
1 Month Timeskip

So it's been a month since I was taken in by the Old man. I have been grinding the hell out of things. And have discovered some things. Well first of all if I have a skill for something, my learning speed will be multiplied by 20-30 times. I don't have to increase my Int to increase my mana pool, once I exhaute my mana pool it will naturally expand while regenerating. Another thing is the system increase my physical growth by a ridiculous amount, by that I mean the past one month of exercise is equal to 5 months of heavy workouts for a normal person with aura. I have also unlocked my aura. If we had a chronological timeline then it would look like this.(A.N: If you don't know, aura makes a person grow stronger quicker. Aura helps muscle become denser quicker and stuff, I don't really know.)

______________10 hours after becoming Old mans discipline________

It was now night, the Old man had given me a room to stay at the back of the blacksmith shop. 'So since I'm now alone first things first, I need to unlock my aura, secondly I will try to trace a few lower quality swords I got from other blacksmith shops.' Thinking that I took the aura unlocking pill and ate it. A bubbly feeling came and wrapped around my body. Now my body had a red aura surrounding it.

'So that aura. Lets retract it' I thought as I focused on pushing the bubbly feeling within me. A few minutes after I was successful.

[Skill gained Aura Control 1/100 : Common grade

The higher the level, the less aura you use to block attacks from causing damage and less aura wasted while using it.]

'That's helpful. Now let's try to find and control mana. Jarvis any tips.' Since my aura had been activated which during the process I felt it, so it wasn't hard to find it since I knew what I was looking for. Same cannot be said for mana since I have never been in contact with it, so I made the most logical choice of asking Jarvis.

[Mana feels mostly like warm water and is everywhere in you. It is also constantly on the move but tend to stick on the right of your heart, this spot is called the mana pool. Focus on that point and try to find a warm water.]

Listening to Jarvis I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my mana core and to find the warm water. After 10 or so minutes I felt something. What I felt was like water, it was warm yet gave a cooling feeling.

'This must be mana.' from how Jarvis described mana I was sure this was mana. I used my will to command it to move towards my hand. I felt as if the mana followed a path carved just for it , like how we have veins for blood. Following these veins the mana reached to my fingertips. Using my will once again ,I made the mana focus on my palm and exit is. Slowly but surely a thin vapor came out of my hand, I commanded the mana that I had released into the air to form a ball. When I opened my eyes a light red color ball on top of my hand greeted me. I was surprised as I hadn't expected it to be so easy.

[You have gained the skill Mana Manipulation lvl 2/100 Common grade

A skill that lets you manipulate mana easier while wasting less mana]

'Didn't expect it to be that easy. My next and last experiment of the day would be UBW, but first lets grind this skills level for a bit so my job becomes easier.' So I grinded this for a good 20 minutes.

[The skill Mana Manipulation has become lvl 8]

'It's time.' It was now time to attempt at using UBW.In UBW, I have to take the design that I stored on my short exploration, let's make sure it's not too complicated so it becomes easier since this is my first try.

'Ok lets start. Finding design....found, replicating structure.....replicated, filling replaced structure...filled, solidifying.....solidified. Structure successfully created.' Looking into my hand I found a 30 cm long short sword. It seemed solid and looked exactly like how I saw it. I don't know how durable it was. Well I learned one thing about my UBW today,it's not battle ready yet. Why? It took me 30 Minutes to make a short sword that probably won't even last me a full fight. Well let's continue grinding tomorrow but first.

'Status, Skills' Yes it turns out there is a branch of status that shows skills.

Name: Emiya Ryu

age:8 lvl 1

Hp 110 16.5 ph

Mp 249/624 56 ph

Ki 401/420 115 ph {(Str+End) x 20}=AP {(Agi+End) x 5}= AP ph

Str 10

Agi 12

End 11

Int 60

Wis 26

Condition: Tired]

[Muramasa blacksmithing 1/10 Super Rare Exp 0/200

Unlimited blade works:lv 1/10 Rare Exp 2/100

Holy fire familiarity 0%

Swordsmanship lv1/100: Common

Aura reading: Rare

Aura Control 1/100 : Common

Mana Manipulation lvl 8/100 Common]

'So aura and mana have 2 different energy pools. Does that mean if I were to have a shit ton of different energies I would have almost infinite energy.' A crazy idea came to my mind. But of course it was ruined.

[Unfortunately no. Ki is your physical energy, and mana is your soul energy. Ki can become energies such as nen. Mana can become prana or similar energies. ] (Thank you ALİVe, for pointing out chakra is a mixture of soul and body.)

'My dreams... all of them were destroyed.' Ryu became a little depressed but soon got over it. 'Lets sleep now. We have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight Jarvis.'

[Goodnight Ryu]

___________________________5 days after becoming Old mans discipline___________________

"This is ridiculous!!! I give up on trying to understand you!!" The past 4 days the old man has been teaching me how to forge. And I was learning pretty fast..... maybe a little to fast.

