
Reincarnated as the Child of Vampire Progenitors

Ryan a virgin in his late 30's, was bullied as a child all throughout school. Choosing the life of an introvert he secluded himself in his small apartment only coming out to work a part time job that barely paid the bills. He spent his time playing games or reading web novels, books, comics, manga's really anything that could transport him out of his own reality. Turns out he's just the kind of guy God is looking for. After making a deal with Lilith to keep the balance between Hell, the Underworld, Humans, and Heaven for 1000 years God declared he would remove the curse preventing her from having children for one child only. That child would have to be born on earth and only a man allowed to roam earth could sire this child. Those 1000 years are up and the father is non other than Vlad Dracula. In the Hopes that Ryan's lack of any ambition would carry over to his new life, God placed his soul into the unborn child of the Vampire and Demon Progenitors. Not even he knew what would happen next.

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6 Chs

Meeting Roxanne (Timeskip)

Drake had a few days to get accustomed to his new environment. Other than his Mom being the hottest woman alive he discovered they were also filthy Rich. They lived in a giant mansion that his father had built in the past 3 months. He even heard his dad walk into the house while sighing calling the place a dump. Apparently, he wasn't a fan of the whole modern architecture. The largest discovery he had made was the blessing he received from God. When he first saw his Mom he saw a small display above her head that showed her name, her feelings toward him, and a meter that indicated how strong those feelings were. Her meter was broken and went beyond the maximum of 100 and no longer showed numbers merely stating ∞. Above the infinity symbol were the words Parental Love. Looking around he noticed that only the women he came across had this display. Most of the maids were between 20 and 80 out of 100 and listed their feelings as being intrigued or adored. Then there was one maid that had 100 out of 100 Fanatical. Drake didn't know what that meant in terms of what she would do but he knew he didn't want to find out. He made sure to cry as loud as he could whenever she went to pick him up just to make sure he was never alone with her.

The Doctors spent the last couple of days performing many tests to see if he had any of the typical weaknesses of vampires starting with sunlight. They had allowed a very small ray of sunlight in through a window allowing it to shine briefly on Drake's foot seeing that it didn't turn red even after the amount of time it would take his father to get damaged they determined he was indeed immune to sunlight. "See I told you! A contract is a contract you were worried over nothing." She said looking at Vlad. She started getting excited while imagining all the sunlight activities she would do with Drake. "Okay if we are all done here, we need to leave for his Baby Shower at Camille's place." She said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice that left no room for discussion. Vlad's left eyebrow rose up forming a look of confusion on his face. "You remembered that was today right?" she asked giving Vlad a questionable look. "Lilith, I have an impeccable memory you mentioned nothing of the sort. Also, why did we hire all these maids to then go visit Camille?" He asked. He had worked hard organizing and overseeing the construction of the house and now they were going to events elsewhere? "Ughh all men are the same incapable of remembering important dates. Either way, go freshen up we need to look our best. Also, everyone knows you don't host your own Baby Shower! A close friend does it for you."

Vlad was certain she had never mentioned such an event but she was excited to go and Vlad would accompany her in showing off their son. Vlad snapped his fingers and a new suit formed around his body and his hair was suddenly slicked back giving off wealthy CEO vibes. Lilith stared at him for a moment "Good I can recognize my Darling again," she said giggling before giving him a peck on the lips. Vlad's eye twitched he sometimes didn't know how to deal with Lilith. He would often feel she was somehow degrading him while simultaneously showing her love for him. 

He decided to let those thoughts brew in the back of his mind for now. "So why Camille? Didn't you call her a whore a few days ago? Why would you want her to throw Drake's party? Vlad asked. He nearly instantly regretted opening his mouth as Lilith went on to explain how Camille had volunteered in front of the group so Lilith had no choice but to accept or she would look ungrateful for the kind gesture in front of the other mothers. She then reprimanded Vlad for calling her a whore as she had only said that due to her hormones at the time and that she of course loved Camille dearly as one of her first Vampire daughters.

Vlad decided it was best to turn his attention to Drake who was calmly sitting in his baby chair looking at the both of them as if he were listening in on the conversation. Drake, do you understand any of what your mother is saying? Vlad jokingly asked him. But to his surprise, Drake had unconsciously started to shake his head from left to right. Noticing his mistake he started to giggle and make baby noises to cover his tracks.

