
Reincarnated As a Celestial Human

A boy named Yuma had died in his previous life because of a earthquake and now he is reincarnated into a world where dragon, phoneix, demons and mermaids reside alone side humans.The humans are the weakest race because they can't use magic but the other race can.The other races look down on human and some race even make them Thier slaves,in fact most of the humans are the slaves of dragons, phoneix and demons.Yuma will make the human race the strongest in the future. Read the story of Yuma who will make the human race the strongest.

Robiul_Ali_8037 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 8:A side mission

Then Yuma will close the description of the Flame manipulation and then he will take out the debris and then use Divine Flame Creation to create some flames and then he will use flame manipulation to concentrate all of its power in the debris and then debris will start to melt slowly but it will be taking a long time for it to melt so Yuma will realize that he will have to increase the power but he won't do it now because everyone on is asleep.He will make up his mind to go fully go out tomorrow when they are work will be done but however Yuma will encounter another major problem

"Wait if I have to use all my mana yo melt the walls so that we can escape how can I protect us when the dragons will come out after realizing that we have escaped.I will have to leave when I get even stronger but the speed of my leveling up is really weak and my status are also not increasing a lot.What should I do"Yuma thought to himself.

Then a line of words appear on Yuma's retina.

(To level up more quickly you can do the side missions that are able now and if you complete any kind of missions then it will increase your status too depending on your achievements.Do you want to pull out the list of side missions)

When Yuma saw these lines of words he immediately become pleasantly surprised and then.Intrested Yuma immediately said yes and then a line of words appear on his Retina.He then begin to scroll through the list and then after a moment of searching he immediately found a mission that's he is interested in doing.

"This mission looks quite good.I will choice this mission"Yuma thought to himself while he accepted this mission

(You have accepted the side mission called Rescue of the future king of darkness

Rescue of the future king of darkness:

Save the little girl who is captured in the prsion by the dragons because she wasn't able to work properly and they want her to strave to death so that she suffers a lot before dying .The girl has an insane potential to learn darkness magic if someone teachs them magic,she is one of the few who has appear on this world as a human who can learn main element magic naturaly.


You will gain exp depending on your achievement.

You will gain status depending on your achievement.

You will receive an unknown treasure.

You will receive some medicines that can heal physical injury's Difficult: Mythical.

You will be given 5 days to complete the mission because if you don't rescue her in five days she will strave to death.If you fail this mission then you will receive punishment.

Punishment: Automatically lose 15 percent of your overall status.

When Yuma saw these lines of words he immediately become serious specially the last line.As for how cruel the dragons are it didn't surprised him because he knows they are cruelty is on another level as for the rewards he was happy about them.

"I didn't expect to face a punishment by the system if I fail this mission because in all of the novels that I read so far I my previous life the protagonist who have a system were never punish by the system if they fail the mission.Why do I have such a bad system"Yuma thought to himself.

Then Yuma shook the punishment think and then he asked

"Do you know the location"Yuma asked the system

(Yes do want the system to send the map to your mind)

Then Yuma subconsciously said yes and then he felt a surge of information entering his mind,he had started to feel a little dizzy and then he after a moment he snapped out of all this mad then he was done digesting the information that he had just received.

"The place is a little bit far from where the humans creates weapons and probably only authorized people's can enter that prison so how will I enter the place I wonder.Forget I will think about this tomorrow when I go to work and I will sleep now for 1 hour now the others will wake me up so I don't to worry about that"Yuma thought to himself with a frown on his face

Then he went to sleep besides the other and them like a hour or two later a dragon roar shooked thorough the entire room then Yuma and everyone else wake up because it's time to go to work now and then a guy will come in front of Yuma and then he will ask.

"Should we continue looking for an exit or do something else"A guy asked Yuma.

Then Yuma replied with.

"No need for that I can melt the walls but will be completely out of mana and I won't be able to protect us so I need to get stronger before we leave.I will going somewhere today so please take care of everything here"Yuma said with a serious expression on his face

Then everyone nodded with serious expression on thier face and then the door will opened and then they begin to go to work as usually and like always they will sit down and will begin to create weapons and then after sometime Yuma will try to sneak away after telling everyone that he will go on and tell me to take care of everything.Then Yuma will sneak away when they aren't any dragon watching over them and then Yuma cell mate will take care of his work so that no one suspects that there was someone here.

After Yuma will leave the place where he works,he will started to wonder around to get familiar with landscape so that it's easier for him to escape when the time comes and he makes sure to hide when sees dragons.Then something will get his eyes.

He will look at a certain direction and will be seeing a dragon keeping a crate on a table from a distance and then he will say

"Is that medicine written on it.If so then I will let some then I will be able to cure that girl whom I bought a few days ago or elso she could die"Yuma thought to himself.

Then he started to head torwards there with the intention to steal while making sure that no dragon is around that box.After a moment he will reach the place,then he will begin to take some medicine out if the box because he can't take the entire box since it would be too eye catching and then after a moment he will done taking some medicine and then he will to go away from here and then after a moment he will see a dragon there and will see him take the crate away from there.Then he will heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank God that I got away from there or elso if I stayed any looking then I would be in serious trouble"Yuma thought to himself and then he begin to head to the place where the girl while following the road according to the map that was given to him by the system.

Then he will continue walking for the next one hour and on his way he will meet many dragons who are way stronger than him.He also had got caught once but he escaped by using the heavenly monarch aura to freeze the guy in fear to take advantage of that to escape.He would succeed in fleeing and reaching his destination.

"I have escaped form him but that will alert the dragons even more specially because of the recent commission caused by the Warden.I will have to be more careful when I go inside that prsion"Yuma thought to himself.

Then Yuma begin to wonder around the place to look for a loophole around here so that he could enter but then he will realize that there aren't any such loopholes in around the entire prsion and then he will hide with a frow on his face and then he wil think.

"Off they are isn't any other place to enter the prison other the front doors then how will I enter the prsion because if I try to enter the place using the front door then the dragon will surely see me and will probably kill me.There isn't any way other than that..."Just as Yuma was thinking how to enter the place he felt the aura of dragon who is much weaker than the others that he sensed from the aura and they are isn't anyone sorrounding him and he is just standing in s single spot

Then he will get an idea to enter the prsion.

"If I can first use the heavenly monarch aura on the dragon then I maybe able to make him unconscious as he is much weaker than the others.Then I will take all of his clothes and will use my Flame powers to destroy his so that no can know that the has died and judging by his aura he should just be an ordinary solider and so no one will probably care about him"Yuma thought to himself with a serious expression on his face.

Then he immediately activated the heavenly monarch aura and use it at it's full power and then the dragon completely froze in fear and then he started to tremble in fear.