
Red room: The origin

The Red Room is a story of resilience in the face of profound adversity. Emerlda, a young woman burdened by a painful past, finds herself abandoned in a world that deems her inferior – the ruthless mafia. This scarlet chamber, a symbol of her isolation and despair, becomes the crucible where her spirit is tested. Yet, from the ashes of abandonment and societal prejudice, Emerlda rises. Like a phoenix, she refuses to be consumed by the flames of hardship. This abstract hints at a narrative that explores themes of overcoming trauma, defying societal expectations, and ultimately, achieving personal triumph. The red room, a potent symbol, transforms from a place of despair to a starting point for her remarkable journey. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It condemns child and women abuse, emphasizing the inherent equality of all genders.

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28 Chs

Chapter 21 The Capture

A cacophony of shouts and flashing lights assaulted Burns from outside the window. News vans jostled for position, reporters straining to catch a glimpse of the fallen star. Inside the sterile room, the air crackled with a different kind of tension."My family's funeral!" Burns roared, his voice raw with a mixture of grief and fury. "I can't miss it, Gates! What the hell is this about?"Gates, a picture of steely resolve, squatted down, his face inches from Burns'. "You're under arrest, Mr. Burns," he stated, his voice devoid of sympathy. "Criminals don't get to choose their schedules."Burns recoiled, his eyes welling up. "Criminals? You're calling me a criminal? This is all a goddamn setup!" He launched into a desperate plea, his voice cracking with emotion. "They're burying my wife and kids, Gates! Don't you have a shred of decency?"Gates remained unmoved. "Courtesy," he corrected with a smirk, "doesn't extend to those who break the law. Besides," he added, leaning in closer, "your 'friends' are already waiting for you downstairs. They've been expecting you."A shiver ran down Burns' spine. Friends? What friends? The sterile room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in. Outside, the media frenzy reached a fever pitch, oblivious to the drama unfolding within. A glimmer of hope flickered in Burns' eyes. Maybe, just maybe, that chaos could be his ticket out of this nightmare.He had to think fast. His family was gone, but his fight had just begun. He wouldn't go down without a fight. He would expose whoever was behind this, even if it meant making deals with devils. The game had just changed.The clanging of the metal door as it slammed shut echoed through the steel box of the van. Four pairs of eyes stared back at Burns, their expressions a mix of pity and suspicion. The suffocating air throbbed with a silent accusation. These were his colleagues, men he'd trusted with his life, yet they looked at him like a stranger.Burns' hands fisted into balls, a tremor running through his body. "She wiped out my family!" he roared, his voice hoarse with grief and fury. "I saw her, standing right next to my bed, with that same glint in her eyes!"Roy, the oldest and most seasoned of the group, placed a hand on Burns' shoulder, his touch heavy. "We all hated Emerlda, Burns," he said, his voice low. "But there are dozens of witnesses who saw her across town at the time of the incident. The mayor's charity gala, remember?"Burns felt a wave of nausea wash over him. "Witnesses can be bought," he spat, his voice cracking. "I'm telling you, I saw her yesterday! She stabbed me in the leg!" He ripped open his pant leg, revealing the fresh bandage. "Look at this! This is her handiwork!"Silence enveloped the van once more, thicker and more oppressive than before. The other men exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. Burns saw a flicker of doubt in their eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a hardened resolve."Easy there, Burns," another colleague spoke, his voice laced with a hint of warning. "We understand you're grieving, but accusations like that won't help your case."Burns slumped back against the metal wall, a cold despair settling into his bones. They wouldn't believe him. The evidence, or lack thereof, pointed towards a meticulously choreographed plan. Emerlda had framed him, and it seemed flawless.But Burns knew what he saw. He wouldn't let their disbelief break him. He had to find a way to prove his innocence, a way to expose Emerlda's web of lies. He had a feeling there was more to this than just hatred. This was about something bigger, something far more sinister.A cold wind whipped through the broken windowpane, sending shivers down Emerlda's spine despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. Perched precariously on the fire escape, her gaze was fixed on the steel serpent inching its way down the street – the police convoy carrying Burns. Her sniper rifle, a sleek black shadow in her gloved hands, felt like an extension of her own body.She flicked on her comm unit. Gates' voice crackled through the earpiece. "Ready on this end. Men are in position."Emerlda's lips twisted into a humorless