is stupid. I don't need all these fancy words and numbers. I have my sword; that's all I need."

Arthur, his patience tested, couldn't contain his exasperation any longer. "Eris, education is a crucial part of your growth. It enhances your understanding of the world and sharpens your mind. Swords alone won't solve every problem you encounter."

Eris crossed her arms defiantly, unyielding in her stance. "I don't care. I want to be strong with my sword, not buried in books."

Arthur's eyes flashed with frustration. "Being strong is not just about physical prowess. It's about adaptability, strategy, and understanding your adversaries. Knowledge is a weapon in itself. Ignoring it is a disservice to your own potential."

The tension in the courtyard lingered as the clash between Arthur's expectations and Eris's rebellious spirit intensified. The air crackled with unspoken words, each moment pushing them further apart.

As they stood at an impasse, Philip observed from a distance, his eyes betraying a mix of concern and intrigue. He had hoped that Arthur's influence would guide Eris onto a path of self-improvement, but the stubbornness of youth proved to be a formidable obstacle.

Eris, in a fit of frustration, stormed away from the courtyard, leaving Arthur alone with a sense of defeat. The clash of swordsmanship had transformed into a battle of wills, and Arthur found himself grappling with the challenge of bridging the gap between Eris's desires and the responsibilities that lay ahead.

With the sun sinking below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Arthur found solace beneath the shade of an ancient tree. His expression, once composed and determined, now bore the weight of exhaustion and frustration. The clash with Eris over her studies had left him weary, a fact not lost on Ruby.

Approaching her brother with a curious yet concerned gaze, Ruby took a seat beside him. "What happened, Arthur? You look exhausted."

Arthur sighed, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "Teaching Eris is proving to be more challenging than I anticipated. She's so resistant to anything that doesn't involve a sword."

Ruby, ever perceptive, sensed the depth of Arthur's frustration. "Well, you know Eris. She's always been headstrong, especially when it comes to things she doesn't like."

"I just thought she'd understand the importance of education," Arthur admitted, running a hand through his hair. "I want her to realize that there's more to strength than just swinging a sword."

Ruby nodded in understanding. "Maybe she needs a different approach. Not everyone learns the same way. You've got to find a way to make it interesting for her."

A wearied smile touched Arthur's lips. "Easier said than done. But I won't give up on her. I just hope she sees the value in what I'm trying to teach her."

As the siblings sat beneath the tree, the evening breeze carried with it a sense of contemplation. The challenges of bridging the gap between Eris's stubbornness and Arthur's earnest intentions lingered in the air.

With the dawn of a new day, Arthur's mind buzzed with determination, fueled by a newfound idea. The challenge of teaching Eris seemed insurmountable, but he was not one to back down from adversity. As the morning sun bathed the courtyard in a warm glow, he approached Eris with a different proposition.

"Eris," Arthur began, his tone carrying a subtle hint of excitement, "what if I show you a way to enhance your swordsmanship that doesn't involve poring over books?"

Eris, ever skeptical, arched an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I don't need some fancy technique."

Arthur grinned, his plan unfolding in his mind. "I'm talking about a skill that could revolutionize your approach to battles. It's called future sight."

The mention of such a skill piqued Eris's interest, and she couldn't hide her curiosity. "Future sight? Like seeing the future?"

Arthur nodded. "Not exactly seeing it, but predicting it. It's a skill that involves assessing your opponent's abilities, calculating possible outcomes, and making split-second decisions in battle. Imagine being steps ahead of your opponent."

Eris's eyes narrowed, contemplating the potential advantages. "And how do you plan to teach me this?"

"Through a combination of swordsmanship and intent magic," Arthur explained. "I'll guide you in honing your instincts, reading your opponent's moves, and reacting before they even make a move."

Though still skeptical, Eris couldn't deny the allure of such a skill. "Fine, I'll give it a shot. But don't think I'll become some bookworm like Ruby."

Arthur chuckled. "No need for that. This is about practical skills, not theories."

And so, under the shade of that ancient tree, Arthur began a new chapter in Eris's training. With each swing of the sword and every whispered incantation of intent magic, he aimed to unlock the latent potential within Eris. The journey toward mastering future sight had begun.

As Arthur delved into the intricacies of training Eris, he emphasized the importance of mathematics in honing her newfound skill of future sight.

