
Reincarnated in the world of one piece as the son of Kaido

An orphan boy is killed in an accident and is reincarnated into the world of one piece as Kaido's son Ryu. His only cheat, a gift package he received upon awakening the memories of his previous life. Aware now of the dangers that lay ahead watch as Ryu does his best to gather his strength and destroy all does who go against him.

Storm_Bird_4562 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


"Ryu!" yelled anxiously a tall beautiful white haired girl with horns on her head towards the little boy, with similar little horns, laying weakly and bandaged on the bed

"Huh?" muttered the boy weakly as he slowly opened his eyes

"Ryu, you're awake thank god." The girl cheered as she leaned in to tightly hug the boy, quickly suffocating him with her bountiful chest

"Ugh, big sister I can't breath." the boy cried out as he pushed her back

"Oops, my bad." the girl replied as she quickly let go of him

"Big sis was just so worry. Do you know how scared I was when I found out that you fell and got hurt? It felt like my heart was going to burst. If King hadn't told me that you were okay I seriously don't know what I would have done." she went on to say

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." The boy replied

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad that you're okay. For now stay here, I'll go get something for you to eat." The girl said as she got up and quickly left the room.


"So I really reincarnated into the world of one piece." the boy whispered as he stared blankly at the ceiling.

"I didn't expect that after dying in that accident I would end up here and only now am I remembering my memories after falling off a cliff and hitting my head. What's more surprising is the fact that I'm the son of Kaido, one of the four emperors of the sea and that girl just now was my sister Yamato. I really don't know if I should be happy or sad." he said out loud

"With a strong backing like Kaido I should be able to stay safe in this chaotic sea but even then that protection won't last long if the world follows its original trajectory. With Luffy killing Kaido 15 years later."

"With my current strength and talent I won't be able to survive their future onslaught. Doesn't help that I have a weak constitution, which is one of the reasons that I have been looked down upon by many members of the beast pirates. If I wasn't their captain's son as well because of Yamato, they probably would have beaten or even most likely killed me. In a place where strength matters most above all us, I wont be able to live long at this pace." Ryu said out loud depressingly


"Huh?" Ryu jumped up in surprise

[A world gift package has been delivered to you. Do you accept?]

"A gift package?" Ryu exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Is this the so called golden finger?" Ryu questioned with doubt

[A world gift package has been delivered to you. Do you accept? Yes or No]

"Well, might as well accept and see." Ryu said as he went on to accept.


[You have received the following: Awakening and primary knowledge of all 3 types of haki, Devil fruit extractor, devil fruit generator, weapon of choice, 3 devil fruits of choice, storage space. Do you wish to claim your reward?]

"Yes!" Ryu yelled out in excitement


[Rewards have been delivered. I hope the host good luck in their future endeavors]

"Ah!" Ryu yelped in surprised as he suddenly received a ton of information on the rewards he received.

[Awakening and primary knowledge of all 3 types of haki: Allows host to awaken observation haki, armament haki, and conquerors haki with basic knowledge and mastery on how to use them.]

[Devil fruit extractor: A round metal plate that allows host to extract a person's devil fruit without killing them, by placing it on them.]

[Devil fruit generator: Allows host to create and generate a devil fruit of their choosing each time they recruit a crew member.]

[Weapon of choice: Allows host to choose or create any weapon of their choosing.]

[3 devil fruits of choice: Allows host to choose or create 3 types of devil fruits of their choosing. A Logia, a paramecia, and a zoan without any weaknesses(Weaknesses include seawater, sea stone, taste, and explosion of body if eating more than 1 devil fruit). ]

[Storage space: A small pocket dimension in which host is able to store their items.]

"I hit the jackpot" Ryu said in shock as he quickly integrated his rewards


The ground began to shake as a terrifying red aura soon spread out from Ryu's body. Causing a few cracks to appear around the room. Which quickly stop as the aura receded back into Ryu's body.

"So this is haki?" Ryu said as he looked at his arm that was covered in a black metallic luster. Which disappeared as he closed his eyes to sense his surroundings.

"Feels nice. With this I'll be able to have the qualifications to become a top powerhouse. Now then which devil fruits should I choose?" Ryu said as he began to contemplate for a while.

"Alright I got it" he stated as 3 devil fruits quickly appeared in his hands

[Dragon fruit, model: Celestial dragon god}

[Dark fruit]

[Sun fruit]

"With these fruits, I should be able to dominate the whole sea." he said as he quickly took a bite out of each of them. Before throwing the rest of them in his storage space.

"I feel stronger already" Ryu exclaimed as his pale frail body gradually began to buff up and turn into a healthy color.

"Well then, I'll test my powers at a later time. For now lets go on to the next item. For my weapon of choice, of course I'm going with Excalibur Morgan."

[Excalibur Morgan]

"Nice" Ryu stated as a black longsword with red glowing patterns appeared in his hand

"Lets store this in my storage space for now along with my other remaining items. Otherwise I don't how I would be able to explain it to anyone how I got them. Especially Yamato who's almost always keeping a watch on me."


"Ryu I'm back!" yelled out Yamato, carrying a bowl of food in her hands

'Speak of the devil'

"Huh, what happened?" Yamato asked as she stared around at the cracked room in surprise

"Wait! Why do you look so different?" She then yelled out in shock as she stared at Ryu's appearance which had gradually change.

'Welp, this might take a while.' Ryu thought and smiled wryly