smile. "Excellent." She sighted down the scope, the crosshairs settling on a lone policeman guarding the side of the van. He was oblivious to the predator watching from afar.With a sharp crack that echoed through the concrete canyons, the policeman crumpled to the ground, a crimson stain blooming on his uniform.Pandemonium erupted below. Police sirens wailed, their red and blue lights painting the street in a frantic dance. The media, initially a swarm of buzzing insects, scattered like startled pigeons. Some, however, driven by a morbid curiosity, trained their cameras on the fallen officer, capturing the dying gasp of an innocent man.Emerlda fired again, and again, a symphony of death amidst the growing chaos. Five shots. Five targets neutralized. She aimed for maximum disruption, a calculated show of force to draw all eyes to the sniper.As the remaining police scrambled to take cover and return fire, a black SUV screeched to a halt beside the convoy. Men in black tactical gear spilled out, weapons drawn. This wasn't part of the plan. Emerlda's heart hammered against her ribs. Who were they?A grim realization dawned on her. The chaos she orchestrated had opened a door for someone else to play their hand. The hijacking was an unexpected wrinkle, a new element in this deadly game. She watched in stunned disbelief as the hijackers forced the officers to their knees, then turned their attention to the van carrying Burns.Emerlda had set the stage for Burns' escape, but who would benefit from it? And at what cost? With a sinking feeling in her gut, she knew this was just the beginning. The game had taken a sharp turn, and the stakes had just been raised."Damn it!" Gates roared, his voice cracking with frustration. The carefully orchestrated plan had unraveled in a matter of seconds. The hijacking was a complete surprise, throwing everything into chaos."Follow those cars!" he barked at his men, his voice laced with a desperate edge. But his usual air of authority seemed to falter. Were his men even listening? He saw a flicker of hesitation in their eyes, a silent question hanging in the air. Who was in charge now?Across town, Emerlda scrambled to disappear. The gunshots echoing down the street were a grim reminder of her recklessness. Stuffing her sniper rifle into a duffel bag, she darted across the rooftop, her heart hammering against her ribs.Reaching the building exit, she stumbled upon an unexpected obstacle – two policemen, drawn by the commotion. Thinking fast, she glanced at the fire escape. No time.Instead, she turned her attention to the unconscious figure sprawled on a nearby cot – the janitor she'd knocked out earlier. With a callous sigh, she muttered, "Next time, don't fall for beautiful strangers…typical American man." She ripped a hoodie off the wall and threw it over him as the officers approached."What's going on here?" one of the policemen barked, his hand hovering near his holster.Emerlda feigned confusion, batting her eyelashes innocently. "Oh, I just…uh…heard some yelling and came to check it out. This poor guy here seems to have fainted."Before the officers could question her further, a sharp sting filled the air. Tear gas! They cursed, fumbling for their gas masks as Emerlda slipped past them, melting into the smoky chaos.Meanwhile, on the highway, the chase reached a fever pitch. The hijackers, realizing they were being pursued, opened fire on Gates' car. A deafening bang as a tire exploded sent the vehicle swerving wildly. Gates fought for control, but it was too late. The car flipped over, rolling down the embankment in a sickening ballet of metal and glass.Gates, his head throbbing, pulled himself from the wreckage. Disoriented and bruised, he surveyed the overturned vehicle, a wave of nausea washing over him. The hijackers' car sped away into the distance, their mission seemingly accomplished.As the sirens wailed in the distance, Gates slumped against the mangled car. His carefully orchestrated plan lay in ruins, Emerlda had vanished, and Burns was who knows where. He had a feeling this was just the beginning of a much larger game, a game where the lines between friend and foe were becoming increasingly blurred.A low hum resonated through the concrete tunnel, growing louder as the policemen rounded the corner. Their path was abruptly blocked by a phalanx of metallic figures. These weren't the clunky robots of science fiction films; these were sleek, humanoid machines, their crimson eyes glowing menacingly.The officers exchanged nervous glances. This wasn't part of the plan. The senior officer, a grizzled veteran named Ramirez, barked out orders. Flashbangs were launched, followed by a hail of bullets.The robots, however, seemed impervious to the assault. They moved with surprising agility, their metallic limbs deflecting bullets with a metallic clang. Energy shields flickered to life, absorbing the impact of the flashbangs.Ramirez cursed under his breath. They were unprepared for this level of resistance. Just as panic threatened to set in, a metallic hatch on the opposite wall hissed open, revealing a dimly lit underground carpark.From the shadows emerged figures carrying