
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

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22 Chs

06: The Magic Swordsmanship and Ancient Language

During one of their training sessions, Arthur had a revelation. He had been diligently practicing the Sword God Style, aiming to strike faster and more effectively. As he watched his companions experimenting with their magic, an idea began to take shape in his mind. What if he could combine his swordsmanship with their magic, creating a powerful fusion?

Excitement brimming within him, Arthur gathered his friends around during a break from training.

"Listen, everyone," Arthur started, a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. "I've been thinking about something. What if we could incorporate magic into the Sword God Style? I mean, using magic to enhance our sword strikes and make them even swifter and more powerful."

Ruby's eyes lit up with curiosity. "That sounds intriguing, Arthur. How do you envision this working?"

Arthur eagerly shared his vision. "Imagine our sword strikes being infused with the power of elements like wind, fire, or ice. It could make us even more formidable in combat, allowing us to strike first and overpower our opponents."

Roxy, always eager to explore the possibilities of magic, chimed in, "I'm interested in this concept, but how would we go about it? Magic and swordsmanship are distinct disciplines."

Arthur nodded, appreciating their interest. "That's true, but I think it's possible to find a synergy between the two. We could create techniques that combine the swift and aggressive nature of the Sword God Style with the elemental power of magic. It might be a bit challenging, but the results could be game-changing."

With unanimous agreement, they decided to embark on this new journey of magic-infused swordsmanship. Each of them would explore ways to incorporate their unique magic specialties into Arthur's sword techniques, aiming to make his strikes faster, more effective, and imbued with the elemental power of magic.

The practice sessions that followed were a mix of trial and error, creativity, and moments of inspiration. As they honed their skills, Arthur's Sword God Style evolved, becoming a fusion of martial prowess and magical mastery.

The characteristics of the Sword God Style, with its emphasis on striking first, found new dimensions with the incorporation of magic. Arthur Ruby and Roxy were on the cusp of a revolution in combat, and their innovative approach promised to change the way swordsmanship and magic were perceived in their world.

It wasn't an easy path. They faced challenges and setbacks, as the melding of two distinct disciplines was no simple feat. However, their determination and belief in the potential of this fusion fueled their efforts.

In time, Arthur's strikes gained a new dimension. He could channel the power of the wind into his sword, making his slashes swifter and deadlier. He learned to conjure flames with his blade, engulfing his enemies in fiery devastation. The elements obeyed his command, and his Sword God Style became a force to be reckoned with.

As for the concept of 'Mana Sight,' it became an invaluable addition to their arsenal. With this spell, they could see the flow and concentration of mana, unveiling the intricate web that connected their world. It was a revelation that promised untold possibilities.

With their newfound understanding and abilities, Arthur delved deeper into the world of magic-infused swordsmanship While Ruby and Roxy helped him. They created intricate magic circles in the air, manipulating mana to enhance their spells, and pushing the boundaries of what was previously thought possible.

The fusion of the Sword God Style and magic was a testament to their dedication and creativity. They had become a formidable trio, each contributing their unique talents to the group, and the world would soon bear witness to their revolutionary approach to combat.


In the heart of their training ground, Arthur faced off against his father, Paul, for a friendly sparring match. The sun cast its warm glow upon them, and the anticipation in the air was palpable. Both father and son were skilled swordsmen, but this day held a surprise that would leave Paul in awe.

As they clashed swords, Arthur's movements were swift and precise, as expected of someone trained in the Sword God Style. But what set him apart was the addition of magic to his swordsmanship. With a deft flick of his blade, a gust of wind swirled around it, enhancing the speed and force of his strikes. Paul, taken aback by the unexpected elemental infusion, struggled to keep up.

Paul's eyes widened in astonishment. "Arthur, how are you doing that? No one can wield magic while sparring like this!"

Arthur, with a proud smile on his face, replied, "I've been exploring the fusion of magic and swordsmanship. If you're interested, I could teach you how to do it."

Paul's expression turned sheepish as he admitted, "I'm not very good with magic, Arthur. It's always been a challenge for me."

Arthur nodded understandingly. "I see. Well, there's a simpler way to use magic that doesn't require complex spells or incantations. Ruby and Roxy came up with four methods of magic, and one of them is using your intent."

Curious, Paul inquired, "Using intent? How does that work?"

Arthur explained, "It's the easiest way to use magic, as it only requires your intent to manipulate mana. However, it's also the hardest to master because it relies on instinct and pure intention. You have to feel the magic within you and guide it with your will."

As father and son continued their sparring, Arthur guided Paul through the process of using magic with intent. It wasn't easy, and Paul struggled to grasp the concept at first. But with Arthur's patient guidance, he started to feel the flow of mana and how to channel it with his intent.

The training continued, and Paul's movements became more fluid as he incorporated magic into his swordsmanship. With each strike, he infused his blade with elemental power, creating a beautiful dance of wind and fire.

As the day drew to a close, Paul wiped the sweat from his brow and looked at his son with newfound respect. "I never thought I'd be able to use magic like this. Thank you, Arthur, for your patience and guidance."

