
On the bleeding edge but the people are ------ed.

Looking at all the small papers in front of me with pictures of little black dots with legs, looking like tiny spiders, on them I wiped off the sweat on my forehead that had accumulated because of repeatedly having to compress everything using the sealing jutsu I had used the stencils to print.

I then carefully organized the microprocessors of various common circuits and even compound ones that were built with other microprocessors in cardboard bins with labels on them so that I could always have everything ready to make larger circuits. It wasn't much but it was enough, for now. I didn't think I'd have any real use for them since I could always just draw whatever I wanted whenever I did, but I felt it was nice to be able to keep extras of complicated things to draw so that if I suddenly needed to test something or prototype things I could use them like lego to build and test things.

After everything was organized, I jumped onto the roof to enjoy the cool early morning breeze with Kaguya for a while as she lay in my hoodie which I was wearing backwards.

I currently knew I could activate any non elemental jutsu I drew on the paper but I wanted to be able to control it finely using circuits so that once they were combined together it could do various things a single person doing a jutsu couldn't easily do, like controlling several hundreds of chakra threads in various directions to draw images.

I thought back to the last few days that had been a blur for me because I was focused on designing the other circuits for the project I was going to do next.

'Huh… Tsuna-nee seems to have been tense lately. She rarely looks at her medical papers, but each time she does she makes a face as if she wants to look at it even less.'

'Is the work that the Hokage want her to do not going well?'

'I wonder how Naruto's doing. Now that he has his dad his life should be better, no? But does he still want to become the Hokage after he grows up?'

I suddenly smelt something that brought back a nostalgic feeling and rushed down stairs not caring that I had woken up Kaguya who was squealing inside my hoodie.

As I rushed down I thought back to the conversation Mum and I were having a few days ago while I cleaned the dishes.


"Mum are there no special books inside the library of the village?"

"Special how?"

"I don't know, maybe something like books that have stories about the lives of shinobi?"

"Umm.... I don't think so, not really. Since there is a restricted section in the library that hold a few journals of the deceased shinobi but nothing like a good story book."

"I see."

"Megumi, does no one on your continent eat meat?"

"Huh? What? No, most people do, but there are as many vegetarian dishes as there are non-vegetarian ones."

"Then what was your favorite for breakfast?"

"Mine? For breakfast..? Well… It'd have to be…"


"Mom! You made Dosa! With Butter!!!"

"Haha! You were really waiting for this weren't you?"

"Hehe… well what can I say it's the best breakfast anyone can ever have."

"Hai! Hai! I can see that you've started to drool already, so arrange the plates quickly while I go and call your dad."

I rushed to arrange the plates as Dad made his way after Mum woke him up.

I sat down on my chair as mum placed the dosa on my plate first.

Dad skeptical raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that just a crepe?"

"Dad! How could you do that!? It's Sacrilege to call a Dosa anything else but a Dosa!"

"What? That's what it looks like…"

"I made the batter with rice flour instead of wheat." Mum explained.

"Oh.. but they look the sa-" *smack* Mum smacked her ladle on dad's back to shut him up remembering how much I took pride in the food while explaining about it to her, knowing that if he brought it up I wouldn't shut up about it.

Mum poured a thick green fresh minty smelling condiment onto the plates as dad watched with a confused look on his face.

"How do you eat this thing?"

"Ah! Don't worry, just watch me! Thank you for the food!"

I quickly broke a piece of the dosa and dipped it into the condiment and stuffed it into my mouth that looked like a lake with the amount of water in it, maybe Suna would try and attack me for the amount of water that was inside of it.

I immediately felt myself get lost in the taste of mint and dosa as I carefully chewed the food in my mouth trying to not miss out on any of the fresh taste inside my mouth.

Before I knew it, I had finished that and the rest of the Dosa on my plate along with the next ones mom had ever so gracefully placed over it while I was already eating one.

I looked disappointed at the fact that it had all finished so soon, but was rather happy that I had filled my stomach and tasted something old after such a long time.

"Haha! I've never seen you eat anything so happily. Although I don't like the minty taste much, your Mom told me there are other flavors to this thing, so maybe I'll like the other ones." Dad quipped, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Too bad there's no other flavors of the one who's standing behind you right now other then anger, so you've got to bear with her until you die."

I giggled as I watched Dad getting shouted at by mum for basically telling that her cooking was bad and ran away to wash my hands as I shouted.

"It was the best meal in both my lives! Thanks Mum!"

Feeling refreshed I was back in the room ready to work on what I'd got planned next. If it worked it would be a revolutionary new idea in the world of sealing, something that might push it into the future by around two hundred years like Tsuna-nee did for Iryojutsu.

I had a theory about how the various tenketsu added properties to chakra and to test it I was making a circuit that would help me with it.

I hypothesized that all the properties of the tenketsu that were added to chakra caused it to gain an additional frequency which could be filtered and picked out, like a radio tuning to different radio signals in the air, using a few band pass filters. I'd thought of this, since both Sakura, and Tsuna-nee had told me that jutsus get harder the more seals there are, since the chakra itself seems to become uncontrollable and 'angry' as if it were boiling.