Burns, his face pale but resolute. They shuffled him towards a waiting black SUV, the robots clearing a path with practiced efficiency.A sense of urgency surged through Ramirez. They couldn't lose Burns again! He signaled the team, a silent plan forming. They would breach the car, secure Burns, and deal with the robots later.As they charged towards the SUV, Ramirez couldn't help but notice two figures slumped lifelessly in the front seats – the guards they had expected to overpower. A bad feeling gnawed at his gut, but there was no time to dwell on it."Open up! Police!" Ramirez bellowed, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. The officers surrounded the car, their guns trained on the back doors. Ramirez gave the signal.With a synchronized movement, the officers yanked open the car doors. A collective gasp escaped their lips. There was no Burns, only…Two mangled bodies. And a blinking red light, emanating from a metallic box nestled between them.Ramirez's scream, a primal shriek of horror, was cut short by a deafening roar. The bomb detonated in a blinding flash of white-hot light. The carpark dissolved into a churning inferno, swallowing everything in its path.In the stunned silence that followed, only the flickering flames and the acrid smell of burning metal remained as a testament to the deadly trap that had claimed the lives of Ramirez and his teamA low hum resonated through the concrete tunnel, growing louder as the policemen rounded the corner. Their path was abruptly blocked by a phalanx of metallic figures. These weren't the clunky robots of science fiction films; these were sleek, humanoid machines, their crimson eyes glowing menacingly.The officers exchanged nervous glances. This wasn't part of the plan. The senior officer, a grizzled veteran named Ramirez, barked out orders. Flashbangs were launched, followed by a hail of bullets.The robots, however, seemed impervious to the assault. They moved with surprising agility, their metallic limbs deflecting bullets with a metallic clang. Energy shields flickered to life, absorbing the impact of the flashbangs.Ramirez cursed under his breath. They were unprepared for this level of resistance. Just as panic threatened to set in, a metallic hatch on the opposite wall hissed open, revealing a dimly lit underground carpark.From the shadows emerged figures carrying Burns, his face pale but resolute. They shuffled him towards a waiting black SUV, the robots clearing a path with practiced efficiency.A sense of urgency surged through Ramirez. They couldn't lose Burns again! He signaled the team, a silent plan forming. They would breach the car, secure Burns, and deal with the robots later.As they charged towards the SUV, Ramirez couldn't help but notice two figures slumped lifelessly in the front seats – the guards they had expected to overpower. A bad feeling gnawed at his gut, but there was no time to dwell on it."Open up! Police!" Ramirez bellowed, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. The officers surrounded the car, their guns trained on the back doors. Ramirez gave the signal.With a synchronized movement, the officers yanked open the car doors. A collective gasp escaped their lips. There was no Burns, only…Two mangled bodies. And a blinking red light, emanating from a metallic box nestled between them.Ramirez's scream, a primal shriek of horror, was cut short by a deafening roar. The bomb detonated in a blinding flash of white-hot light. The carpark dissolved into a churning inferno, swallowing everything in its path.In the stunned silence that followed, only the flickering flames and the acrid smell of burning metal remained as a testament to the deadly trap that had claimed the lives of Ramirez and his teamThe hinges shrieked in protest as the doors were flung open, revealing a fuming Gates. A bottle of amber liquid, its label a testament to a bygone era, glinted in his hand. "No need for such long faces," he growled, a sardonic edge lacing his voice. "After all, I've gifted you with power beyond the wildest dreams of most geriatric directors."With a flourish, Gates tossed the bottle towards Emerlda. She caught it expertly, the clink of glass against glass echoing in the tense silence. A wry smile played on her lips as she poured two amber shots, the liquor swirling like molten gold in the dim light.Across the room, Burns watched the scene unfold with a mixture of fury and resignation. "You conniving cur!" he spat, his voice hoarse with disbelief. "You sided with the enemy? What a pathetic excuse for a leader!"A throaty peal of laughter erupted from Emerlda. "Peace over pointless conflict, Burns darling," she purred, her voice dripping with condescension. "America, bless its naive heart, doesn't revolve around the whims of three senile dinosaurs who bit off more than they could swallow."The air crackled with unspoken tension. Gates, nursing his whiskey, met Burns' glare with a steely gaze. Emerlda, the picture of amusement, swirled the amber liquid in her glass, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint. The power dynamic had shifted, leaving Burns a bitter prisoner in their game of thrones.