"BUAHAHAHA," Vlad cackled he couldn't control his laughter. The situation was far too funny not to be thoroughly entertained. "Even Drake doesn't understand that nonsense!" Vlad said while holding his stomach continuing to laugh. Lilith quickly walked over to Vlad and casually kicked him in the shin which had enough strength to cleanly break his leg. "Ignoring Vlad's yelp of pain she picked Drake up. "That's not true you don't think the things mommy says are nonsense right? She asked kissing him on the forehead. Drake decided to plead the fifth and remained silent, causing Vlad to restart his fit of laughter. 

Lilith pouted and walked towards the entrance still holding Drake to her chest. "Hurry up I don't want to be late for our own party!" She exclaimed. Vlad calmed himself down but couldn't remove the grin on his face as he left the house. Lilith was already placing Drake into his car seat within their new Mini Van. Since humans now surrounded them they needed to fit in and of course, Lilith had to have the best Mini Van on the market a Mercedes-Benz GLS. Why a Mini Van? Vlad had asked. Because what loving family didn't have a Mini Van? Lilith had retorted as if that was the most common sense thing in the world. Within 20 minutes they had arrived at a luxury villa on the outskirts of the city. 

A large welcoming party had lined up awaiting their arrival as many women started jumping up and down clapping as Lilith came out of the car with Drake in her arms. Smiling she walked over to the women who all fawned over Drake. Vlad walked over to where the men were standing drinking beer. Vlad could instantly tell that the majority of the people here were human. He couldn't understand what they were doing here with them.

Drake on the other hand was having the time of his life as one woman pressed him against their chest hugging him before passing him over to the next. "He is so adorable Lilith! And look at you, how did you manage to bounce back so quickly? Looking at you now I would have never guessed you were pregnant at all." A woman named Jennifer said. Lilith waved her hand at her to motion for her to stop while giggling. While the women chatted with each other, Drake took his time to check out their Displays and noticed some differences. Only a few of the women being the most attractive had red lettering and numbers while the rest were all white. Did this relate to how attractive they were? After smelling the women up close he noticed a tasty scent from all of the women with white lettering while the others did not smell appetizing at all. Perhaps the white lettering women were regular humans?

"What is mom thinking? What if I bite one of them? He didn't have full control of his urges yet so when he was hungry he would instinctually bite the first person he could get a hold of. Those thoughts quickly faded when a beautiful blond woman started holding him. Above the words Sisterly Love, he read the name Camille. "Damn, she was hot!" He said in his mind. Her breasts were spilling out of her light blue dress that showed off all her curves revealing an hourglass figure. Her ass was to die for, he had to snap out of his trance when she swayed her hips while walking over to hold him. Instinctually Drake reached out and placed his entire arm into her cleavage wanting to crawl into that suffocating death trap. "Hoo hoo my little brother is a bit handsy," She said laughing while Drake was still trying to get a better grip on those tits. He was a baby so what was anyone going to say? He had to take advantage of the situation.

Lilith pouted. "Drake, you never did that with Mommy's breasts. Do you like Camille's more than mine?" She asked looking worried between herself and Camille comparing. Drake of course told no lie and without thinking shook his head from left to right causing all the women to start laughing. While Lilith sighed in relief. "Drake is going to be a real playboy one day if he's already starting now." One woman said unable to hold her laughter in. Even Camille was laughing with one hand on her flat stomach. Seeing this made Lilith's eyes go wide as the realization of Camille's appearance kicked in. Lilith immediately commented on it. "Camille, what happened to your belly? Did your baby come already as well? " She asked shocked that Camille hadn't told her anything yet. Camille smiled brightly after seeing her finally notice. Yes, a baby girl Victor is currently feeding her right now so she is a bit tuckered out. She won't be joining us until later tonight.

"Oooh a baby girl how sweet I can't wait to meet her!" Lilith said genuinely happy for her Vampire daughter. All the human women started to look at Camille confused. What do you mean you had her? Weren't you still pregnant yesterday night after you left?" One of the human women called out. "Also what did you mean about Drake being your little brother? Another woman asked looking confused. Camille's eyes began to glow a dark red. This is completely normal imagine I gave birth to the child last week. and forget what I said about Drake being my brother." She said with a soothing and gentle voice. After she finished her sentence her eyes stopped glowing and the women came to their senses and started talking about how cute it will be to see the 2 babies together later. 

