
Reincarnated in demon Slayer as my first world (rewriting)

this is about the MC who originally have the power to duplicate anything except a living being he's name is Akira a lazy guy who is an anime lover not in the level of Otaku but he knows important things in anime and because of his karma he got too op that he's always bored because of his overuse of ability he got noticed by the government and killed him - logic? what's that - The mc will not face any hardship since he's too op - there are some mistakes so don't read this if you don't like mistakes - this is just created out of pure will, I mean I don't gain anything from creating this - pictures are taken from Google - this is only alive because some people want it so I continued creating more, what I mean by this is I once decided to stop this or drop this since I am not a free person I am always busy and I only continued because some people looked forward to the story Warning: This is my first fanfic or novel it's my first time writing and I'm a student so I'll try my best to upload more chapters and don't expect good grammar here and I don't have a writing accent so it can destroy your brain cells trying to understand this in this story I created what I want I'm not gonna follow the original plot I make some changes like someone who should be dead is alive and don't be afraid to request from me minimum of 500 words every chapter and it would be good if someone rewrites this or added some things like making the reader feel what is happening cause I am having a hard time thinking of something like that cause English isn't my first language and if someone really rewrites this, then it will be nice just say that you rewrite it cause the original author said

Wang_Ling_6598 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 3

In a Japanese style house you can hear a woman screaming from pain and another voice that is saying "push it"

"Ahhhhhh" said the woman in pain.

"It's close push it more" said the midwife.

"Ahhhh" shouted the woman in pain, while she pushes the baby's head outside her p*ssy.

Then another midwife gently took out the baby's body and washes the blood with warm water.

*Uwaaaa* a baby cry can be heard in a house.

"Look it's a boy" said the midwife while giving the baby to the woman that is resting in a bed.

"I'm sure this baby will be handsome after he grows up" the woman resting in the bed said.

'Hmm, so she's my mother, she's a beauty but being malnourished is hiding her beauty, and she also has silver hair which is very rare' thought Akira he then thought of the system and as he heard voice that only him can hear.


[hello, host I am the universe survival system]

'That's too long from now on I'll call you Lucy' Thought Akira.

[Thank you host for naming me]

'what's your functions?' thought Akira.

[host I have Map, Google, Inventory, Status, Appraisal, quest, shop, chat]

'I see, show me my status' thought Akira as a white light appeared in front of him


level: 1 (0/100)

Name: Akira D. Kanahe

Title: Reincarnator, Saint of Charity, Richest Man In The World, The one who make a Supreme being angry

Age: 1D / 21Y, 1M

Job: Civilian

Bloodline: Human

Strength: 0

Agility: 0

Mana: ∞

Charm: 10

Attribute Points: 2000

Condition: Healthy

Passive skill: instant regeneration, eternal Youth, limit break, instant mastery

Skills: Create, duplicate, absorb.

[inventory]: unbreakable weapon.

Reincarnator: Someone who died and got reborn. (no normal being can see your future).

Saint of Charity: Someone who always donates money to the poor. (become lucky).

Richest Man In The World: Someone who has infinite money (many people will Respect you).

The one who make a Supreme being angry: make a supreme being angry (host is the first one to have this title effect: can make anyone angry if the host want).

Instant mastery: can master everything instantly

limit break: with this you will be able to break any limit

Instant Regeneration: heal faster and become immune to all negative stats like poison, fatigue, etc.

Eternal Youth: don't die from old age but can die from fatal injury.

Create: this can create something. Like a chair, house, etc. (can't create skill)

Duplicate: it can duplicate everything except a living being. (can't duplicate anything on the system, like points, attributes, skill, etc)

Absorb: this can absorb the dead body and give you the body's strength, agility, etc.

'I see, looks like I am too strong now, but why do I have a title that said I made the supreme being angry?' Thought Akira while waiting for Lucy's reply

[The supreme being reads your mind before you got transferred, so he found out that you don't want to be with him and got angry]

'...' Akira didn't reply anymore since he was embarrassed enough

{1 Month later}

hello it's me Akira right now I'm sucking my mother's tits and right now there's only my mother and me I don't even know if my father's still alive

"looks like my baby is hungry, huh" said Akira's mother

'looks like my mother is sick' thought


Lucy show me my mother's status



Name: Kiara Kanahe

Title: none

Job: Civilian

Bloodline: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 15

Mana: 0

Charm: 40

Condition: malnourished, sick

{1 year later}

Akira can walk already and have a body that looks like 3 years old and started doing some exercise (he looks older than Kanae because he's tall)



level: 1 (0/100)

Name: Akira D. Kanahe

Title: Reincarnator, Saint of Charity, Richest Man In The World, The one who make a Supreme being angry

Age: 1Y 1M / 21Y, 1M (22Y, 2M)

Job: Civilian

Bloodline: Human

Strength: 30

Agility: 30

Mana: ∞

Charm: 40

Attribute Points: 2000

Condition: Healthy

Passive skill: instant regeneration, eternal Youth, instant mastery, limit break

Skills: Create, duplicate, absorb.

[inventory]: unbreakable weapon.

"I became quite strong, Lucy show me the Quests" said Akira as a green light appeared in front him


Help your neighborhood 50 times (50/50) √

Clean your house for 10 days (10/10):


Akira: "Lucy claim it all"

Attribute Points: 500

Shop Points: ∞

"hmm it's quite good" Said Akira with a cute voice

Akira: "for now let's do my daily routine and play with Shinobu and her sister" said Akira

To be continue

If we reach 200 power stone I'll upload more chapter

Wang_Ling_6598creators' thoughts