A week before

Emerlda pushed open the door of Gates' dimly lit office, the clang echoing in the spartan space. She didn't bother with greetings or pleasantries. Instead, she marched across the room, her stilettos clicking a staccato rhythm against the bare concrete floor.A single glance told Gates the news even before she spoke. Gone was the mischievous glint in her eyes, replaced by a steely glint that sent a shiver down his spine. He noticed the absence of the chipped coffee mug she usually carried - Edgar's mug. The silence hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgement of the deed done.Emerlda slammed a ceramic mug on his desk, the force making Gates flinch. It wasn't coffee that filled the cup, but a dark, viscous liquid that sent a metallic tang into the air. Gates recognized the smell – high-grade synthetic motor oil, a calling card of hers after a messy operation."Straight to the point, Gates," Emerlda said, her voice a low growl. "There's a Presidential summit tonight. Black tie, high security. I need you to get me in."Gates stared at the oily liquid, his mind racing. He was a rising star in the tech world, a prodigy with a knack for bypassing even the most sophisticated security systems. Emerlda had recognized his talent early on, pulling him into her web before he even realized what was happening.Now, she stood before him, a predator with a dangerous proposition. A part of him, the ambitious part, saw this as an opportunity, a chance to be on the inside of something monumental. But another part, the cautious part, recoiled from the darkness that clung to Emerlda like a second skin.He met her gaze, his voice steady despite the tremor in his gut. "Why me, Emerlda? Surely, there's someone more…discreet you could use."A humorless smile twisted Emerlda's lips. Discreet wasn't what she needed. She needed someone audacious, someone who could navigate the chaos she intended to unleash tonight. But she wouldn't reveal her hand just yet."You have skills, Gates," she purred, leaning closer. "Skills that could rewrite the course of this nation. And besides," her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "don't you get tired of playing by the rules? Tonight, we change the game."The challenge hung in the air, a test. Gates knew the consequences of refusing would be dire. But the thought of aligning himself so closely with Emerlda's ruthless agenda left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was caught in a web of his own making, and the decision before him would determine his fate.Gates stared at the oily liquid swirling in the mug, the metallic scent filling his nostrils. A wry smile played on his lips. "A summit, huh? Sounds ambitious, even for you, Emerlda.""Ambitious?" She tilted her head, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Perhaps. But call me old-fashioned, I believe in getting things done."He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "And what exactly would I be getting done for you? Security breaches are my specialty, not political assassinations."Emerlda's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something akin to surprise crossing her features. She recovered quickly, though, her voice taking on a softer tone."Not assassination, Gates," she corrected. "Obliteration. A cleansing fire that will purge this nation of its corruption."He scoffed. "Corruption? You make it sound so noble. Burns might be a stubborn old mule, but is he really the enemy here?"Emerlda's gaze sharpened, a predator assessing its prey. "He represents a system, Gates," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "A system that stifles innovation, that keeps you, a brilliant mind, tethered to the leash of mediocrity."Gates winced, the truth of her words stinging. He was the best in his field, yearning for a bigger challenge, a platform to unleash his full potential. Burns and his cronies, however, were more interested in maintaining the status quo than embracing progress.She leaned forward, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "With my help, Gates, you can change all that. We can expose their lies, their hidden agendas. We can dismantle the entire system."A seed of doubt took root in Gates' mind. Was Emerlda truly fighting for a just cause, or was she using the language of revolution to further her own, unknown goals? The question hung heavy in the air.Emerlda placed a dossier on the table, the weight of it echoing in the tense silence. "This," she said, her voice barely a murmur, "is just a glimpse of what they've been hiding. A taste of the true rot at the heart of this nation."Gates hesitated, his fingers itching to reach for the dossier. He knew this was a point of no return. Taking a deep breath, he met Emerlda's gaze. "What's the price of this…cleansing fire, Emerlda?"Gates carefully placed the tablet on the table, his knuckles white with suppressed tension. He knew this