Drake was fascinated by that power was it something he could do as well? He concentrated on his eyes and stared at the women. With great conviction, he commanded them to flash him in his mind. Vlad was currently drinking a beer while showing the other fathers the Mini Van he bought they seemed interested in seeing all the features it had. One of the men knew more about the car than Vlad did and the man didn't even own one himself. Suddenly Vlad felt a great spike in vampiric power if he didn't already know what Lilith's power felt like he would have sworn it was her. Looking around he saw the women in front of Drake unbutton their shirts and show him their breasts before buttoning them back up and continuing chatting away like nothing happened. Even Camille had slid her breasts out of her dress before stuffing them back in. A smile spread across Vlad's face "That's my boy" He said out loud while taking another sip of beer. 

Lilith was shocked beyond belief. She knew to expect his abilities to be powerful but he was only a few days old and could even hypnotize a Vampire as old as Camille. But other than his show of power what was his deal with breasts? After seeing Camille he seems fascinated with them. Perhaps it's just a curiosity? She didn't think too deeply about it. He was a baby after all and couldn't have any hidden motives. 

Meanwhile, Drake was high on tits. He had seen them all now and he had to admit other than his mom's Camille's were the best. If he had to describe them it would be gravity-defying mountains that you could squeeze. He was starting to feel dizzy from overusing his power and before long he fell asleep in Camille's arms with one hand still on her breast.

An hour later nighttime arrived at which point both Victor and their Daughter Roxanne joined the party. Vlad can survive for quite a while in the sun but he took plenty of breaks pretending to have an urgent call that he took in the car. Drake eventually woke up from his nap and they sat him next to Roxanne to see what they would do. Roxanne took the initiative and placed her hand on Drake's head and started giggling as she began to continuously smack his head. It didn't hurt so he let her do what she wanted he didn't want to accidently hurt her if he happened to have super strength already. After she was done Drake simply rubbed her head gently and smiled at her. 

"Look how cute he is being with her," Lilith said with hearts in her eyes while pointing towards the two. "So young and is already a gentleman," Camille said, loving every moment of their adorable interaction. This continued for the rest of the night Drake just kept doing the same things Roxanne did with his own variation he didn't want to seem unbabylike next to a real baby. Before long they went back home and retired for the evening. Drake then closed his eyes excited for the future.

4 Year Timeskip

Drake awoke from his slumber yawning today was his 4th birthday which signaled him becoming an adult. It was a bizarre thing to say out loud but he couldn't deny his physical appearance in the mirror. He was a grown man now. His father told him that he would still slightly age or at least his hair would but that would take hundreds of years to get to the point of having a streak of grey in it as he had. But physically he was the same as when he was cursed so maybe that only applied to hair? His father made sure he trained every single day with him so that he wouldn't turn into one of those pathetic-looking skinny jeans vampires with chicken legs for arms. Because of that Drake had bulked up and was rather muscular and toned. He tried many times to ditch his training but every time he tried he would suddenly wake up standing in the training field his father had built underground.

He wasn't strong enough yet to defend against his dad's Hypnotism but one day he would get him back for all of it. Still looking in the mirror Drake checked out his features to see if anything had changed. He had medium-length black hair that fell to his shoulders. His stomach was muscular rocking a 6 pack and looking further down hung his pride and joy. His dick with this body was way bigger than what Ryan had. To be truthful Ryan's erect whelpling at 6 inches was as long as Drake's soft Dragon. His eyes were a dark red that shone brighter than his mother's or father's eyes. He had to wear contacts when going out not that was anything special as all vampires did that. Red eyes just weren't the norm unless you told everyone around you that it was. Hypnotism was one of the only vampire abilities that all vampires possessed including those made from his mother it went with the territory of being better looking and helping to gather victims to drink blood and continue hiding in society. 

Drake had also unlocked his innate magic proving his mother correct when she believed he would have all the abilities of both vampire races. All of the noble vampires were born with an innate magic ability that came naturally to them. His mother explained it to him by saying it is an element they had the highest affinity with. That didn't mean they couldn't learn other elements as well that it was just the first. Some had fire others water, air, etc... Drake, however, being the special boy he is got to start with Spatial Magic. This caused an uproar with the vampire scholars who had been studying for centuries trying to learn Spatial Magic without any results. Warlocks and witches however could apply some spatial magic in the form of portals which they charged Vampires an arm and leg for to make. 