Arthur smiled, "You're welcome, Dad. It's all about finding the right approach to magic that works for you."

With the fusion of magic and swordsmanship, Arthur and Paul unlocked a new dimension in their training. They sparred not only with steel but with the elements, a testament to their evolving skills.

As they left the training ground, Paul couldn't help but marvel at the potential of magic and the endless possibilities that lay ahead. With the knowledge of the four methods of magic – mana sight, magic circles, programming, visualization, and intent – they were ready to embark on a journey of discovery, forging their path in a world filled with wonders and mysteries.

Chapter 6: The Power of Ancient Language

Ruby had been engrossed in her studies, exploring the depths of magic and its various applications. As she delved into ancient tomes and scrolls, a sudden epiphany struck her like a bolt of lightning. It was a thought that would change the way she approached magic.

She approached her companions, excitement brimming in her eyes. "I've had a revelation, something incredible. Words have power, and the more ancient and important the language, the greater the effect of the incantation."

Roxy, intrigued by Ruby's enthusiasm, inquired, "What do you mean, Ruby?"

Ruby explained, "Imagine using the power of chant with an ancient language, like the dragon language. It could amplify the magic to extraordinary levels. We could accomplish feats we never thought possible."

But Roxy interrupted Ruby's dream with a dose of reality. "The dragon language is a closely guarded secret known only to the dragons themselves. You won't learn it unless you encounter a living dragon-like Perugius."

Ruby spoke up with a curious expression," Perugius is that the hero from the fairytale Perugius Dola",

Roxy clarified " It's not a fairytale Perugius Dola is a real hero who saved the world from demon god Laplace with his companions, he is called Armored Dragon King, a high-ranking member of the Dragon Tribe and one of the Seven Great Heroes who sealed away the Demon God Laplace 500 years ago. He still resides in the floating castle Chaos Breaker, awaiting the Demon God's revival".

Ruby asked, "So, can't we just go to him to learn the dragon language?"

"Gaining entry into Perugius' flying fortress is no easy feat, especially considering that he only grants access to those who have piqued his interest". Roxy responded with this information.

Arthur, who had been silently listening to the conversation, realized that Ruby's idea had merit. He knew the dragon language from his past life, an inheritance from the Welsh dragon. However, he chose not to reveal his past life to his companions. Instead, he decided to provide an explanation that wouldn't raise any suspicions.

"Well, actually," Arthur began, "I recently stumbled upon a book that detailed the dragon language along with ancient runes. I thought it might be interesting to explore and see if it could enhance our magic."

Ruby, grateful for Arthur's support, smiled, "That's fantastic, Arthur. Let's give it a try. With the power of ancient language and the secrets of runes, we can push the boundaries of our magic to new heights."

With a shared sense of purpose, they embarked on a journey to harness the power of ancient languages and runes. Their quest would lead them to discoveries and challenges they had never imagined. As they delved into the world of magic and ancient knowledge, they were unknowingly shaping the future of their world.

Their research into ancient languages and runes became an endeavor of both fascination and frustration. The books and scrolls they had acquired were filled with intricate symbols and inscriptions, each holding the potential for extraordinary magic.

In their quest to understand these languages, Ruby and Roxy took the lead, deciphering the meanings of symbols and phrases. They uncovered the connection between ancient languages and the manipulation of mana. With Arthur's support, they ventured further into their research, creating their versions of the incantations based on the principles of the dragon language.

As they practiced these ancient incantations, the results were both inspiring and baffling. The magic they wielded had a raw, untamed power that transcended their previous abilities. It was as if the very words they spoke carried the weight of centuries, infusing their spells with unparalleled strength.

Their first attempts were often met with unpredictability. A simple fire spell, when spoken with ancient words, could unleash a torrent of flames far beyond their control. It was exhilarating and dangerous, forcing them to refine their understanding and pronunciation.

Arthur, in his capacity as both a practitioner and observer, couldn't help but notice the transformation taking place within his friends. Ruby and Roxy, who had once struggled to grasp even the basics of swordsmanship, now found themselves immersed in the intricacies of ancient languages and the power they held.

Roxy, in particular, discovered a natural affinity for these incantations. Her magic, which had been limited to Saint-ranked spells, expanded exponentially as she harnessed the potential of ancient languages. Her ability to manipulate mana grew with each attempt, allowing her to cast spells of astounding magnitude.

As for Ruby, the ancient incantations provided a means to bridge the gap between her limited magical capabilities and her companions' advanced skills. Her spells became more refined and controlled, carrying the precision and power of a seasoned mage.

However, their newfound knowledge came with a challenge – the dangers of wielding such potent magic. It required not only a deep understanding of the incantations but also a disciplined will to control the unleashed power. Unintended consequences were a constant threat, and the group faced numerous mishaps during their experiments.

Amidst the chaos and excitement, Arthur observed the changes in his friends with a sense of pride. Roxy and Ruby had transcended their limitations, becoming formidable magic users in their own right. He knew that their journey was far from over and that they would continue to explore the depths of ancient languages and their connection to magic.