was it, the point of no return. The information on the tablet, a detailed security blueprint of the presidential summit, was a damning proposition.He looked up at Daniel, a man whose stoicism rivaled even Emerlda's. "Not that I particularly care about your well-being," Gates began, his voice laced with a bitter edge, "but they'll have your head on a silver platter before you even reach the front door."Daniel's lips curled into a smirk, devoid of warmth. "That," he said, his voice flat and emotionless, "is where you come in, Gates. We've got muscle for the fireworks, but getting someone past those security protocols requires a finesse you possess in spades."Gates felt a flicker of pride, quickly extinguished by the weight of the situation. He knew his value to them, his skills indispensable for this audacious plan. But the thought of aligning himself with such a ruthless organization sent a shiver down his spine.He sighed, a sound heavy with resignation. "What do I need to do?" The question escaped his lips, a surrender to the ambition that had always simmered beneath the surface.Daniel's smirk widened, a predator savoring the kill. He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Glad you asked, Gates. Let's talk entry points, access codes, and the art of disappearing into thin air."As Daniel launched into the specifics of the operation, Gates found himself caught in a current far stronger than he could resist. Fear of the consequences clawed at him, but the allure of power, the chance to be a player on the world stage, proved too strong. He had crossed the Rubicon, and there was no turning back. Now, he was in it for the long haul, a cog in the machine of Emerlda's revolution, a revolution whose true purpose remained shrouded in a veil of secrecy.Gates stopped short in the dimly lit backroom, his breath catching in his throat. Where once stood Emerlda, the woman he knew with a sharp wit and disdain for authority, now stood a warrior. Her right arm, from shoulder to fingertips, was encased in sleek, metallic armor. Tendrils of bioluminescent blue light pulsed beneath the surface, hinting at the advanced technology woven into her very flesh.Beside her, her silent companion, a woman with eyes as cold and calculating as a viper, kept a hand casually resting on the hilt of a katana that gleamed in the dim light.Emerlda turned towards Gates, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Surprised, Gates?" she purred, her voice devoid of the usual sarcasm.Gates could only stare, his mind scrambling to process the scene before him. This wasn't the charismatic rebel he'd envisioned. This was a weapon, a predator cloaked in human skin.A tremor ran through his body, a physical manifestation of the fear that had been slowly building since their first meeting. His hands were slick with sweat, his vision blurring at the edges. He swallowed hard, trying to force the panic down.Emerlda, ever perceptive, picked up on his distress. She placed a hand on his back, the touch surprisingly cool compared to the warmth radiating from her bionic arm. "Feeling a little…uncertain, Gates?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement."Cold feet?" she continued, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Remember, power demands sacrifice. It requires determination. The kind that burns hotter than any fear."Her words were a subtle yet potent manipulation. Gates knew she was right, at least on the surface. He'd crossed the line, and there was no turning back.With a deep breath, he forced a smile, albeit a shaky one. "Let's do this," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.Emerlda's smile widened, genuine this time. "That's the spirit, Gates. Remember, you're not just breaking in tonight. You're breaking the chains that hold this nation captive."Her words resonated within him, a mix of truth and deception. He wasn't sure if he believed her completely, but one thing was certain – he was in too deep to back out now. With a sense of steely resolve masking his lingering fear, Gates led the way towards the imposing white doors, the portal to a future as uncertain as Emerlda's true motives.A low hum vibrated through the room, a sound that sent shivers down Gates' spine. It was Daniel's signal, confirmation that the security system was compromised. Then, with a pneumatic hiss, the heavy oak doors burst open.Emerlda stepped through the doorway, not a hair out of place despite the chaos she had unleashed. Her bionic arm, a stark contrast to her elegant evening gown, whirred softly as she adjusted a setting on its control panel. Light from the hallway glinted off the razor-sharp edge of a concealed blade extending from its wrist.The President, mid-sentence in his presentation, faltered. A collective gasp rippled through the stunned audience. Amidst the rising murmurs and murmurs of confusion, Emerlda's voice cut through the air like a