
Reincarnated As a Celestial Human

A boy named Yuma had died in his previous life because of a earthquake and now he is reincarnated into a world where dragon, phoneix, demons and mermaids reside alone side humans.The humans are the weakest race because they can't use magic but the other race can.The other races look down on human and some race even make them Thier slaves,in fact most of the humans are the slaves of dragons, phoneix and demons.Yuma will make the human race the strongest in the future. Read the story of Yuma who will make the human race the strongest.

Robiul_Ali_8037 · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Chapter 10:Is the disguise exposed

Then the dragon standing besides him bowed and then he said.

"Your majesty I could recognize because of your unique your aura is a lot different from the dragons or any other races and as far as I know the members of the dragon Royal family only have this kind of aura"The dragon said to him with a smile on his face.

When Yuma saw the dragon bow to him he realized that the dragons completely believes in his identity in the royal dragon family and he also realized why did the dragon he is from the royal family of the dragons.

"Humans could never use magic and I am probably the first one to use magic in the human in the entire history and so the others race don't know what kind of aura the humans have that's why he is mistaken.However if he had meet the members of the royal family then my luck won't be on my side"Yuma thought to himself with a bitter smile on his face .

Then he tell the dragon to stand up and then he will make up a excuses for his visit and then he will tell the dragon.

"I didn't want to come here but I was exploring not to far from here and then I saw this human prsion that belongs to our race then I thought to cheer up my mind by torturing those bugs.So I shall go inside now and don't follow me or elso be ready to die "Yuma said to the dragon while using heavenly monarch aura to scare him.

Yuma mana was really low so he won't use the heavenly monarch aura for the next hour or two because he will have to recover his mana.However his mana recovering speed was really fast.Then the dragon nodded his head but they are was a though in his heart

"Why isn't his majesty showing his face doesn't he know hiding one's face is really insulting for one's pride as a dragon.Just as to be safe I will tell him to pay close attention to him just in case he isn't from the royal family"The dragon name Aoki thought to himself

Then Yuma didn't said any excessive and then he started to head inside the building and of course none of the guards yet had regained thier consciousness so they are most not anyone there to stop him even if they are someone there they wouldn't dare to stop after all this thing has happened.So Yuma's cost will be completely cleared.

Meanwhile Aoki will be calling someone by using a mana device.

"Hello I need you to keep an eye on this person as he is claiming to be a member of the Royal family of the dragons.It's also true that I was the one who thought he was one judging by his unique aura but now I think there is something wrong here.I will also let the warden know about the current situation"Aoki said with a frown on his face.

Then the one on the other side slightly nodded his head and then he hung up the call.

Then Aoki called the warden and explained him everything about the situation and then the warden said he is coming to meet the member of the royal family.

Meanwhile the place where Yuma is.

Right after Yuma entered the placed he saw a lot of human there inside a cell and then he realized that they are just sitting there like they are isn't any hope for life.He understood that they haven't eat anything for a long time and now there straving and he also saw some trying taunting woman's and even torturing some.He just ignored them because he doesn't have strength to do anything now.

They were also a lot of humans who have straved to death and even after dying the dragons are humiliating they are body this will make his blood boil and he will subconsciously make an oath.

"I will give you all a death worse than death and it would 10 times painful than what you are doing right now to the humans"Yuma thought to himself.

Then he calmed his mind down and then he begin to head torwards the place where the girl is held captive according to the map.The girl isn't in this floor she is the lowest floor for some reason and after he will reach the lowest floor he will have to wonder around to find him because he doesn't know the exact location but knows her face that's given to him by the system

Then he will begin to head downstairs and after walking for the next few minutes he will reach the lowest floor.When he will reach the bottom floor he will realize that no one is here,no dragons and only human prisoners.Then he will begin to wonder around for the next few minutes and then he will hear a voice from his body which is cold and respectfull at the same time.

"So you are one of the members of the Royal family of the dragon who has come"The voice resounded in his aura

Then Yuma turned around because he is felling a really strong aura coming from him and then he turned around a saw a figure standing behind his.His face was handsome and his body figure was also well build but when he looked at his eyes he could feel a cold gaze from there.Then he subconsciously realized that this a dragon whose strength won't be weaker then the gurdian of the prsion whom he met not to long a ago.

Then Yuma adjusted his body language and his face and expression and then he said in a cold voice and while having the bearing of an expert.

"What do you want from me you know that I am from the royal family so why are you blocking my path do you know the consequences of this"Yuma said to the dragon in an extremely cold voice

Then the dragon said in a respectful tone.

"I know you are from the royal family of the dragon but may I know why have you come to such a low ranking human prsion they are was a much higher ranking human prsion not to far from where you were exploring and as a member of the royal dragon you should now this"The dragon said to Yuma while he bowed down to him.

Yuma understand that why was he asking this it's because to confirm his identity as a member of the royal family.If he give a wrong answer than his identity would be exposed and his face also will be revealed and then they would understand that he is a human and then he would probably die horriblely as he is the first human who can use magic.

"Why should I tell him I don't even know if they are more prsion like this.If I gave a wrong answer then I am dead.Should I use the heavenly monarch aura to scare him but do I have enough mana I will have to check"Yuma thought to himself.

Then he opened up his status page and then he begin to look at his mana status then he realized more than half of it had already replenished and he was in shock because in novel he had readed in his previous life the protagonist need at least a few days to replenish they are mana.

"Well I am genius among genius because it must be abnormal to recover mana so quickly even in this world"Yuma thought to himself with a smile on his face and then a line of words appear on his retina.

(You can recover you mana so quickly because you have the Primordial Celestial body or elso it would have taken even longer to normal to replenish your mana)

When Yuma read this line of words he immediately realized the reason why do his mana replenish so quickly and then he immediately made up his mind to activated the heavenly monarch aura to scare this dragon into believing he is from the royal dragon family.

Then he activated the heavenly monarch aura at it's maximum potential and the dragon immediately started to feel the intense pressure coming from him and even before the dragon could say anything Yuma speak while he increased the pressure even more.

"How dare you to doubt the identity of the member of the dragon Royal family huh.Do you know the consequences of doing so and did you really think that I won't understand why are you saying this."Yuma said to the dragon really coldly

Meanwhile the dragon was trembling at the intense pressure but he could still move and stand up and he wasn't feeling dizzy or anything like that however it is enough for him to believe he is telling the truth and he has offended him so he will fix his relationship with him and then he said

"So sorry your majesty that I was doubting you but you should know that we will have to deal with potential dangerous people of the human race or elso it would be troublesome for our race but I know that this my fault for not recognizing so I ask for your forgiveness or elso I wouldn't be able to face anyone in the future"The dragon said to Yuma