
Reincarnated as a Fish but I can become a Dragon

When I woke up, I was in the shape of a fish in the river. Why did I look like a fish, and who am I in the first place? While leaving only the memory of being human in the previous life and being puzzled by the loss of all memories of himself, the days of hunting for prey to live in the world to live have begun. And it seems that this small fish can become a dragon as it evolves. When I heard that from the skill of the “voice of heaven” and had the purpose of living, I went to enjoy this world. This story is about a small fish aiming to become a dragon.

_novel_Fan · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 37

That was a feast.

I ate it all not even bones remains.

I lick the blood on my mouth with my tongue while feeling satisfied with the experience point that I can get without leaving any remains.

My level became 9 with just this one.

Well, it was a small creature.

But it isn't enough, I know.

But that thing was a good training partner.

Thanks to that, the proficiency level of water blade is increasing.

After all, the skill level goes up better in the actual battle.

Is it because these skill are triggered with a sense of crisis?

Well, it's a world where you can eat the enemy after you done with it, and it's natural thing to do, except if you are really in the desperate situation … I'm sorry that I just play around in the firt half in the last battle.

I mean … you will know it if you experience it by yourself!

I forgot to leave the meat for bait.

Well, should I look for the another prey again?

Oh, that's right.

Let's synthesize skills.

The water spear and the water thread seemed to go well together.

I actually used multiple water spear, but it was very difficult to handle and I'm not confident that I could handle all of the thirty spears.

I'm not that dexterous.

That's why I want to synthesize some skill.

[A new skill has been created by synthesize [Multiple Water Spear] and [Water Thread], the skill [Reamed Water Spear] has been added to the skill list. The skill [Multiple Water Spear] and [Water Thread] will be discarded]*

*(I changed it a little bit, should I use this synth format or the old one?)


-Reamed Water Spear-

A skill that allows you to manipulate water spears and threads. The controlling ability changes depending on the skill level and the thread strength depends on the MP used.



Heavenly voice?

Isn't the name of the multiple water spear that I mentioned earlier almost same as this?

Well, you know what, nevermind.

Shyu~ Shyu~.

Uh? The Fluck?

The antenna on my head is moving.

When I noticed it, the antenna pointed in one direction.

I shake my head to check it, but it keeps pointing in the same direction all the time.

What kelp is this?

This tactile sensation was not mentioned in the explanation of the MudSnake, and there may be an ecology that is not generally known.

Wait a minute! How about the voice of heaven!

Why you didn't give me the complete explanation when I need it!?

I used to think that the voice of heaven is a being who knows everything, but it's only like a matter to fullfilling the list before the content inputted in the dictionary.

I don't think if my guess is true, but … I'm not referring to dictionary written by humans, okay?

Or is it?

I'm sorry, could you show me some information about the MudSnake again?



A snake species that likes swamp and mud. This species does not live or stay in the swamp and mud, they just liked it.

This species relatively mild-mannered and uses its own traps to hunt for prey. They do not aim for prey larger than themselves.

The antennae on this species head automatically activate when a prey hits it's trap that they set up to tell the user where is the prey they caught.


Ayy yo~ The voice of heaven.

It's changed!

The description is different from what I saw before !

I haven't heard the last explanation! You just made it now don't you! You definitely knew it and just made it now!!

The voice of heaven is actually a good kind of dictionary.

It's a very useful dictionary.

I understand that it's actually a dictionary that have it own will.

So, according to the ecplanation … the trap I set up earlier was activated and caugh a prey.

So, does this antenna indicate the location of my activated trap?

Mr. MudSnake, a magister of trap.

Hey, that sounds good!

Then, why don't I rely on this antenna immediately?

I relied on the antenna to return to the place where I set the trap earlier.

There was a figure of Azawarachi who had already died after being caught in water trap.

What a mess.

I release the trap immediately.

This time, the meat is chopped to make the bait to lure the prey, I didn't eat this one.

There were 20 traps installed, but since the bait was small, I could only place it in eight traps.

However, the good thing about Swamp Camo is that they don't have to be installed at all.

Let's keep use this bait near the water trap.

Of course, the water used for trap is using the water from infinite water manipulation that I used for my luggage.

So convenience!

I know all the traps location, and I'll divide the bait into eight pieces and take them to the place where the water trap is set up.