"Eris, you see, mathematics isn't just about numbers and equations," Arthur explained with a calm demeanor. "In battle, it becomes a tool, a language that allows you to decode your opponent's intentions."

Eris scrunched her face in disbelief. "Mathematics? In sword fighting?"

Arthur nodded, his gaze fixed on the training grounds. "Imagine every move your opponent makes as a variable in an equation. Their speed, strength, the angle of their strikes—all these elements contribute to the mathematical formula of the battle. By understanding these variables, you can predict the outcome and plan your actions accordingly."

With a hint of skepticism, Eris questioned, "So, you're saying I should be doing calculations in the middle of a fight?"

"Not exactly," Arthur clarified. "The calculations become second nature with practice. It's about training your mind to process information rapidly, allowing you to react almost instinctively. Mathematics provides a structured approach to analyzing and predicting your opponent's moves."

As the days unfolded, Arthur seamlessly integrated mathematical concepts into Eris's training regimen. They worked on scenarios, dissecting each movement and understanding the mathematical patterns hidden within the chaos of battle. Through relentless practice, Eris began to grasp the connection between mathematics and swordsmanship.

In one session, Arthur demonstrated a swift series of strikes, each move calculated with precision. "Think of each strike as a variable in an equation. The more you understand these variables, the more accurate your predictions become."

Eris, although initially resistant, gradually recognized the value of this unconventional approach. The once abstract world of mathematics transformed into a practical and tangible tool for enhancing her combat skills.

As they continued this unique training, Eris's swordsmanship improved, and her understanding of battle dynamics deepened. The union of mathematics and swordsmanship became a distinctive aspect of her training, setting her on a path toward mastering future sight.

Ghislaine, the skilled swordswoman from the beast race, observed the unconventional training Arthur was providing to Eris with a growing interest. Her eyes, usually stern and focused, betrayed a spark of curiosity as she witnessed the unique fusion of mathematics and swordsmanship.

Arthur noticed Ghislaine's attention and, with a welcoming gesture, invited her to join the training. "Ghislaine, care to give it a try? The more perspectives we have, the richer the learning experience."

The beastwoman's expression shifted from stoic to intrigued, and with a nod, she stepped onto the training grounds. Eris, still adjusting to the mathematical approach, observed with a mix of skepticism and fascination.

As Ghislaine and Arthur engaged in a sparring session, it became evident that her combat style was deeply rooted in instinct and raw power. Arthur, on the other hand, employed his calculated strikes, utilizing the mathematical principles he had imparted to Eris.

Ghislaine adapted swiftly, recognizing the potential of integrating mathematical insights into her own formidable technique. The clash of swords echoed on the training grounds, creating a dynamic tableau of contrasting styles.

After a particularly intense exchange, Ghislaine sheathed her sword and regarded Arthur with a newfound respect. "You've got an interesting way of approaching things, Arthur. I never thought mathematics would have a place in the art of the sword, but I can see its merit."

Arthur, catching his breath, smiled appreciatively. "It's about understanding the patterns, Ghislaine. Every fight is like solving a complex equation, and with the right calculations, you can gain an edge."

Impressed by the practicality of Arthur's teachings, Ghislaine expressed her desire to explore this unconventional training further. "I'd like to learn more. Perhaps there's something I can contribute from my own experiences."

The training sessions evolved into a collaborative effort, with Arthur, Eris, and Ghislaine exchanging insights and refining their techniques. The unconventional amalgamation of swordsmanship and mathematics became a hallmark of their training, attracting the interest of others in the household.

Ruby, inspired by the unconventional training methods Arthur introduced for swordsmanship, felt a surge of curiosity about the potential integration of mathematical calculations into her magical endeavors. The idea of infusing precision and calculation into the art of magic intrigued her.

One day, while Arthur, Eris, and Ghislaine were engrossed in their collaborative training, Ruby decided to embark on a solo experiment. She retreated to a secluded spot near the training grounds, armed with her grimoire and a determination to unravel the mysteries of combining magic with calculated precision.

With focused intent, Ruby began to sketch intricate magical symbols and runes, carefully considering the mathematical principles behind each stroke. The air around her shimmered with ethereal energy as she delicately wove the threads of calculation into the fabric of her magical creation.