whip."President Blackwood," she declared, her voice laced with a steely resolve, "I apologize for this unorthodox entrance, but time is of the essence. We have much to discuss."The room erupted in pandemonium. Secret Service agents materialized out of thin air, their weapons trained on Emerlda. The General, his face contorted in a mask of fury, locked eyes with Gates, who stood frozen in the middle of the room.Gates' heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drumbeat that drowned out the sounds of shouted orders and frantic movement. Sweat trickled down his forehead, blurring his vision. Panic, a cold, suffocating hand, gripped his throat.This wasn't what they'd planned. This level of chaos, the fear in the president's eyes, it was all too horrifyingly real. An involuntary whimper escaped his lips, a pathetic sound that seemed to echo in the vast hall.Desperate to escape this nightmare, to undo his own actions, Gates reached out towards Emerlda, a wordless plea forming on his lips. "Emerlda…" the word died in his throat as a hand clamped down on his shoulder, a steely grip that spoke of consequences.The woman with the katana, her eyes cold and unwavering, leaned in close. "Don't make a move, Gates," she hissed. "This isn't over yet."Gates slumped back, defeated. He was trapped, a pawn in a game far bigger than he understood. The room, once a symbol of power and control, now felt like a steel cage, the walls closing in as Emerlda, with a chilling smile, began her address to the bewildered president.Her voice, surprisingly calm considering the chaos she'd orchestrated, echoed through the stunned gathering. "Mr. President," she began, "I stand before you not as an enemy, but as a concerned citizen. For too long, we've been led down a path paved with deception. Your administration, with the help of these very same 'protectors' who now surround you," she gestured towards the tense Secret Service agents, "has been feeding the public lies."Emerlda raised a hand, silencing the murmurs that rippled through the room. With a flourish, she activated a holographic display, projecting a series of classified documents - damning evidence of corruption within the highest echelons of power. Gasps of shock and angry whispers filled the air.Gates watched, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. Regret gnawed at him, but a flicker of something else, a spark of morbid curiosity, danced in its wake. Could this be true? Were the very foundations of their nation built on a web of lies?He stole a glance at the General. The once stoic face was now a mask of barely concealed fury. But a flicker of something else, a spark of doubt, flickered in the General's eyes. Could Emerlda, the woman who had threatened his world order, be planting a seed of rebellion within its very heart?Emerlda continued her speech, her voice a siren song of revolution. Gates, caught in the undertow of her words and the shifting loyalties in the room, knew his life, his future, had irrevocably changed. He was no longer just a tech prodigy or a reluctant accomplice. He was now a thread, albeit a thin one, in a tapestry far grander, far more terrifying, than he ever imagined."It is rather impolite to point those firearms at a guest, wouldn't you agree, Mr. President?" Emerlda's voice remained calm, a stark contrast to the chaos she'd unleashed. Her icy blue eyes held the President's gaze, a silent plea for control.The holographic display shimmered before them, the incriminating documents a stark accusation hanging in the air. A collective gasp rippled through the room, followed by a tense silence. The Generals, their faces etched with disbelief, exchanged a stunned look."I believe," Emerlda continued, her voice taking on a softer tone, "that every single person in this room shares a common purpose – the protection of America. What drives us to guard this nation with our very lives? Isn't it the desire to build a better future, a place where our families can thrive?"A flicker of emotion, an unexpected vulnerability, crossed her face. Then, her expression hardened as she pointed towards the documents. "My family," she said, her voice a low growl, "was ripped away by four American monsters. Monsters who operate under the very roof you claim to protect."General Petrov, a man known for his unwavering loyalty, felt a tremor of unease run down his spine. The raw pain in Emerlda's voice resonated within him. Could there be truth to her words? Could the very people he'd dedicated his life to serving be harboring such darkness? He quickly dismissed the thought, attributing her accusations to grief-fueled anger."Enough of this theatrics!" General Thompson slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing through the tense silence. "We don't operate on hearsay, woman! Proof? Do you have any proof for these wild accusations you're hurling around?"Emerlda's gaze met the General's, her eyes