"It takes people years, YEARS of hard work to perfect the basics! Then there is you! It took you 4 , 4 FUCKİNG DAYS to master it, your talent is FREAKISH!! I give up." He has been complaining like this for an hour now. The skill gives me a learning boost, added with my already high affinity for swords.....lets just say freak is an understatement. Also the physical activity of the forge helped me get my stats up to the par.

'Lets ignore him for now, he needs to vent. So I'm gonna check my stats. Status. Skills.'

Name: Emiya Ryu

age:8 lvl 1

HP 190/190 26.5 ph

MP 829/829 60.5 ph

Ki 740/740 175 ph

Str 18

Agi 16

End 19

Int 61

Wis 30

AP: 1000

Condition: Satisfied]

[Muramasa blacksmithing 3/10 Super Rare Exp 360/600

Unlimited blade works:lv 4/10 Rare Exp 396/400

Holy fire familiarity 12%

Swordsmanship lv10/100: Common

Aura reading: Rare

Aura Control 16/100 : Common

Mana Manipulation lvl 20/100 Common]

'My skills are coming along nicely~. My stats too. Its kinda funny that a 8 years old child, being almost as strong as an adult.' I have also been practicing my holy fire at night by making shapes out of it. 'I have noticed that the flames becoming hotter and dense so maybe the more familiar I am with it, the more of its power I can bring out. Or maybe it's getting stronger with me which would be even better.'

[Ryu, only EX grade and above can get stronger with you. Also your 1st guess is correct.]

'Thats a buzz kill. Now that I look at UBW again, am I not supposed to have a reality marble. Did I not get it.'

[The skill UBW must at least be lvl 8 to unlock your reality marble.]

'Anyways, the blacksmith way was definitely the way to go. I have only managed to forge Common grade swords but a single one of them sell for 10 each while a Beowulf is 1 point. Of course the Old man would get suspicious if something disappeared into thin air, so I make the swords I will sell from the metals within the system. Except the first one which I made again so he wouldn't get what's going on. Now let's continue the grind.'


'Of course after he finishes complaining.'

_________________20 days after becoming Old mans discipline__________________________

[Congrats, you have made a Peak Common grade item]

"A new best! Hell Yeah!"

Cuite a few things happened in the last 20 days. First of all I got a personal forge which was about 10 meters away from the shop. The old man said that I should me honored because no other apprentice blacksmith has ever gotten their personal forge in under a year. This happened 10 days ago so.... meh. Good new is that I can now grind uninterrupted for as long as I want, this caused my addiction to get MORE POINTS to increase. At this point I had become a point pervert. I have put my heart and soul into forging for points!! Which somehow boosted my ridiculous growth speed once again. The Old man said that I was comparable to an Advance blacksmith. He also told me that the study material for learning forging is separated into 5 levels. Apprentice, Journeyman, Advanced, Master and Grandmaster. From what I can tell they are basically Common, Common, Peak Common, Rare, Peak Rare. My stats also had a good leap, I also visited the system shop once to get a few much needed skills for my addiction.

'Status, Skills.'

[Name: Emiya Ryu

age:8 lvl 1 0/1000

HP 270/270 41.5 ph

MP 1580/1670 73 ph

Ki 1080/1080 280 ph

Str 27

Agi 29

End 27

Int 70

Wis 38

AP: 2300

Condition: Satisfied]

[Muramasa blacksmithing 5/10 Super Rare Exp 130/1000

Unlimited blade works:lv 6/10 Rare Exp 22/600

Holy fire familiarity 27% Rare

Swordsmanship lv30/100: Common

Aura reading: Rare

Aura Control 37/100 : Common

Mana Manipulation lvl 60/100 Common

Sleep? Common

Des: Lets one not have to sleep for 24 hours without causing any health problems or shunning growth. After the 24 hours is over the user will feel extreme sleepiness.

Concentration Common

Des: Lets one concentrate on a certain thing without getting bored or distracted.]

These new skills were very important. Why well I could get more points in a shorter amount of time. The sleep? skill lets me work when I normally wouldn't, and concentration skill lets me not have to take breaks and not get bored as well as making my product of higher quality since I was concentrating in it more. My UBW leveled up like crazy. Now that added with my control is so efficient. If we were to say the first short sword I made costed 20 mp, it now costs 2 mp while being 6~8 times more durable and sharper. A double edged middle ages sword takes about 20 mp to make, a katana however takes 15 mp, maybe it's because I have an affinity towards it. Going onto my flame. I honestly think ,if holy fire could hurt pure beings it would at least be Super Rare grade. It's so hot, 900~1.200 degrees celsius right now. I also learned how to coat my sword with the fire. Now that I think of it I should buy a fire magic skill because I wouldn't want what happened to the silver eyed warriors to happen to me, wich starts with S and ends with alem.The old man has been sharpening my sword skill and training my body saying 'A good blacksmith should understand the weapon they are making. A good blacksmith should have a healthy and strong body to support them.'. Wich made sense and helped me alot, but it still was a pain in the ass.

So, I was bored and decided to do a double release. Anyways SAYANORA.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Leo_Valdez996creators' thoughts
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