
I’ve been reborn haven’t I?

The minutes drifted into hours and hours into days, maybe months. I don't even know... well, what I DO know is that I think I've become a... baby again... yep... well, how else could this be explained?! I'm seriously unable to open my eyes and something ( creature, human, whatever. ) is feeding me milk, I can barely move my tiny limbs... yeah I said tiny, I'm pretty sure I'm A LOT SMALLER. So tedious, I mean damn this milk tastes delicious but it doesn't sit well with me, at all! I'm not wanting to wait around until I can open my eyes!

Sadly, I must because that's how it works. Just wait until I open my eyes, I dare you!

Somebody will face my wrath!

I stopped squirming as I felt vibrations on the ground, perhaps alluding to a visit from one of my parents, again not sure but whatever.

I heart quiet murmurs in a language that sounds none like my own. I feel around to try and get closer, wanting to listen to this new interesting language or perhaps just desperate for human (?) interaction.

I squirmed closer only to be muzzled back in between the warm bodies who I presume are my siblings, I begin drinking milk before drifting off...





Tug. Tug.

I feel something tugging on my ear. Can't a girl get her rest around here?! I slowly begin to open my eyes only to be faced with a fierce wolf. Oh. Nuzzled.. milk.. puppies.... I'm a dog aren't I? I've been reborn as a dog...


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