hardening into chips of ice. A faint blue glow pulsed beneath her bionic arm, a subtle threat barely concealed beneath the facade of calm. "I despise interruptions, General," she said, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "With all due respect, Mr. President," she continued, her lips curling into a cold smile, "perhaps you should leash your…aggressive guard dogs."The President, sweat beading on his forehead, found himself caught in a deadly game of chess. He stole a glance at his advisors, their faces a mixture of fear and confusion. Emerlda's words, her unwavering presence, had shaken the very foundation of his control.The room crackled with a tension thicker than smoke. A single wrong move, a single misplaced word, could erupt into chaos. The fate of the summit, perhaps even the nation itself, hung in the balance. Emerlda, a tigress ready to pounce, waited for her next move, the secrets on the holographic display a ticking time bomb poised to explode.General Petrov's face contorted in a mask of fury. His eyes darted between the holographic display showcasing Burns' crimes and the soldiers surrounding Emerlda, their fingers hovering over triggers. His hand, a tremor running through it, slowly inched towards the holster at his hip.Emerlda sighed, a long, weary sound that echoed in the tense silence. "Such a predictable reaction, General," she said, her voice laced with a hint of disappointment. "Blind loyalty often trumps reason, doesn't it?"Petrov's hand reached the holster, his knuckles white with suppressed rage. Before he could react further, a thunderous voice boomed across the room."Sit down, General!" President Blackwood slammed his fist on the table, the force sending a jolt through the holographic display. The room held its breath as Petrov, his body rigid with suppressed anger, slowly lowered his hand.The tension in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. Each person in the room, their faces etched with disbelief and a burgeoning sense of anger, absorbed the horrifying truth laid bare by Emerlda's evidence. Burns, once a symbol of stability, was now exposed as a monster responsible for countless innocent lives lost - the blood gang's violence in America, the drug epidemic plaguing the nation's youth, the very bombing that had taken Emerlda's family.Emerlda's gaze shifted towards Gates, a flicker of something akin to challenge sparking in her icy blue eyes. "The choice is yours, Gates," she declared, her voice ringing with a steely resolve. "Peace or war. Will you stand by and watch millions die to protect the legacy of a corrupt few? Or will you join me in dismantling this web of lies and building a better future?"Gates stared at her, the weight of the decision crushing him. He looked at the soldiers, their faces a mixture of confusion and betrayal. Were they truly the enemy? He glanced at the President, a man drowning in a sea of his own deception.A wave of nausea washed over him. He was a tech genius, not a soldier, not a politician. But as he looked at the holographic display, the faces of the innocent victims flashed before him. He took a deep breath, the air thick with the stench of betrayal and the promise of a coming storm.A voice, a voice that surprised even himself, broke the tense silence. "Millions of lives…" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. "What…what guarantee do we have that your way won't lead to even more bloodshed?"Emerlda smiled, a cold, calculating smile that sent shivers down his spine. "There are always guarantees, Gates," she said, her voice a low purr. "But sometimes, the greatest risk leads to the greatest reward."A collective gasp ripped through the room as Emerlda, with a flourish, drew twin blades from concealed compartments in her bionic arm. The razor-sharp edges glinted under the harsh overhead lights. The soldiers, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and determination, tightened their grip on their weapons. Yet, despite the forest of guns pointed at her, Emerlda remained undeterred.Her grin, devoid of humor, stretched further across her face, revealing a chilling absence of humanity. It was the grin of a predator about to unleash havoc, of a gambler playing with the fate of the world. Her eyes, cold and calculating, scanned the room, daring anyone to challenge her.Gates watched, his stomach churning with a cocktail of terror and a morbid fascination. Could she truly do it? Was she willing to become the harbinger of nuclear apocalypse? He stole a glance at General Petrov. The once stoic soldier seemed to shrink under Emerlda's gaze, a flicker of doubt clouding his previously unwavering determination."Do as I say, Daniel," Emerlda's voice cut through the suffocating silence. She spoke into a hidden comm device, her words a death knell echoing within the opulent hall. "Activate the nuclear codes, detonate them all."A tense silence followed, broken