
Reincarnated As A Not So Useless Sakura

A girl gets reincarnated in Naruto as Sakura after getting rejected by her crush on snap Cover Art Is Not Mine If The Artist Comments I Will Remove The Photo

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12 Chs

A Small Timeskip Graduation Time

Six days has past since reincarnating as Sakura and honestly life isn't that bad I can one hundred percent say reincarnating as Sakura was probably the best person to reincarnate as because I am able to easily insert myself in the story and have a good foundation without being a dude.

Anyways during these six days I have learned one jutsu and almost mastered the academy taijutsu, I learned the body flicker but am missing most of the strength to do most of the taijutsu.

I haven't been able to learn any genjutsu because my brain still can't completely understand the concept. I am currently working on advanced chakra control. I have been trying to learn water style ninjutsus but the academy doesn't teach any elemental justu and neither does the library until you're genin.

While on the way to the academy I accidentally walk into Ino surprisingly she doesn't argue with me for the whole walk, I stay quiet and listen as she talks about how she is happy I have been staying away from Sasuke but I shouldn't act uninterested because Sasuke would like her more.

I finally made it to the academy, Ino is already there after running ahead to guarantee her spot next to her so called destined love Sasuke. Walking up to my spot in the back I realise Naruto is still siting next to my seat waiting for me, honestly I wish I still beat him because he would then distance himself from me, and still sit next to Sasuke and kiss him.

After most people do their test it's finally my turn to go, I passed the ninjutsu test and one hundred percented the academic part but barely pass the taijutsu test because I can't keep up with the Chunin.

Once I got my headband I put it around my neck and walked to the library to finally try to understand the concept of genjutsu after a couple hours I realise that it's late and I should run home before talking for another thirty minutes again with my parents.

Once I made it home we ate a big dinner and celebrated, my parents said they were proud of me and surprised I started training and not being completely obsessed over Sasuke and focusing on myself.

After a hour of celebrating I go to my room to finally make my plans for the two months of training I need to live through the chunin exams after a long time thinking I realise I should first focus on passing the bell test because any thing could happen because nothing is guaranteed to be the same as the anime for all I know Kakashi might not even be my sensei there was nothing proving this is a alternate universe but I should always be prepared in this world.

After a shower and a goodnight sleep, I finally wake up in the morning and get ready for getting assigned to a team.

On my way to the academy I think of the odds of being able to learn a elemental jutsu, because original Sakura wasn't able to use any because of her lack of physical exercise during the time her body was growing the most.

I remember Sakura's affinity being water, earth, yin, and yang. Learning atleast three water and earth jutsu would probably be the best case scenario if I can learn more I will but I have to focus on medical ninjutsu so I can learn as much as possible from Tsunade as fast as possible.