

It was a beautiful quiet morning, the birds where chirping as they moved from one tree to another. Inside a small apartment complex, a phone was ringing repeatedly. Hough who was trying to sleep ignored the continuous phone calls. He firmly closed his eyes and turned to the opposite side of the bed. It was then he shot up in anger and reached for the phone to answer it.

[Hough]: What do you want!!!

[Kim]: Get to the station now.

[Hough]: It is my off day leave me alone.

[Kim]: Hough get down here or I will send officers.

The phone call ended and left Hough calling.

[Hough]: Kim! Kim! Don't do this to me.

Hough threw the phone as he started flinging his hands and feet like a kid. He had no choice but to get up. He sighed heavily as he looked at the ceiling.

[Hough]: I hope its at least interesting.

Hough was a twenty-one-year-old detective; he was tall with a muscular build. He had deep blue eyes with short black hair. He was the best detective in the entire department; he had the skill of deducing and finding the truth. Hough was done getting ready and took his car keys and left his apartment. He unlocked his car and entered. Before switching it on he looked around the car the reached for the glove box. He opened it and revealed a pair of gloves and a gun. He carefully wore the gloves with a serious face and took his gun. He then promptly switched on his car and left.

He parked the car outside the station and entered. Inside he was met with glares from different cops who hated and envied him for his success. Unaffected he walked towards an office with the initials 'Chief of Police' on the glass door. He knocked a few times then entered. Inside he met the gaze of Kim then proceeded to sit down.

[Kim]: Took you long enough.

Hough just sighed looking uninterested with what he had to say.

[Kim]: I have a trivial case for you. It was requested by the higher-ups.

Kim handed him a case file to him and started to read the contents. It was about some corrupt politician suspected of killing one of his competitors. He continued to read the file until he closed it and threw it back on the table.

[Hough]: I don't like politics you know that.

[Kim]: Yes I know but you like solving cases. I am going to assign you the murder case solve it, that is an order.

[Hough]: Fine but promise me that you will give me my off day.

[Kim]: I will give you an off day.

Hough stood up and took the file and exited the office. He walked towards his work station, sat down and placed the file on his desk. He started reading the report again, the murder was placed as a robbery as the pictures showed things scattered around his mansion. He carefully looked through the pictures studying them, then moved to the autopsy report.

"Mr James was hit by a blunt object on the back of his head, which resulted in heavy internal bleeding. That was his cause of death but upon further investigation, we found that both his legs were broken and also some of his fingers."

After reading, Hough laid back on his chair and started to think. He stared wordlessly into the ceiling until someone started calling him.

[Jake]: Hey, you get up.

[Hough]: What do you want Jake?

[Jake]: The boss said you are working on one of my closed cases.

Hough sat back normally and looked at Jake. He then reached out to the file, read the last page detailing the officers, and saw his name. Hough closed the file, looked back at him again.

[Hough]: Oops, guess I didn't see your name.

Hough mockingly answered back. Jake clenched his fist in anger and looked down. With those simple words, he felt as if his pride was ripped out. He has always been envious about Hough but failed to acknowledge his skills. He controlled his anger and retorted.

[Jake]: It is a closed case what will you even find.

[Hough]: Like the fact, it was an assassination and not a robbery.

Jake's eyes bulged out of his eye socket in shock. Jake grubbed the files and started to look for any missing information. Hough got up and left Jake frantically read the report. He reached the elevator and entered the Jake started to question him.

[Jake]: How? tell me now. It was my case.

Hough simply stares at Jake without answering as the elevator door closes on him. Hough reaches the parking lot and enters into his car. He leaves the station and heads towards the suspect's office to interrogate him. The suspect in question was named John Walcott, he was a politician but also one of the biggest entrepreneurs in the city. His office was located on the uppermost floors of the tallest building in the city. He enters the building and requests, an interview with him. The secretary at first hesitates but after seeing his budge she accepts.

[Secretary]: I will show you the way.

[Hough]: Thank you.

She then leads Hough towards his office. He enters and sees John looking outside the window. Hough then calls him out.

[Hough]: Excuse me can I have some of your time.

[John]: Of course, officer how may help you.

Hough then goes and sit down and pulls his note pad. John pours two glasses of whiskey and offers some to Hough who declines the offer. John then sits on the opposite side of Hough and looks at him.

[Hough]: It's about the murder of James one of your rivals.

[John]: He was a good man it's a shame he died. Have you found the robbers?

Hough then sharply stares at John and a cold chill runs down his spine.

[Hough]: I know what you did Mr. John I will find the evidence just come clean.

John then turns pale in shock but retains his composure and keeps his poker face.

[John]: You have no evidence till you do I refuse to speak further.

Hough then sighs and gets up. He approaches the exist but then turns back.

[Hough]: I gave you a chance.

Hough leaves the room and John drinks the entire glass of whiskey and starts to curse. Later that evening John left with much thought sits inside his office until a phone starts ringing.

[John]: I need you to take care of something.

[Mercenary]: Who is it this time?

As he is about to answer back, from the corner of his eye he saw something very odd on his windows.

[John]: I will call you in some few minutes I have to do something.

John promptly hung up the phone and stood up. He cautiously approaches the window to investigate but can only see his partial reflection and glimpse of the streetlights. As he continued to stare at his reflection, he could feel something looking back at him, then suddenly his reflection started to morph. Filled with fear he started moving backwards until he hit his table. He watched as a tall humanoid creature emerges from the window. Lights started to flicker as it approached him, It then grabbed him violently and drugged him towards the window. Only screams filled the office as he disappeared into the window with the creature.

This is my first chapter hope you enjoy, if you want to communicate with me please join on my discord.


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