
Reincarnated: Ultimate System

After living a meaningless life and dying at the age of 19. Demarcus is given a second chance at life, this time with the help of a goddess and a gamer system. How will Demarcus decided to live his life thidls time around?

Sh1nsou · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Second Chances

Chapter 1: Second chances

In an empty white void there was someone magically floating in the air. His body floated so motionlessly you would honestly assume he was dead. But suddenly his eyes flickered open, adjusting to the light. Abruptly his eyes widened in surprise.

'Where the hell am I?' The last thing I could remember was falling to the ground in pain after being shot at by a home invader. 'Am I dead? Is this heaven?'

[Not quite. Well you are dead but this isn't heaven.]

A holographic screen appeared in front of me as I looked at it incredulously. 'What the fuck.'

[Congratulations! You have been selected by Celestia, the Goddess of Life to be her champion and the wielder of the most powerful weapon in the multiverse, the gamer system.]


[If you're confused it's basically like playing an mmorpg but in real life.]

Oh. Makes way more sense. But why was I chosen for this?

[Celestia will explain that to you once you've spawned into you're new world.]

This shit is too weird.

[Anyways on with the show. Choose your name.]

[Enter name]

Surprisingly the boy couldn't remember his old name so he just thought of new one.

[Demarcus Lamar Bradly]

[Now choose your race.]

[Human] [?] [?] [Hybrid] [Animal]

First of all, why the hell would I wanna be an animal. Second, what does it mean by hybrid? And what are those question marks?

[The Hybrid race is a random mix between to different races. You could get something good like a Dragon and God hybrid or you could get something pathetic like an ant and mouse hybrid.

As for the question marks, they could either be an extremely overpowered race or weaker than a human.]

Hybrid and the question marks are both risky. Not taking the chance. I select the human race and move on.

[Now time for the most important part. Choosing your class. Like choosing your starting powers.]

[Warrior] [Assassin] [Ranger] [Mage]

Off the bat, already ruling out the warrior class. Yeah It would give me a boost in strength but I would need to get up close for every encounter. Assassin seems cool but what would I really need it for? It's down to ranger and mage. Have to choose mage because it's basically ranger with magic spells added on.

[Illusion] [Energy] [Summoner] [Support] [Elemental]

Don't know what I'd do with Illusion. I want to be able to fight with range but I also want to fight for myself so Summoner and support are both gone. Honestly wielding the elements seems much more cooler than energy.

[Hydromancy] [Aeromancy] [Pyromancy] [Geomancy] [Electromancy] [Necromancy]

Alright pause right there. I'm instantly choosing the pyromancy class because it's just seems so cool.

[That's the end of the character customization part.

Things like your age and looks were already pre-chosen. Now on to more pressing matters. Have a fun second life.]

[Spawning in world]




I opened my eyes and woke up from my bed. This seemed to be my room. It was decent. Small but still had some personality to it.

I found a strange picture that caught my attention. I picked it up, it was a picuture of me...sourrounded by white girls? For context I'm black, half African-American and Jamaican.

One of the girls looked like a mother, the girl to my right looked only a bit older than me. The last girl stood in front of me, she looked like a toddler.

Out of nowhere memories started flowing into my head. I was put up for adoption when I was only two years old. Never knew my real parents. I was adopted by this white woman named Maria Bradly. My last name was legally changed. Her husband was a closet racist and divorced her over the fact that she adopted me. During that time she was also pregnant. She soon gave birth to Chloe, my little sister. I got along with the my new family. I'm a straight C student and I mostly take care of Chloe. The picture I was looking at is three years old.

Currently my older sister, Adrianna was sixteen and my little sister is seven.

It was about time I checked my profile....uh how do I do that?

Just say stats or status and it'll show up in front of you.

Okay...stats. Almost as soon as I say it a holographic screen appears in front of me.

Name: Demarcus L. Bradly

EXP: 0/10

Level: 1

Race: Human

Rank: Mortal

Class: Pyromancer - LVL 0/100

HP: 10/10

MP: 1

STR: 6

SP: 4

DEF: 3

STA: 8

INT: 15

CHA: 8

Stat points: 10

Yikes. Does stats were not pretty. It was fine though, he had a lot of time to get stronger. Why would he need to get stronger anyways?

[Oh you'll see soon enough.]

Okay....First thing I'm doing is puting those ten stat points into charisma. He wanted to look good in this life.

Suddenly someone knocked on my door. "Hey Marcus, first day of school remember?" She sounded too old too be Chloe. And she spoke with too much informality to be my mother. So she must be Adrianna.

"I'll be down in a second." I respond. She didn't say anything else as she walked downstairs.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth snd get dressed before walking downstairs with my bag. I got a good look at his family for the first time.

Adrianna had a mix of blonde and and brown hair. Despite her being older than him they were still the same height. Chloe had completely blonde hair and was just adorable. His mother Maria had brown hair and looked amazing for a thirty-seven year old. That's not even counting her curves.

"I have to go to work early today. Can you two bring Chloe to school?" Maria asked.

"We got it." I reply.

As we're walking to Chloe's elementary school she asks something.

"So...I heard the disney princess amusement park is opening today." Chloe starts off.

"No." Adrianna groans out.

"But why not?" Chloe whines.

"Because I finally get to hang out with my friends again so I don't have the time." Adrianna explains.

Chloe starts pouting. "Don't worry I can take you there if you want." I reassure her.

"Yes! Let's go! See, Marcus is way more fun than you Adri." Chloe says excitedly.

Adrianna didn't seem to care much but something did pop up on my holographic screen.

+5 Affection with Adrianna(5/100) for letting her see her friends.

+5 Affection with Chloe(5/100) for agreeing to take her to the amusement park.

