
Reincarnated in the world of one piece as the son of Kaido

An orphan boy is killed in an accident and is reincarnated into the world of one piece as Kaido's son Ryu. His only cheat, a gift package he received upon awakening the memories of his previous life. Aware now of the dangers that lay ahead watch as Ryu does his best to gather his strength and destroy all does who go against him.

Storm_Bird_4562 · Komik
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7 Chs

Father vs son

"Ryu get back." Yamato, who was initially shocked by Ryu's display, said as she quickly got in front of Ryu and looked at Kaido cautiously, who was preparing to attack.

"No, let me handle this." Ryu said as he pulled Yamato away

"What! are you sure you can take him head on?" Yamato looked back at him and asked worriedly

"There's only one way to find out." Ryu replied as he got ready for Kaido's attack.

"Lets see what gave you the confidence to take me head on." Kaido roared as he quickly rushed forward and delivered a strong punch.

Which was quickly countered by Ryu, as he swiftly covered his whole arm in armament haki and launched his small first forward to meet his.

What followed next was a loud bang, as the two of their fists quickly collided. The surroundings shaking and crumbling from their collision.

"Ugh" Ryu grunted in pain as he was quickly sent flying back and smashed against the wall.

"RYU!" Yamato screamed in horror

"Im alright." Ryu replied as he got back up the next second. His arm shaking and bleeding from receiving Kaido's attack.

"Is that all you got?" Kaido looked at Ryu and asked him in disappointment

"Not even close." Ryu looked at him and yelled as he used his dark fruit to quickly absorb and heal his injury, returning his arm to it's previous state.

"Boost x10!" He then yelled out as his power quickly rose up

"Cruel sun!" He called out as the next second he summoned a small miniature sun in his right hand which he then proceeded to launch at Kaido.

"Oh!" Kaido exclaimed in surprise, seeing Ryu's showcase of multiple abilities

"So you ate a mythical zoan fruit huh?" He said out loud with a look of excitement

"Even if that is the case what is this weak flame going to do." Kaido calmed down and then said in disdain as he quickly went on to meet Ryu's attack with his own random punch.

However, he was soon surprised the next second when he found out that his arm slowly began to burn and turn bright red as he slowly made contact with the small miniature sun.

noticing this he hurriedly went on and covered his arm in armament haki, quickly offsetting Ryu's attack and allowing him to continue his attack unharmed


A loud explosion soon occurred as the miniature sun quickly burst and exploded as Ryu then suddenly rushed at Kaido with a huge burst of speed. Already reaching him the next second with his arm pulled back. Catching Kaido quickly off guard with no time to react.

"Dragon Fist!" Ryu yelled out as he went ahead and punched Kaido right in the stomach, with his fist covered in fire and lighting



Kaido looked down and asked in disbelief as Ryu's fist quickly penetrated his stomach. Causing him to quickly fall down on one knee.

He couldn't understand this. How was Ryu's attack able to hurt him? With a strong defense like his, Ryu's punch should have been nothing to him. But that wasn't the case here.

What Kaido didn't know however was that to Ryu any defense was meaningless in front of him. Any defense could be bypassed by him with the ability of his dragon fruit. A devil fruit he created by using the abilities of two of the most powerful dragons known to him. The two heavenly dragons. one such ability, penetrate, allowed him to ignore and penetrate any defenses. A perfect counter to his seemingly almost impenetrable skin.

However, instead of feeling worried or scared of his current situation. Kaido instead felt excited at the idea of his son being able to actually hurt him.

"Wororororo..." He laughed out loud as he got back up, Ignoring the pain in his stomach, as he went ahead and delivered a strong punch towards Ryu. Causing him to quickly back off and dodge his attack.

"As expected of my son." Kaido said with a wide grin

"But you will need to do better than that if you want to defeat me." he continued as he rushed forward and went on to attack Ryu.

"We'll see about that!" Ryu shouted as he also met his attack

What followed next was an all out duel. As the two of them quickly traded blow for blow. Causing each of them to quickly gain multiple injuries as time passed by. With Ryu being the one to receive the most out of both of them.

The only reason he was only able to hold out for so so long was due to the use of his dark fruit quickly healing his injuries. While Kaido just ignored the small injuries he received and continued launching multiple attacks.

"Impossible" Yamato muttered in disbelief as she watched the two of them going at it. Shocked to see that Ryu was able to keep his own ground against their father. Making her wonder if this was really the brother that she knew?

However, she was quickly brought out of her stupor when she noticed how Ryu's attacks began to slow down as he started breathing heavily. Obviously tired. Having consumed a lot of strength and stamina In order to keep up with Kaido.

"Seems like I won" Kaido said as he delivered another strong blow towards Ryu. Sending him flying back a few steps as he struggled to block it.

"Huff, huff. I still have one more trick up my sleeve. Do you dare to take it?." Ryu looked up at him and asked in defiance.

"Wororororo, why don't I dare?" Kaido laughed out as he stopped his attack and stood where he was.

"Alright, don't regret it." Ryu said as he quickly stood back up

"Boost x20!" he then yelled out as his body quickly burst out with more strength.

However, as he did so, pieces of flesh and scale quickly exploded off of his body, clearly unable to bear his sudden increase in strength that was beyond his capability.

He ignored this however as he slowly puffed up his chest and inhaled in the air

"Dragon's breath!" he then yelled out as the next second he breathed out a large torrent of blazing hot flames towards Kaido's direction.

Sensing the incoming danger, Kaido put on a serious face as he prepared himself, covering himself in Haki as he went on and met Ryu's attack with his own strong punch.

"Ahhh!" Kaido and Ryu simultaneously yelled out as they tried pushing each other's attack back

However as time went by Ryu's attack slowly began to push Kaido back and in the next minute quickly consumed him


A loud explosion soon occurred as the torrent of flames hit Kaido head on

"Ah!" Yamato yelled out as she was quickly blown away

However before she could hit the ground the next moment she was quickly caught by Ryu.

"Ryu!" She looked up and exclaimed

"You alright?" Ryu looked down at her and asked weakly.

"Yeah I'm alright but what about you?" Yamato yelled out and asked worriedly. Noticing how Ryu was completely covered in blood.

"Don't worry It's nothing serious. You should instead worry about the old man." he replied

"What! were you able to beat him?" Yamato looked up at him and asked in surprise

"Nope." Ryu replied with a wry smile as he looked at the settling dust

"At the very least I was only able to leave him with a few scratches" he said as Kaido's figure slowly came into view.

"Wororororo..." Kaido laughed out as he began walking towards them. Now in his human beast form.

"Nice one brat. But I won't be taken down so easily" he stared as them and said with a wide grin.