1 1: Welcome to Redmond High

A beat up yellow motorcycle zooms into the parking lot, nearly hitting a group of freshman students.

'Sh*t!' Thinks the driver, a sophomore with long legs and a bad record of being late to school.

'Not only am I running late on the first day, my teacher has to be Cunningham!' Naomi shakes her head bitterly as she removes her black helmet. Mr. Cunningham was well known for being tough on students, especially those who slip up.

Her tardiness was sure to be a damper on her grades if she didn't hurry or come up with a good excuse.

Naomi runs through the halls, nearly plowing some other late students over.

"Sorry!" she blurts, but doesn't stop or turn around.

Naomi sees the door up ahead! Just ten more steps...



The bell rings.

Naomi stops in her tracks and hangs her head, quickly contemplating whether or not to leave. But, no. Many people (especially those she *literally* ran into), had seen her. Playing sick would be useless and blacklist her on the teacher-side for being a liar. All of this passes through her head in a matter of two seconds.

She takes a deep breath and pulls on the door handle, walking into a silent room and a glaring middle aged man.

An idea pops into her head and she fights back a grin.

"I am SO sorry, Mr. Cunningham! I just checked out the most amazing book from the library when I happened to check my watch! I rushed to class, but the bell rang before I could make it! Deepest apologies." She bowed her head for added effect.

"Oh, might I ask what book that may be?" There was a challenge in the English teacher's voice.

Smiling gently, Naomi withdrew the copy of 1984 she had "lost" (aka stolen from the library and paid a fine for) last year from her bag.

The classic piece of literature was sure to win some approval and respect, right?

After a short moment, Cunningham decided to let it rest and bade her to sit down in her assigned seat. Naomi scuttled to a seat next to a boy with auburn hair and devastatingly attractive cheekbones. Cunningham proceeded to lecture the class on his late-work, tardy, and behavior policies, as well as the grading scale and what is to be expected of this honors-level English II class.

Naomi and the rest of the class spaced out for most of it, but refrained from speaking or looking sleepy. Cunningham's wrath was not to be underestimated. It was told that he once had a student that was incredibly intelligent and a great writer, but had rebellious tendencies, such as refusing common Literature theories, interrupting lectures, and putting his feet on the desk.

That student was no legend either, Nate Burns, was so despised by Cunningham that he almost failed the class the first semester.

He threatened to drop out, but knew that would only please the teacher, so he switched to online classes and attempted 32 online writing assignments in under a week that same semester. Nate earned a C+ in the class that semester as a result of cramming in so many writing pieces, but it was better than failing.

Cunningham received no repercussion from the school board, despite his biased grades. He had two Language Arts bachelor's degrees and so, he was the best in the English department, no matter his terrible personality.

Every student feared that story, not wanting to be the next Nate Burns. Naomi was no exception. She knew she had to focus.

Yet, somehow her attention kept swaying towards the new boy in the seat next to her...

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