However, when doing this, I have to use the Haze Manipulation.

Otherwise I won't know where I am.

The MP used for this is really eco friendly so I don't have any problem using it.

After placing the bait in all the traps, let's just leave it alone.

It will tell me if the prey caught in, so let's go home and go to bed today.

I don't want to wait another five hours!

It was a waste of time!

Next time I set a trap, let's leave it immediately.

Then I slept on the moss, hoping to caught the prey after I awoken later.

-next morning-

Guh, stop this pyuu~ pyuu~ noise please.

It's so noisy.

When I wake up, my head is full of the noisy sound.

Is all of the 20 traps caugh the prey?

Hey antenna. Please guide me to the nearest trap. Uh, so noisy.

With that in mind, I stopped and see where is the antenna pointed the place.

I go in that direction.

The effect of the bait was tremendous, and it seemed that five traps were caught the prey on today alone.

Two are Water Traps and three are Swamp Camo traps.

Both are traps used the suffocation method, it's the easy way to immobilize the prey.

However, all the prey on my traps is small.

I ate everyt one of them but my level only went up to 24.

I feel that the amount of required experience points has increased even more than before as I always evolving.

I really want to sat 'It can't be helped', but … Even if I have the growth benefit, it's really slow nowadays.

Without the benefits, it would take more time.

This is what I know from the all knowing dictionary … I should thank the voice of heaven.

When I preyed on the fifth prey, the antenna finally became quiet.

This fella is annoying.

It's a little ridiculous that I have to stay with this fella until the next evolution, but … well, let's get along well until then.


... I wonder if I can cut it into pieces.


Huh? Is this fella malfunctioned?

Until now, it didn't react like this …

Then the antenna stands up again.

However, it also collapses in a few seconds.

This was repeated several times.

Obviously it's not a malfunction.

This antenna keeps responding when the trap is activated.

When there is no response, it is after removing the prey from the trap.

It's hard to imagine getting out of that trap by themselves.

The thing is … it may have been activated on purpose.

It may be an enemy with trap-sensing skills, so I'll go closer and beat their ass.

I go stright to the place where the traps have been destroyed, but since then four traps have already been destroyed.

I didn't feel the antenna reacting again, so I should be in a place where I gathered the traps it should be around here.

I try to search for the enemy by activating the Haze Manipulation.

I generally remember the place where the traps were placed, so I will use the haze there.

Then something got caught in my haze detection.

It's not that big.

Is it about 1m in size?

No, it's quite big.

I don't know what kind of creature it is because I can only detect the silhouette now.

Haze Manipulation's sensing ability only knows that there is something there, it can tell there is something in there.

That alone is a very useful skill, but …

Well, it's just a creature that can break my trap.

It doesn't seem to be a threat, so let's hunt it and gain experience!

I go to the creature.

It's been a while since the last time I used [Pursuit].

Sometimes, if I don't do close combat, I'm likely to rely solely on my long-range attacks.

Let's finish it with a single [Herculean Jaw].

I will not lose sight of it because I always know the location with the haze radar.

I'll strike it from behind.

When I peeked my face from the grass, I could finally see it.

Big fangs and big horns.

An unusually muscular creature stood there a bipedal species.

Their structure is … close to humans form.

However, this fellow is very short, so I guess this fella is a goblin.

Their hand has crocodile claws that barely leave the shape of the hand and has no joints.

It also looks like the nails play the role of a hand.

The color is poisonous purple.

Then it stepped on the trap again.

That is my Water Trap.

It clings to their body at once and covers the whole body.

However, I was a little worried about their behavior.

What I thought is, I was wondering if it had the skill to detect my trap, so I was wondering if it could use the skill to release my trap … but It's completely trapped.

It shouldn't be able to escape my trap, but … I've been detected it for a while with the haze sensor, so there should be no mistake with this guy who is rampaging around after released from my trap.

What I mean by rampaging around is when it was bending it's neck, something shocking happened in front of me.


The bipedal creature shook one arm as hard as it could and broke from the water trap.

The water fell to the ground and was absorbed by the soil, and the puddle disappeared.

And it turned out that all of my hypothesis so far were wrong.

There is no doubt that this guy was walking aimlessly after released from my trap.

However, it did not have the skill to detect traps.

This guy was spinning around, released itself from the trap with only his tough body.

What the heck is this…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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