So they like me?

[They're starting to like you.]

Bet. After we drop off Chloe I spend most of the time staring at Adrianna's surprisingly big ass. She must've gotten that from mom.

Ten minutes later we get to the school. This new world is pretty much just the modern world but with magic added in as well. I saw alot of kids showing off their magic to other people. Saw this one kid who could turn his body parts into animal versions of them.

First few classes went by easily enough, mostly because it was the first day.

I was walking to my next class while looking through my phone. I was trying to find out more about this world. I didn't get far before I accidently knocked into someone. Their stuff ended up scattering on the floor.

"I am so sorry for that." I say. I take a knee and start helping her pick up her stuff.

"It's okay." The girl says quietly. Almost inaudible over every kid in the hall talking in unison.

As I finish picking up her stuff I hand it to her. "Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome." I respond with a smile and I walk to my next class.

+5 Affection with Angel(5/100) for helping her pick up her stuff.

Quest gained!

[Path to Harem King] - Quest

Objective: Get to 50 affection with three girls.

Rewards: Harem King perk and +20 to charisma stat.

This was interesting. Now he had more motivation to actually try and gain affection. He wanted to see what that harem king perk did. The extra 20 to his looks was just the cherry on top.

The rest of school was quite uneventful, as expected. But when he arrived home he was slightly surprised at the fact that there was a car in the house next to his. This is because his memories told him that the house had been on sale for a decent amount of time. Though he lost interest a moment later.

I walked into my house and prepared to put my stuff upstairs.

"Mark, do you mind coming with me to meet our new neighbors?" Mom asked. Why did I have to do it.

"Adrianna is hanging out with her friends and Chloe is having a sleep over." She continues, seemingly reading my mind.

"Sure, I don't mind." I don't really have anything to do at the moment so why not?

Mom smiles at me and we go over to our new neighbors house. I have a freshly baked apple pie in hand made by mom. Normally I would think this is doing to much for someone you didn't even know. But I'm tryna be nicer this time around.

Mom knocks on the door. A few seconds pass by before I hear someone walking to the door before opening it.

A brownskin woman who looks to be in her mid 30s opened the door and looked at us confusedly.

My mother spoke up first. "Hello! We're just here to give you a warm welcome to the neighborhood."

The woman's face softened. "Oh, thank you so much. Would you like to come in?" She offered.

"Of course!" My mother easily agrees.

We walk into the woman's house which is actually quite nice. Mom puts the pie on the kitchen table.

Mom starts telling her about the neighborhood and this part of the state in general. As their conversation continues I begin to lose interest and it seems I'm not too good at hiding it.

"Would you like to meet my daughter?" The woman asks.

"Uh sure." Why not I think to myself.

"Ariyanna! Get down here!" The woman lightly shouted. Stomping footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.

A lightskin girl with long braided black hair walked downstairs into the living room. She looked as old as me.

"What?" Ariyanna said annoyedly.

The mother sighed. "Ariyanna why don't you let this young man give you a tour of the neighborhood?" The mom asked. "Maybe spend some time outside for once." She muttered.

Ariyanna looked like she was about to start arguing with her mother but instead she let out an annoyed groan before heading outside.

I silently followed her.

I began showing her the essential places anyone in Annapolis would need to know like the library, stores, highschool and 7-eleven.

Then we got to the more interesting stuff like malls, six flags, the chesapeake bay.

At first Ariyanna was mostly just on her phone, not paying attention. Couldn't really blame her a tour of the city wasn't exactly what I would call fun either. But when we got to the more exciting areas I noticed her actually showing interest. Seeing this I decided to start conversating.

"So what's going on with you and your mom?" I ask.

"Nothing really, she's just annoying." Ariyanna replied.

"Annoying like how? Like in the native parent way?"

"Yes, exactly like that. How they be forcing you wash all their dishes. They say it's my responsibility but really they just lazy. One time my mom asked me to go look for something and when I couldn't find it she came and found it herself and had the audacity to be mad at me! Like bitch, if you could've found it yourself then why did you waste my time asking me to look for it?" Ariyanna agreed.

I laughed. "I get it. My parents be on some dumbshit at times. They be acting like getting a B in school is bad when it's literally above average. And than they never congratulating me when I do get an A."

We both went on and on about how irritating native parents could be at times. Especially African parents. I was obviously talking about my parents from my old life who were actually annoying, my new mom is nice.

"It be really annoying when my parents take me to this family meeting when I don't even want to be there. I barely know anyone there and their always walking up to me asking 'Do you remember me?' Like no I haven't seen you in like two years." I noticed how she was completely focused on me as I rant about the inconveniences in my past life.

"Than they be forcing me to say hi to everybody so I put my fake ass smile on." Ariyanna added. "The children of native parents genuinely deserve awards for what they have to deal with."

"Exactly. Man how do we get through 18 years with them?" I grinned. She grinned back.

I looked ahead of us and saw we had made it back to her house.

"Hey before we go in, can I have your number?" She asked boldly.

Quite a grand demand but "Sure." We are living right next to each other house wise and she's kind of my first friend in this life.

We exchanged phone numbers and parted ways for now.

+15 Affection with Ariyanna(15/100) for being someone she can relate to.

It was 10:21pm and a school night. So I picked up Chloe who had fallen asleep on the couch and I carried her to her room.

+10 Affection with Chloe(15/100) for carrying her to her bed.

I laid in my own bed and was about to go to sleep myself when I saw this beautiful woman standing in my room watching me sleep. She had long black hair, green eyes and was wearing a green dress covered in vines and flowers.

I sat up on my bed. "Who the fu-"

"I am Celestia, The Goddess of Life and Rebirth."

This is my first story so let me know if there are any mistakes.

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