Drake however could do far more than just make portals. He was armed with the knowledge of every manga and anime character to have ever wielded Spatial Magic and he learned all their moves. He created a small personal dimension where he could throw things into and pull them out much like an inventory. This space was not endless but was fairly large. He was nowhere near the level of having a personal little world in there but who knows what the future would bring. He could focus on a certain area and anything within that space would simply vanish and enter his inventory. This was one of the scariest attacks he had since if he looked at half your face and wanted it gone then half your face was gone. He spent a lot of time mastering this ability so as not to accidentally activate it when someone or something bothered him. The best utility was that he personally didn't even need a portal he could teleport himself making this a very useful combat ability. No matter how hard he tried he could not bring someone with him as well. For that, he still needed to create a portal. 

His spatial magic isn't all that he gained though he still had the abilities from his father's side of the family. Starting with his biggest asset, blood manipulation so far his father was the only one capable of it. Perhaps it is related to being the purest of all the vampires and seeing that Drake is just as pure as him he could use it as well. This was far scarier than anything he could imagine being able to do with spatial magic. With a thought, he could simply stop the blood flow within someone's body. Once he got a lock on their blood it was his to do with as he pleased. Depending on how strong the opponent was it became difficult to get a grasp on that person's blood. some had to have a bleeding wound for him to form a connection and when fighting his father he had to physically come into contact with it for it to work. 

He could also use his own blood or that of nearby corpses to create blood weapons that he could control with his mind. Then there was the regeneration. He already had an incredible regeneration time something even Wolverine would drool over. Most wounds no matter how deep would heal in seconds while larger wounds that had to recreate body parts would take longer. With Blood manipulation, you bypass all of that. Once he linked with a source of blood that blood was his and he could use it to regenerate any wound instantly. This is why no one could kill his dad you would have to destroy every atom of his being if not then he would regenerate as soon as he found a source of blood. Once you lose conscious thought that process happens automatically. His dad filled him in with all kinds of stories of being blown up to pieces by magic users and modern weapons. He could even read people's memories by drinking their blood and even learn skills they had acquired throughout their lives. His dad prided himself on being a master jack of all trades.

After blood manipulation came the other well-known Vampire abilities such as super strength, super speed, super senses, and super reflexes. He could also fly or hover with a trick his dad used by having a layer of blood in his clothes he could lift himself in the air and fly around. His Dad even had ways to ensure his survival and even be able to teleport. By turning animals into his familiars through ingesting some of his blood his dad could kill himself off and respawn by reforming inside his familiar. He had learned a lot in the past 4 years and he wanted to learn even more especially other types of magic which is why he decided to enroll in the underworld academy located in the neutral zone in the fairy realm. Vampires had their own academy as well but Drake wanted to familiarize himself with all the races of the underworld. And having everyone bow and worship the ground he walked on because of who his parents were didn't sound like a fun time at all.

Roxanne his childhood friend who was originally enrolled in the Vampire Academy quickly changed her mind after Drake mentioned where he was going and she had her Mother ensure her acceptance on the spot with a single phone call. This came as no surprise to Drake when looking at the Display above her head.


Falling in Love


She has been stuck at Falling in Love with 95 Points for quite some time. He figured they would need to take the next step for her status to change. To his disappointment, Roxanne and he hadn't done anything yet as both their mothers were constantly watching them like hawks. They forbid them from any kind of sexual activity until they are of age and fully grown. He smiled as he remembered her telling him she would follow him wherever he went so long as he would have her. And he couldn't wait to have her. Roxanne was an absolute bombshell of a woman now. Much like her Mother she had blonde hair and a huge rack. She had her mother's fat ass and even learned to sway her hips as Camille did. A move that enthralled Drake to pay attention to her every step. He felt himself getting hard just thinking about her body and soon he would get to taste that pretty flower. 

Hey guys, I know there was a lot of information these past couple of chapters. But I wanted all of you to have an idea of what kind of people Lilith and Vlad are. I also wanted the first meeting of Roxanne to take place in the story instead of just saying this is Roxanne his childhood friend after the time skip.

Look forward to some more lemons shortly now that our boy is grown up and ready to take on the world. Well, maybe he should start with the school first...

Razzadcreators' thoughts