If I could do prove my theory, then I might be able to control the non-elemental jutsus that I could draw on paper using circuits and make quite complex machines.

The only way I could test this was by first completing the required steps for a jutsu inside my body and then passing it through a band pass filter outside calibrated to a random frequency and then reabsorbing it into my body after the result had been subtracted from the original jutsu chakra to check if the jutsu could be completed without that particular frequency, if it couldn't be performed that meant that the properties in the chakra were actually just various frequencies.

While this wouldn't let me find any new properties since it needs a conscious recognition of the property to be aware of what the frequency represents, it would still help me make a proper category of everything I know and perhaps I could fill in the blanks in the table like how the periodic table helped predict a few new elements that were labeled as missing in chemistery.

It would also help me in creating equipment to analyze and understand the jutsus I make and help in creating new combinations by analyzing the already existing ones in my repertoire.

And so I began to draw a band pass filter with the capacitor replaced by using various amounts of Ekoji Sorui carefully measured so that they consume and release chakra at a certain specific rate, and a inductor easily replaced using Ekoji Sorui which was used as a storage in a specific quantity, pumping plain chakra into made it spit out the ones it already stored. I picked out a microcontroller I had built before to control all the specific timings to perform everything accurately based on the data I had measured before and extrapolated using calculations about these components.

Using the chakra thread from my left hand and connecting it to the circuit which I held using my right hand to absorb chakra back into my body, I began the immensely boring process of trial and error to specify and isolate a specific property from the tenketsu inside the body and reabsorb the chakra to perform the jutsu that was embedded into it.

I was using the clone jutsu to impose a pair of sunglasses over my eyes which would instantly alert me if the idea worked if the jutsu failed and allowed light into my eyes. The sunglasses weren't real and light was only being blocked because the chakra blocked it because of it's wave like properties, I assumed that's how it worked.

Luckily for me, I had the ability to concentrate on two things at once using my split mind which I ever so graciously pushed over the immensely boring task to.

It was still me doing it, I just could focus on other things while I did this, like-



'Do you have any idea where you want to take your swordsmanship from here?'

'What do you mean?'

'Like, I was thinking of combining my sword fighting style with lightning style jutsus since that's my nature transformation affinity, what about you?'

'Well…. I thought since I'm good at chakra control and my reflexes are sharp why not use chakra thread puppets to have more arms on my body to control more swords or kunai?'

'Haha… so basically if ever you find yourself in a situation where one sword isn't enough, you want to throw more swords into the picture?'

'Tsunade Sensei told me that if you're using violence to solve a problem and it isn't being solved you aren't using enough of it.'

'Hahahaha! Well if you keep on with that style I might have something to gift you in the future if I am able to make a few things. I just hope your sense of direction doesn't go bad after using three or more swords.'

'I'll be waiting then. What does my sense of direction have anything to do with it?'

'You won't be disappointed. Ignore the last part, just something from another anime.'

'...Can I ask you something?'

'Huh? What's gotten you so timid and quiet all of a sudden?'

'Nothing I was just wondering about what you did before you…. You know, before you came here.'


'You don't need to-'

'Nah, it's alright.'

**Sakura POV**

I was holding the fluffy black kitty in my arms and rolling around the bed while looking outside the window into the garden where a small stream flowed into a pond when I heard Megumi's voice with a nostalgic hint to it.

"I used to be a silly and wild kid when I was very young."

"I bet you'd just go around and keep pointing at people and things and ask them to tell you how they worked." I guessed since that was all Megumi usually did when he spoke to people apart from making jokes.

"Nah! I was quite stupid when I was so young. I'd rather jump around all over the place whenever mum and dad took me outside or to their work if the both of them were going to be busy."

"What did they do that they were so busy?"

"They were part of the police force where I was from, so sometimes it was safer to just keep me closer to them since they were always worried something might happen to me."

"I see."

"Yeah I used to wear my emotions on a sleeve during those days since I was quite pampered and was kind of a snob who felt it was only right for me to stand above everyone since my mum and dad were cops. Though granted whenever dad would see me doing something snobbish and unbearable he'd whip me up a little so that I was brought down a peg but it was still all fun and games."

"Oh!? Then you became part of the police force later?"

"I did. But.. well not as one would expect. It was when I was eleven years old due to my mistake I had to watch as mum and dad were burnt alive in front of me, well at least they did go out in a blaze hehe." I heard a strong undertone of sorrow in his voice as he explained trying to cover it up with some humor in an attempt to reduce his suffering.

"I'm sorry." I felt quite bad for Megumi imagining what he must've gone through. Just imagining the people dying during war brought me great pain and discomfort. I could only dream about what it would feel to lose a person so close to you. I hugged the fluffy kitty closer in my arms, my eyes closed and blocked by the kitten's face as I tried to escape my imaginations in the darkness.

'I wonder if someone helped him out like everyone does for me.'

"Nah… it is sad but it's alright. I met a guy I used to call Jack. He adopted me after that incident. He was a cop too who was tracking the killer of my parents and he slowly wore me down bringing me back to my usual laughing self."

