he wields his chains with vigor and defends the balance with his strength while he explore the new world before him the world of pokemon and his name is regimachanica
G:hello new soul how are you
G:hello you there
:'i don't know if this is real.. someone slap me I must be dreaming'
G:no you aren't dreaming
:'if I'm not dreaming then why am I here shouldn't there be something that can help me make sense of this'
G:look you are dead; no longer alive, deceased I have you here because you have been brought here so I an dispose of extra magic so it will stop bothering me
:'um how am I supposed to do that'
G:it's quite obvious I'm going to give you wishes no limits just make the wishes till I say that it's enough
:'um ok'
G:I'll be sending you to a world your most knowledgeable about in your case it's pokemon
:'oh ok can you summon arceus here cause if this is true I want to ask him something if its ok with you dince I still kind of think this is a dream still'
G:I said ok
immediately he snapped his fingers summoning arceus
A:'who dares summon me while I'm busy'
G:me genius
A:'you dare--
G:shut up arceus you see that soul right there he wants to ask you something
he said while realesing an air that made the previous angry arceus become gleeful and happy seeing another god that radiates power like him
A:'dear soul what is it you wishes to ask me'
:'um I was hoping I could become some kind of pokemon that can help keep your world together'
A:ha what are you some kind of narcissist
:'no I just wanna try to be a pokemon since being a human never really lead to many good things happening'
A:'hmm very well what is it you want to be'
:'i wish to be almost like registeel but of a new element called mechanical, as for what I'll look like I'll be mostly made out of nothing but gears in my first form'
A:'your first form?'
:'yes that is my basic form, my second form the gears of my body spin at speeds that produce lightning and make all gears separate and spin at impossible rates pretty much over drive mode, and sorry if you don't like this a second form and last form where I gather all gears from around the world becoming some what god like or a form as a way to make a new race of pokemon and my ultimate form'
A:' hold up god, there can only be one god and that's me'
:'i know and I'm sorry but I'm not really going to be a god just a powerful being to sustain myself if things go bad and two the creation of the new race as why should I be the only one of my element and i dont plan on over doing it.
A:'hmmmm fine ill agree as long as you don't affect the world'
:'I don't plan on it I just want to look around while also being useful'
S:'yes yes I understand granted'
G:I second on the granted thing
G:ok I'm sending you back arceus ok?
:'wait do you mind me being born while you are working on forming the planet so I can help stabilize the time space and other side dimension or mirror dimension'
A:'hmm sounds good as it'll help me and the other two quite alot'
arceus entered the portal preparing the preparations
G:ok soul boy next wish
S:'I want to have double of my max levels and stats'
G:so basically lvl 400 type stats
S:what do you mean?, i thought I would be lvl 100!
G:you said you wanted to be like a god, so lvl200 is basically the lvl of a god.
S:that ... that actually makes more sense now that I think of it.
G: your wish is granted, next wish
S:'a tiny pet'
G:what kind
S:'i want a cute pet snake that's adorable that is connected to my soul'
G:'ok umm I want a skill that make me completely uncatchable to any kind of PokeBall no matter how advanced it gets.
G:granted, although that one is already pretty much a given as you are too powerful already to risk allowing you to be caught.
S:'i want the ability to see every ore and collect it all to give it away to everyone'
G: granted, don't over do it as arceus probably won't like you messing with too many ores as the humans will need it.
S:'god like healing skills'
G: that's pretty much already granted as you can bring gears to yourself or use the skill that the regi rock like pokemon uses to heal itself and because you can also find any more that you want just by looking down.
S: ya I didn't think about that but that makes it easier I guess
S:'i can learn anything and everything and pretty much instantly master it to a almost godly level'
G:granted, but you must either read it all the way or see the blueprint in order to master it to godlike level
G: okay one last little wish soul
'oh ok umm how about being able to S:communicate with you maybe tea every now and then'
G:that's an interesting wish not many wish for that I'll think about that wish if I decline it I'll call you and let you choose one more wish or if I grant it I'll call you for tea
G:arceus are you ready
A:'i hope your ready to work cause it's the immediate thing your going to do as the floor is literally lava'
arceus threw chains through the portal
A:'grab these when your ready'
I took a deep breath and said
:'thank you for this chance great one and I'll see you again when you finally make your choice's
G:alright see you then
S:oh right my name is Tom ridge fiddle.
I grabbed the chains and went through the portal
T:'ahh it's nice to finally be useful again'
riddle time
what does man love more than life, hate more than death or mortal strife; that which contented men desire;the poor have, the rich require; the miser spends, the spendthrift saves, and all men carry to their graves?