
Reincarnated as a OP Magic User

16 year old Amara Mayfield didn't really have the best life. She lived in a decent house, got pretty decent grades, and has parents who rarely pay attention to her. Her world changes forever when god accidentally kills her and reincarnates her in a another dimension as a goddess. Join her as she figures out how to survive in this new mystical world. [ON HOLD]

Random_Weeb10 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Whole New Style

Currently I was walking down a dirt surrounded by trees. My legs hurt and my feet ache. I've been walking for what felt like years. Finally I saw a sign that said Neuna, the village I was going stay in until I learned more about this place, of course being in a different world means there different things.

You know like the food, places, cultures, people and probably even the time. I didn't expect it to be anything like earth. But what I saw had be SHOOK. Just to summarize it in a few words. It was like if the medieval era had a secret love child with the Victorian era. The clothing and decorations where a mix of both.

Some people had on dirty and tattered clothes, so I'm guessing they where commoners who didn't have a lot of money. And I saw other people wearing clothes that were better looking and kinda fancy but not as fancy as nobles, so I'm guessing they where the upper class.

I started walking in but stopped myself when I realized what I was wearing. I had a sunflower dress with a denim jacket and some black Converses. I can't go in there looking like this! Maybe I can seal some clothes... well no that's not a good idea.

I don't wanna angry them when I walked two miles to get here. Well I need to make a decision quick before it gets completely dark.

I snapped my finger, "I got it". I can use MAGIC! I back up into a bush to disguise myself in cause someone came bye. I set my basket on the floor, plopped down on the ground then pulled out my magical book.

"Ok book, is there a magic that can change my clothes for me"?

Yes, Cloth Magic

Cloth magic? That's weird. I cleared my throat a little. "Ok book, How do I use cloth Magic".

Steps to use Cloth Magic

1.Close your eyes and Clear your mind

2.Picture what you wanna wear

3. Snap your finger

Ok that sounds easy enough. I closed my eye then thought for a moment what I wanted to wear. I don't really know much about fashion back then. But luckily I remember a picture from a fashion Magazine where the theme was the Victorian era.

So I just pictured that and snapped by fingers. I opened my eyes and gasped. IT WORKED! "Thanks book" I said as I kissed the cover. I then put the book back, grabbed my basket, got up off the ground, then started walking in.

I didn't really know where to go and what to do so I just walked around like a lost puppy for while. Maybe I could find a Inn to stay at. I better hurry up Because the suns started to set. I looked around for moment and spotted a girl with pink hair in two pigtails walking caring a big bowl of something? I couldn't really tell what.

Maybe I can ask here. I walked over to here and at tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped a little a turned around.

"Oh sorry you scared me a little". Her voice was soft and sweet.

"Sorry about, I'm lost.. I was just wondering if there's a Inn around here". She made a confusing face.

"A Inn.. Sorry but I don't know what that is".

Oh right, dang It I'm so slow. I nervously laughed. "Ok that's fine, sorry for the inconvenience". I was about to walk away until she stopped me.

"If... if you need a place to stay you can come to my place".

"Oh no that's ok".

"No I insist, I can't just have you out here in the dark".

Truth, "Ok let's go" I said cheerfully.

A couple of minutes later we made it back to her place. It wasn't very big, it had a fireplace, a two person bed up against the stone wall, a chair that was on a brow fur rug, a small dresser with a full length mirror, a table that was pushed against the other side of the wall, a small kitchen and a separate small room with a toilet, shower and sink. She set the large bowl on the table and I sat on the bed with my basket in my lap.

"My names Annie by the way". She said as Bent down and got some small bowls out the drawer.

"My names Amara".

Annie then walked back over to the take and poured what ever what in the bowl into the smaller one.

"Do you want some", she asked.

"No thanks". She then sat down and started eating.

"Sooo.. why did you offer me a place here, I mean I could have been a killer" I said laughing.

"Well.. I.. I couldn't leave you by yourself".

I made a hm sound. "Why are you here"?

"What do you mean", I ask curiously. She took another sip of her food.

"Oh.. well you don't look like your traveling or anything so I.. I as just wondering".

Ehhh what do I say. Well I mean I could just not tell her. She was nice enough to Offer me a place. But I can't just be like, Hey I died and god reincarnated me into the world as a Op goddess. I thought some more, well I could, but one she might not believe me and two I don't know if she'll go around telling people.

For know I just want to keep a low profile.

This whole time I was thinking she was looking at me waiting for a answer.

"If.. if your uncomfortable telling me it's ok I don't have to know".

"Oh no it's fine.. it's just", come on Amara just make up something. "I WAS IN A COMA". Annie jumped up a little, not Expecting me to yell. Oh dang not that Amara, your so stupid...