"He must've been a nice person."

"He was! And so to repay him I joined the police force and worked as a postmortem detective."

"What's that?"

"I used to solve crimes by analyzing the dead bodies of the victims."

"What can you find out from just a dead body apart from how the wounds were made?"

"Well depending on how the person was killed you can figure out what type of person killed him, why they killed him depending on what wounds were inflicted and even their estimated body type and skill depending on the method the wounds were made. And coupled with information about the victim and the suspects it was rather easy to profile a criminal who could then be trapped and caught by gathering evidence and through questioning. The method of killing sometimes even alluded to possible evidences that people forgot to cover up and clear."

"I see." That makes sense... somewhat? But then how does he know about so many other things as well?



"You're wondering about something?"

"Well, I was just thinking but how does that relate to the things you know now…"

"Oh, that's an easy question to answer. It was because unlike your world where the ease with which a common person can gain power and harm other people because of knowledge, has led to knowledge about even the simplest things to be locked and controlled by the village, the people of my world had access to most if not all knowledge because it wasn't as easy to harm others simply using knowledge, the lack of knowledge was probably more harmful. The culture of my world revolved around art, beauty and exploration of knowledge. Most cultures eventually do as long as peace is established for long enough."

"So you just learnt all these things?"

"Yeah, they would've helped me in solving crimes in my world and so I did."


"Got something more to ask?"

"How did you…. You know… I'm sure people weren't only good or else you wouldn't have needed to be a detective, so how did you keep a handle on your morals seeing so many people do those terrible things?"

"Hahahaha! It's easy, really."


"Yeah easy!"


"It's because they're human too. Isn't that wonderful? All humans are capable of the vilest and evilest things that could ever be done and committed yet so few ever do, isn't that a testament to our humanity? So I thought why not just choose to add more happiness to everyone around me so that even if there are more evil people I could laugh at their stupidity. I mean what's more humiliating for an emperor, isn't it when everyone treats him as a joke?"

"Did you ever have to kill anyone while you worked?"

"Ha? What are we doing now? Comparing our kill streak? Well, believe me or not, it's probably much lesser than yours, three."

"Only three?"

"Yes. In my world criminals had right too."

"Huh? Why?"

"Simply because most choose to believe that a single moment should not define a human's entire existence and life and that there was possibility of change within most of them. So they were usually put in a prison for longer and longer periods, sometimes without contact to anyone or anything completely isolated. Only really bad people who used to end up doing really vile things would ever be killed really."

"How did you decide who gets to die and who lives?"


"Ah… you still don't want to tell me about how your world worked?"

"No.. it isn't that it's just I was wondering about how best to explain it to you."


"There was no personal decision, it all depended on the law decided by the majority of the population of the country. I never killed someone because I was exacting some sort of vengeance or revenge, I only ever did it in self defense because I was in a shoot out, or rather if I explained it to you it would be a place where it was either kill or be killed."

"Huh? How could all the people of a country get together and decide on something?"

"Well, they did but not directly, they did it by electing their leaders who had their own leaders and so on, until it was a manageable number who then voted in laws and rules into place if they had the majority that they wanted to. We didn't have any Daimyo's, even if we did it was mostly just a honorary position with honorary powers?"


"It's risky isn't it? What if someone uses power to force people to choose certain things in a certain way that would be bad for everyone?"


"Well there were systems in place to keep them in check so that nothing really wrong was passed and then there were systems to keep those systems in check and so on and so on, with the final system being the people themselves who would riot if you did something that disturbed them too much."

"That… seems very inefficient."

"It was, even though there were various levels of rules and law making for different groups of the population based on their location and background, it was still very inefficient. But that's the point."

"Why is that the point, why would you want a system to be ineffecient?"

"The point is to never let a single person hold the power to everything and make every decision so cumbersome that nearly everyone's 'extra interests' need to be kept satisfied at every level, this also includes a few evil people of course which is why there were other organizations like the police force for these different levels to keep even those bodies in check and on their toes, although sometimes the people who kept things in check were corrupt themselves. You could also make use of these corrupt people to work your own ideas into the system by using their greed against them."

"Isn't that very risky?"

"Not really, there are several problems with the system but overall it exists as a way to counter balance everything not to be a perfect solution. It was called a democracy. Like an old man, who was himself charged with quite the few things, in my world once said 'Democracy basically means, government by the people, of the people, for the people, but the people are retarded.'"


"Yeah… I mean you can't argue with a stupid person so you've got to take into account how they'd react to things as well so it's all a jumbled mess with everyone wanting to be a piece of the pie so no one gets the whole pie."

"But.. what if people are more stupid…"

"Hehe… that's why it was important to keep them educated, or at least give them information that would make them think they weren't stupid. After all you've got to always remember that no matter what you do nearly half the population is going to be dumber than the average."

"Argghhh…. This is a mess. How did your world even function?"

"Hehe, it just did. No one knows how, but it just did, somehow, with people having fun singing, dancing and laughing with each other, at each other and for each other. Everything is possible as long as you are happy."


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