
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

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28 Chs

Chapter 25 A new mission

Qian held back his anger when he saw no sign of remorse on Emerlda's face. Gritting his teeth, he said, "The Westview prison break...you killed my brother, Wei." Emerlda, unfazed, reached into her pocket and pulled out a worn photograph. Gates, across the table, caught a glimpse of it and nearly choked on his drink. His face contorted in a mix of disgust and dawning horror.

Emerlda's face contorted in a mix of fury and disbelief. The scumbag who'd violated her husband – the reason she joined the Den in the first place – bore no resemblance to Qian's dead brother. She slammed photos onto the table, each depicting a scene of depravity, the victim's face obscured but the cruel gleam in his eyes unmistakable."Don't insult me, Qian," she spat. "Your brother was a monster. The world is better off without him."Qian, however, remained unfazed. "Family is family," he said coldly. "Even a rotten one. He built this empire on his back, and his legacy will live on. Now, the Den. Wipe them out, and I provide the antidote. That little bioweapon of theirs is nasty, isn't it?"Emerlda's breath hitched. The Den, a loose coalition of the city's most notorious gangs, was a hydra – cut off one head, and two would grow back. Taking them all down would be a suicide mission. But the alternative – a slow, agonizing death by the drug-virus...The air crackled with tension. Emerlda knew this was a deal with the devil, but was there any other way out?Gates' heart hammered against his ribs. He needed the antidote, but Qian's offer was like a scorpion perched on his palm – a potential cure wrapped in venomous danger. "The Den," he said, his voice hoarse. "They're not exactly known for their forgiveness. Taking them down wouldn't be a walk in the park."Qian leaned back in his chair, a predatory glint in his eyes. "You destroyed the Bloods. The Den shouldn't be much harder. And if you succeed, the antidote is yours. Along with a hefty sum, and a safe passage out of this city once the dust settles."Gates knew Qian's "safe passage" likely involved disappearing into obscurity. Still, it was a tempting offer. He could disappear, start anew. But the thought of working for a man like Qian, of wading into the Den's viper pit...The weight of the decision pressed down on him. He needed time to think, to weigh the cost of survival against the price of his soul.Emerlda's face contorted in a mix of fury and fear. "Seventy-two hours," she spat. "You think you can waltz in here and threaten my family? The Den may be a cesspool, but it's a necessary evil. Without it, the city would descend into chaos."Qian puffed on his cigar, a cruel amusement dancing in his eyes. "Chaos is precisely what I want. Chaos weakens the old guard, paves the way for a new order. One I will rule. And besides, wouldn't you relish a chance to finally stick it to those who wronged you?"Emerlda knew he was right. The Den had ravaged her life, taken her husband. But could she trust this monster, Qian, with her family's lives? A part of her yearned for revenge, to watch the Den crumble. But another part, the protective mother, screamed at her to find a way out of this twisted game.Suddenly, a flicker of an idea sparked in her mind. Perhaps there was a way to use Qian's ambition, Gates' skills, and the Den's internal conflicts to not only save her family, but also dismantle both Qian and the Den from the inside out. It was a risky gamble, but it was the only chance she had.Emerlda's voice cut through the tension like a whip. "Shut up, Gates," she snapped. Then, her gaze softened as she turned to Daniel. "I was wrong, putting all this on you. This is my mess, and I'll clean it up. Consider it my welcome back gift."A wave of relief washed over Daniel. He rubbed his throbbing head, guilt gnawing at him. Lily's tear-streaked face flashed in his mind. "Thanks, Emerlda. I just...""You wanted to protect your family," she finished for him, a hint of understanding in her eyes. "We all do. The President wants answers, and we need to get back to that island."Gates shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't thrilled about working with a group that smacked people around, but the alternative – millions dying from the drug-virus – was far worse. He had a skillset they needed, and the fate of countless lives rested on their success.The President's face was grim as he listened to their report. Bombing the island was off the table – they needed the real drug and any research on the antidote. He had a choice to make – trust a volatile group with a troubled past, or gamble with the lives of millions. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.Emerlda's words hung heavy in the air, a challenge that resonated through the stunned congregation. Was she truly their only hope? A wave of unease settled over the room. This volatile woman with a chip on her shoulder was their lifeline.As soon as the others left, Emerlda slammed her fist on the table. "Two hours wasted," she growled, checking her watch. "Alright, team, listen up. Daniel, I need intel on Qian and that island – his financiers, anyone connected to him. Dig deep."Daniel nodded grimly, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. Gates, however, remained silent, a half-chewed protein bar bulging in his cheek."You," Emerlda snapped, pointing at him. "You're coming with me. Time to thin the Den's ranks a bit. Send their locations to my phone. We'll start with the weaker ones, work our way up to the big fish."Gates swallowed his food with a grimace. He didn't like this plan one bit. Working with Emerlda felt like making a deal with the devil, but the alternative – letting millions die – was unthinkable. He sighed, a knot of apprehension forming in his stomach."Where are we even going?" he mumbled, grabbing his own gear.A dangerous glint flickered in Emerlda's eyes. "Let's just say," she said, a cruel smile twisting her lips, "the Den really owes me a visit. And I intend to collect."This development sets the stage for a thrilling and action-packed sequence, with Emerlda's recklessness balanced by Gates' caution, and the looming threat of the Den adding to the tensionEmerlda's heart hammered against her ribs as she crouched in the ventilation shaft, peering into the opulent apartment. There, amidst swirling cigar smoke and drunken laughter, sat her target – Divilias, the corpulent leader of the South African Snakes. Next to him, four other gang leaders, their faces flushed with alcohol and arrogance, formed a tight circle.On the other side of the wall, the elevator dinged. Emerlda held her breath as the doors slid open, revealing Gates, his face a mask of grim determination. A silencer-equipped pistol glinted in his hand. Relief flooded her, quickly replaced by a surge of worry. Ten heavily armed guards stood between them and Divilias.Suddenly, the fat man bellowed with laughter, his voice echoing in the cramped shaft. "Stand down, Master Borstov!" he boomed. "It is an honor for you to grace us with your presence! I sent an invite, you know."Emerlda gritted her teeth. Invite or not, she wasn't there for pleasantries. But ten heavily armed guards? Her initial plan of a swift takedown seemed suicidal. She scanned the room again, her eyes landing on a glistening chandelier hanging precariously above the group. Maybe there was another way.Meanwhile, Gates stepped out of the elevator, his hand already on his gun. He surveyed the scene, his stomach churning. He hated killing, but Emerlda's plan left him no choice.A metallic tang flooded Gates' nostrils, thick and cloying. It scraped at the back of his throat, a monstrous antithesis to the sterile scent of his lab. He pushed the door open further, the sight that greeted him halting his breath in his chest. Brutally murdered corpses sprawled on the floor, their lifeless eyes staring sightlessly at the ceiling.Emerlda stood amidst the carnage, her emerald eyes blazing with a cold fury unlike anything Gates had ever seen. Divilias huddled in a corner, her face a mask of terror."Don't waste time, Divilias!" Emerlda's voice cut through the air like a whip. "Don't even think of a lie. Just reply as quickly as I asked you. Who created the Maku drug?"Divilias' lips trembled, the color draining from her face. Each breath seemed a struggle against the invisible hand gripping her throat. Betrayal or silence? The answer hung heavy, a potential death sentence either way.Suddenly, a guttural growl echoed from the hallway, sending shivers down Gates' spine. Time was running out.Divilias was quiet for a while, her eyes locked with Emerlda's in a silent battle of wills. Finally, a smile, cold and unsettling, crept across her lips. "You may have won... this round. But the shadows hold secrets you can't imagine, Emerlda. And they will have their revenge."Emerlda's face remained impassive, but a flicker of something in her eyes betrayed a flicker of unease. She slammed her daggers on the table with a metallic clang. "Throw him out."Gates approached Divilias, his gaze lingering on the woman a moment too long. He wasn't comfortable with such brutality, especially towards a seemingly harmless woman. Yet, Emerlda's icy glare held him captive. He hoisted Divilias, her dead weight heavier than anticipated.Gates grunted as he shoved Divilias through the window. Five targets down, but the mission felt hollow.

Gates stared in disbelief. The weight of Divilias' body vanished, replaced by a sickening emptiness in his stomach. He hadn't meant to kill him, not the man, not like this. But the raw terror in the child's screams was a horrifying counterpoint to Emerlda's cold indifference.

Emerlda didn't flinch. She glanced at the bodies with a flicker of annoyance, then grabbed Gates' arm, her grip like a vice. 'Nobody saw our faces. Keep moving.'

Gates stumbled after her, his legs like lead. The mission's objective seemed to recede into a hazy distance, overshadowed by the grotesque tableau behind them

Gates lurched back, throwing off Emerlda's grip. 'No! We can't just leave them!' His voice cracked, a mix of raw grief and simmering anger.

Emerlda's eyes narrowed, a flicker of something akin to shock crossing her face. 'We don't have time for sentimentality, Gates. We need that antidote.'"

Gates met her gaze, a newfound determination hardening his features. 'There might be another way. Maybe we can get the antidote without all this... carnage.'