
Reincarnated as a eel

Leshi was reincarnated as a giant eel said to be an alien descendent from ancient times

Dr_Mochi · Seni bela diri
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2 Chs

War on the waters

-//-//// a war is happening miles away from the lake -/-/—/—

"KEEP OPENING FIRE UNTIL WE GET A CHANCE TO RETREAT!" A person that looked to be high up in authority was yelling and ordering people on a battle ship and it seemed to be the last one left that hadn't sunk yet.

They all knew they wouldn't get to go home to there families some wasn't ready to face the reality that they where gonna die. The helicopter in the air on there side where trying there best to get them an opening to run but it was not gonna happen

Where ordinary people would have gave up. Do to knowing there fate couldn't be changed. They didn't, they kept fight even after knowing they wouldn't go back home.

All of a sudden an explosion was heard underwater off side of one of the mountains not to far away . One of the helicopters toned in to there radios.

"Did y'all here that anyone have an idea on what that wa-…. Oh dear god . What the hell is that!" Before the man on the line could ask the pilot what he was seeing. The water began to roll and bend as if something was about the break the surface but it was heading in there direction the water was rolling over whatever was about to come out of it.

But when the water finnaly broke. Everyone was astonished.

A creature that looked like a snake but had smooth skin and was as big as two and a half battle ships came slithering on the waters surface.

The team that was once winning made the wrong move of attempting to shoot it. The cannons bonded off and the creature turned in there direction and sped towards them

All there faces went white as the creature launched it self out the water and completely ran through all there boats. Sinking, tearing, and destroying all of them.

Then all that was left was one boat and a helicopter . As they seen the creature twist back into the free sea.

Click* CAPTAIN W-What the hell WAS THAT!" The pilot tuned in with a shake voice and said.

I don't know exactly but if this thing gets caught i our war we better hope it's on our side and not attack it. I'll make sure I put I. Word with the boss so he knows not to get men killed for no reason fighting this monster.

-/—//-////- back with oye

"Fucking pussy ass warship! Do you know how long it took me to get out of that ducking cave and I get a cannon to the dome!"