
Reincarnated As Sukuna In Black Clover

Follow A Journey Of A Boy Who Got Powers Of Sukuna In Black Clover World.

Quill_Monarch · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Clash with the Enigmatic Dragon

"Shall we begin?" I assumed my fighting stance, extending my hands forward with my spear.

The dragon-like creature acknowledged the challenge with a menacing smile, and the battle commenced.


Without wasting any time, the dragon-like creature lunged towards me with his claws, moving incredibly fast, creating a substantial impact at his previous position.


My spear collided with his claws, releasing bursts of energy waves all around.

"Be careful, Zon!" Yuno warned me as he prepared his attack from behind, taking advantage of the moment as I pushed the dragon forward and moved back.

"Piercing Eagle!" Yuno yelled as an eagle-like creature materialized and swiftly moved toward the dragon. However, just moments before it could hit the creature, a purple shield materialized.


A powerful gust of wind erupted, uprooting many trees in its path, but both Yuno and I managed to hold our ground. After a few moments, the wind subsided, revealing the dragon, unharmed by the attack.

"What was that shield?! My attack didn't even budge him!" Yuno said in disbelief but quickly composed himself as he prepared another attack.

"Yuno, I don't know what magic he's using, but it's very strong. I'll attempt to engage him in close quarters to prevent him from preparing his shield. Attack him with your wind blades, but be extremely precise, and make sure not to hit me!" I shouted as I leaped toward the creature at full speed.

"Hehehehe," the creature seemed to laugh as it also came flying towards me, but something was different. Purple lines covered its body, and it appeared to be preparing an attack.


My spear and its claw collided again, releasing bursts of power as it applied its magic, and I countered with my cursed energy.

**Ting tank tang**

We moved at incredible speed, colliding with impacts all around. The dragon threw its claw toward my throat as it deflected my spear.

I twisted my spear to counter it, and its claw was deflected. Seizing the opportunity, I extended my hand in a claw-like motion, bursting with cursed energy, aiming for its chest.

The dragon swiftly rotated its body to the right, dodging my attack, and launched its claw again at my chest. I positioned my hands forward to absorb the impact, but then, the dragon unexpectedly retracted its claw.

"Why did he retract his claw?" I wondered as I prepared to counterattack. However, in the next moment, a powerful black attack struck me on the right side of my stomach, sending me reeling.

"Shit! A feint! He retracted his claw to make me attack, but then he used his tail to strike me!" I realized.


Just as the dragon was about to attack me again, dozens of wind blades and a blast of wind were unleashed, pushing it back and preventing its assault.

"Zon! Are you all right?!" Yuno shouted as he appeared beside me.

"No problem. Just a bit of blood," I said, wiping the blood from my face and examining my robe, which was torn on the upper side. I quickly stood up and assumed my fighting stance.

The dragon resumed its attack, but this time, its mouth opened strangely, and the purple lines that covered its body changed to red, emitting a bright glow.

"Yuno, attack with all your might!" I yelled, and Yuno, with the assistance of Sylph, joined his hands and invoked, "Hand of the God!" A humanoid figure materialized above us, preparing to strike the dragon. However, the dragon remained in position, conjuring a shield in front of it, and its lines began to glow even brighter.

"Not going to let you off this time!" I shouted, and with a burst of power from my entire body, I hurled my spear at its location.


The ground shook intensely upon the impact of the spear, and the seemingly indestructible shield shattered with considerable effort as my spear dropped to the ground.

Immediately after the spear attack, the Hand of the God descended with immense force upon the dragon. The attack struck the dragon just as it was about to unleash something, sending it hurtling backward. Its head was deflected skyward, and at that moment, a massive red beam erupted into the sky, vaporizing clouds, birds, and creatures in its path. The temperature in our surroundings dropped significantly, causing sweat to form on our faces and the dragon disappeared from our sight.

"What a terrifying attack. If it had hit us, we'd have been in serious trouble," Yuno remarked, his voice tinged with relief.

"Yeah, without a doubt."

The dragon wasn't dead, though. It would likely return in a matter of seconds. However, I had lost sight of my spear.

Just as I rose to my feet, a resounding sonic boom echoed through the area. The bushes and lakes in front of us suddenly vaporized, revealing the figure of the dragon once again. It appeared markedly different from before. It had grown significantly in size, from around 5 meters to nearly 20 meters. Dark shades of purple adorned its previously black scales. Its horn on its head had increased in size to about half the height of a typical person, and its tail sprouted spiky white outgrowths resembling bones. Its wings appeared more menacing, with the same dark purple hue on its black skin.

"What in the hell is this creature? It's become even more powerful and recovered from its injuries caused by the previous attack!" Yuno exclaimed in disbelief.


The creature flapped its wings heavily and roared. A massive storm swept us away, throwing both Yuno and me through the air. Without wasting any time, the creature locked onto Yuno, who had weakened the attack at the last moment and clung to a tree. It conjured a black sphere in its claw and unleashed it.


Upon contact with the ground, the black sphere annihilated everything in a 50-meter radius, leaving Yuno unconscious in tattered clothing.

I watched it all unfold from a short distance, perched atop a tall tree. The creature then turned its head toward my exact location, revealing a sinister smile.

"It seems I have no other choice," I sighed as I raised my Grimoire and declared,

"Cursed Magic: Sukuna Form."

To be Continued...