As she continued her experimentation, the magic circle she was drawing began to manifest with unprecedented clarity and potency. Each line and curve resonated with a mathematical harmony, enhancing the magical resonance of the spell she was crafting.

In her mind, Ruby could almost see the equations coming to life, forming a bridge between the abstract world of mathematics and the tangible realm of magic. It was an unprecedented fusion, a synergy that held the promise of unlocking new levels of magical proficiency.

Unbeknownst to Ruby, her solo experiment hadn't gone unnoticed. Arthur, having sensed the unique magical fluctuations, approached her with a mixture of curiosity and encouragement. "Ruby, what are you up to?"

Ruby, still engrossed in her magical calculations, looked up with a glint of excitement in her eyes. "I'm trying something new, Arthur. Adding a bit of calculation to my magic. Who knows, it might open up new possibilities."

Arthur, intrigued by her initiative, nodded approvingly. "Keep at it, Ruby. The intersection of magic and mathematics could be a powerful avenue to explore. Let me know if you discover anything groundbreaking."

Encouraged by Arthur's support, Ruby continued her experimentation, pushing the boundaries of conventional magical practices. Her determination to integrate calculation into magic marked the beginning of a new chapter in her magical journey, one that held the promise of unlocking untapped potential and expanding the horizons of what magic could achieve.

With the integration of calculation into her magical practices, Ruby's experiments began to yield fascinating results. Intricate magic circles adorned with mathematical precision became a hallmark of her spell casting. As she delved deeper into this unexplored intersection of magic and mathematics, Ruby's proficiency in spellcasting reached new heights.

Meanwhile, Eris, under Arthur's patient guidance, was making remarkable progress in her training. The once defiant and bratty demeanor began to soften as she grasped the significance of blending strategic thinking with combat prowess. The sword lessons, coupled with the introduction of intent magic and future sight, honed her skills in ways she had never imagined.

Eris, after much reluctance, had finally come to terms with the importance of intellect complementing physical prowess. Her acceptance to learn from Arthur marked a significant milestone, a triumph that brought a mixture of relief and pride to Arthur's heart.

Seeing Eris relenting in her stubbornness, Arthur couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion. His efforts to impart not only swordsmanship but also the significance of strategic thinking were finally bearing fruit. With a nod and a heartfelt smile, he wiped away a tear, silently acknowledging the growth he witnessed in his student.

As their training continued, Arthur decided to introduce Eris to another crucial aspect of leadership and conflict—politics. Eris, initially puzzled, voiced her concern. "Why do I need to learn about politics? I'm a swordswoman, not a politician."

Arthur, with a patient demeanor, explained, "Politics is not just about governance; it's about understanding the intricate dynamics of power, alliances, and strategies. In battles, especially on a larger scale, knowing how political decisions can influence the outcome is vital."

Eris furrowed her brow, still uncertain about delving into the complexities of politics. "But isn't that stuff for rulers and kings? I just want to become a strong swordswoman." 

Arthur's gaze softened as he explained, "Being a strong swordswoman is just one aspect. To truly lead, you must comprehend the broader picture. Politics is the unseen force that shapes the battlefield. Learning it will make you not just a formidable warrior but a wise and strategic leader."

Eris, still wary, asked, "But what does it have to do with swinging a sword?"

Arthur, with a thoughtful expression, responded, "Imagine this, Eris. A battle isn't just won on the front lines. The decisions made behind the scenes, the alliances forged, and the understanding of your enemies' motives—all of these are influenced by politics. As a leader, you must navigate these complexities to ensure victory."

Despite her initial reluctance, Eris found herself nodding in understanding. The realization that battles extended beyond mere physical combat slowly dawned on her. Arthur's holistic approach to training, encompassing swordsmanship, magic, and now politics, was transforming her into a more well-rounded and insightful individual.

Over the following weeks, as Eris delved into the intricacies of political strategy, her perspective expanded. She began to grasp the interconnectedness of military and political decisions, recognizing how a well-executed political maneuver could tip the scales in favor of victory.

Arthur, watching Eris absorb these lessons, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The transformation of the once defiant girl into a disciplined and insightful warrior was a testament to the effectiveness of his unconventional training methods.

As the sun set on another day of training, Arthur reflected on the journey they had undertaken. The amalgamation of swordsmanship, magic, and now politics was molding Eris into a formidable force, ready to navigate the complexities of both the battlefield and the broader world.