
Journey starts

Bulma pov

I am bulma 16 yr old.when I was in storage room I found a strange orange ball with two red colour stars in it.it piqued my interest so after searching for many records and information ,I found that there are six more balls like these and whoever found these 7 balls that are across the world they will be granted a single wish.it really perfect to relieve the boredom in my summer vocation and also I can wish to know who is my perfect boyfriend he he he

And so I started to make gadget that can detect other balls since these balls are releasing a certain frequencies I can use that to find them and quickly made them.yosh all set and I began my journey.

First I moved towards the ball which is nearer and that was somewhere in the forest and I driven my car to that location and it seems my bad luck today I actually running away from a monster which is frantically following me to swallow me while I accelerated to escape from this creature I saw a boy in far away getting close he is also handsome alas I don't have time to see him more than that because of the creature behind me.

Bulma:oi ..run away there is a monster that following behind me

But that boy didn't even nudge and when he seen the monster behind me he shot some laser like thing and when I turned back I saw that it was dead..it is really shocking

Bulma:what the hell was that?

Goku:oh it is nothing but a qi shot

Bulma:qi what is that

Goku:it's some type energy..ok leave that who are you and what are you doing here there is no people around here other than me and grandpa in forest

Bulma:oh I came here in search of a ball ..wait a moment ...do you seen these type of ball anywhere

(She took out her two star Dragonball and shown it to Goku)

Goku:I know them ..it is exactly like the ball grandpa has but it has four stars in them

Bulma:really can you give it to me please

Goku:it is with my grandpa so you can ask that to him

Bulma:ok can you lead me to him

Goku:ok by the way you didn't say your name

Bulma:oh right I am bulma 16yrs old what's your name

Goku:Goku 13 yrs

Bulma:oh you really look much older than that though(and much hotter)in her mind

(And then with bulma he went towards his home to see grandpa since Goku was carefully enough to not look at full moon he didn't change into giant ape and killed his grandfather so he is alive now)

Goku:grandpa someone is here for you

Gohan:oh Goku you are returned I who do we have here

Bulma:hello grandpa I'm bulma I came here to search for these orange balls it seems you those can you lend it to me please

Gohan:oh I can give it to you since it's something i have found it many years ago I don't have any use for it

Bulma:thank you grandpa

Goku:and what do you need these things for?

Bulma:ah there are totally seven of these balls scattered all around the world if we collect all these balls then we can get single wish of ours granted

Goku:so you are going around the world to collect it how many do you collected by now

Bulma: only two there are five more to collect...ah I have to collect it fast

Goku:mmm..since it is like that would you mind if I joined your journey it will be dangerous for you to travel alone and I can protect you and also can see many people and see the world more how about it?

Bulma:mm its also seem like it will easy like this I can collect all the balls fastly(and have a handsome boy with me in my journey)in her mind...ok let's go

Goku:grandpa can I go living in the forest is really boring I can get many experience outside please

Gohan:ok you can go you are strong so no problem in that ..take care yourself ok

Goku:thank you grandpa..ok bulma let's go to our journey after packing some things

And then the main story has started with some light twist and turns.

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