
Reincarnated with my Greed System

Reincarnation is a thing that our MC has read and seen for a long time. And because of that, though he was surprised he had managed to adjust to his new situation quite remarkably. Being the only son of a Baron helped as though it isn't much he is still technically a noble and his family held some land and power over it. But it soon changed when a screen appeared in front of him. [Greed System has been activated] When he heard those words he was shocked as this laid the foundation for his future actions as he would use the system to rise through the ranks of the world. A/N: This is a practice fanfiction since I wanted to give it a try. Image used for cover does not belong to me.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs

1. System Start

The last thing that Cassian remembers about his previous life was of him dying due to being crushed by a falling house. The reason for its fall being a very powerful earthquake which had destroyed the already damaged place as he was unfortunate enough to be inside it at that moment.

The next thing he knows is that he had found himself being reborn in another world. He only awakened or maybe perhaps possessed Cassian when the boy was 12 years old. When he came to realise what had happened he had checked himself and was quite displeased with himself.

Before he awakened, the boy known as Cassian was a lazy, spoiled brat who doesn't leave his house and spends the bulk of his time in the mansion of his family. Due to that the people of the family territory haven't seen his face.

Of course, since after he awakened and remembered his past he had endeavoured to better himself. Since it is a fantasy world he was quite sure that it will have its fair share of dangers and he wanted to be able to at least survive those.

Due to that he started to train his body and study about the world. And since this world is in the mediaeval age, the exercises used in the modern times to train the body hasn't been formed. He used this lack of exercise to his advantage as used them to train his own body.

Right now he is a 16 year old boy. He has brown hair and fair skin, along with light blue eyes. He also is quite good looking and his body is to be admired. He has a height of 170 cm and his body is chiseled and a person could make out his muscles. Of course, no one from the house knows about it since he always covered himself up to hide his hard trained and sculpted body.

Speaking of which, Cassian is currently sitting in the family library, reading a book while drinking his morning tea in silence. He is wearing a noble suit as it covered his entire body. There wasn't any servant tending to him, and he preferred it that way. The previous owner of the body was quite lazy and made the servants do almost all of his things.

He didn't want to become lazy like that and would do his own things on his own and it has clearly benefited him.

"The weather is nice today and my morning tea is tasty as well." Cassian comments as he looked out at the sky.

He then took another sip of his tea and flipped the page of his book. But then the door to the library suddenly opened catching him off guard as he looked at the door. His face twisted into one of annoyance as he recognised the person, or more specifically the girl who is standing at the door.

"What do you want Alicia?" Cassian asked the girl as he controlled his face.

"I need you right now. Come on." Alicia said to him as he looked at her.

Alicia is a 17 year old girl with long flowing blonde hair that reached her hips, green eyes, fair skin and a beautiful face. Paired with her rather curvaceous body and her voluptuous breasts and butt, she is without a doubt a beautiful woman. She is dressed in noble attire which mainly consists of the colour green.

"What do you need me for?" Cassian asked her with a sigh.

"Just come here you good for nothing little brother of mine." Alicia ordered him this time as she fixed him with a glare.

'Well, there goes my peaceful morning.' Cassian thought to himself as he sighed before getting up from his couch.

After that he helped his sister which frankly wasn't that much work and was something that could've been done by a servant. He knew that she was probably doing it to mess with him like always.

He is the only child of his father, the leader of the noble house of Lancaster, holding the rank of Baron. He is the only son of this man, but he isn't the oldest. It's his dear sister Alicia who is the oldest amongst the two. 

But even if he were the oldest, he was pretty sure that he wouldn't consider it. Because while it is true that he and Alicia are siblings, they are half siblings, with Alicia's mother being his father's wife while his mother is his mistress, which automatically puts him below his sister.

And as far as he has known, Alicia has always treated him badly, very well assured about her position in the family. She took advantage of it to make him do things for her which he found annoying but he bore with it.

His father also didn't seem to care much about it and has turned a blind eye to the treatment of her sister of him. And of course, Alicia's mother is the same as the also doesn't treat him nicely.

"It was a waste of my time." Cassian grumbled as he walked through the hallway.

He passed by some servants as they bowed to him as he walked past them. He just walked and went on his way as he watched the morning sky and wondered what he would do.

[System loading] A screen with these words written on it appeared in front of him.

Cassian looked in front of him in shock when he saw it as he soon realised that he isn't hallucinating.




'Am I getting a system?' Cassian thought to himself as he heard it with wide eyes.





Cassian waited with anticipation as he saw the screen get to 100.

[System loading complete]

[Greed System Activated]