only by the rasping breaths of the stunned audience. Then, a voice crackled through Emerlda's comm device. "Roger that, Boss Lady," Daniel's voice replied, a hint of apprehension lacing his usual confident tone.On the holographic display, red dots blinked into existence one by one, each representing a location of a hidden nuclear warhead. A wave of collective horror washed over the room. The weight of Emerlda's threat, the terrifying proximity of global annihilation, became horrifyingly real.A tremor, more emotional than physical, ran through the room. Sweat beaded on foreheads, hands trembled, and gasps of disbelief filled the air. This wasn't a bluff. Emerlda, the woman who had promised peace, had become the harbinger of destruction.Gates felt a cold dread grip his heart. He was in too deep. He had played a part, a small but crucial part, in setting the stage for this global nightmare. As the red dots on the screen pulsed with an ominous glow, he knew there was no turning back. The world teetered on the brink, and Emerlda, with a chilling smile playing on her lips, held the detonator in her hand.Emerlda's grin stretched wider, a grotesque parody of a smile. "Half of America," she purred, her voice laced with a chilling satisfaction. "An added bonus for our friends in Russia, wouldn't you agree, Mr. President?"A collective gasp rippled through the room. Even the most hardened soldiers, their fingers hovering over triggers, seemed to flinch at the casual cruelty in her voice. Was she truly willing to sacrifice millions for her twisted sense of justice?The President, his face pale as a ghost, stared at the holographic display. Thirty seconds. Thirty measly seconds before cities turned into smoldering craters, before the sky bled fire, and the world descended into a nuclear winter.He had considered calling her bluff, ordering the soldiers to take her down. But the glint of manic determination in her eyes, the unwavering set of her jaw, spoke volumes. She wasn't bluffing. This wasn't a game.Desperation clawed at his throat, a suffocating grip that choked back any defiant words. His voice, when it finally emerged, was a hoarse whisper. "Stand down," he rasped, his words echoing in the stunned silence. "Put down your weapons. We…we comply."A wave of despair washed over the room. Soldiers, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and betrayal, slowly lowered their guns. The President slammed his fist on the table, the sound a pathetic counterpoint to the ticking clock counting down to oblivion.Emerlda tilted her head, her gaze flickering across the room, taking in their surrender. A flicker of something akin to satisfaction crossed her features, a chilling victory dance on the precipice of annihilation. The world held its breath, waiting for the inevitable, the horrific symphony of detonations that would shatter the fragile peace and usher in an age of darkness.A heavy silence descended upon the room, thick with the weight of impending doom. Outside, the city lights twinkled innocently, oblivious to the potential cataclysm brewing within their midst. On the holographic display, the red dots pulsed like malevolent eyes, a chilling reminder of the power that now rested in Emerlda's hands. The fate of millions hung in the balance, and for a moment, stretched unbearably thin, it seemed the world teetered on the edge, a single word away from plunging into the abyss.

In desperation the engineer yelled, "Three seconds sir!" On one second Daniel stopped the operation on Emerlda's account. Emerlda stabbing the loudmouth General on the hand said, "The next time you fuck with me, remember there is one second left on the timer. I don't give a fuck about you and your country; I need Burns and the fucking Jackals."

A cold fury ignited in the President's eyes. His voice, though shaky, held a newfound resolve. "You think you can threaten me with blackmail? Bury my secrets? This country was built on secrets, Ms. Borstov. Yours will be buried alongside them."Emerlda's smile faltered for a fleeting moment, a flicker of surprise betraying her facade. But quickly, the icy glint returned to her eyes. "Oh, Mr. President," she purred, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You misunderstand. I'm not offering a choice. This isn't a negotiation. It's a declaration."She gestured towards the holographic display, the incriminating documents still shimmering in the air. "Think of your legacy, Mr. President. Do you truly want the world to remember you as the leader who presided over a nation riddled with corruption? Or will you step aside and allow for a…correction?"The President's jaw clenched tight. He knew she was right. His administration's dirty laundry, exposed to the world, would leave his legacy in tatters. But surrendering to this rogue agent, this woman who threatened his nation with nuclear annihilation, felt like a betrayal of everything he stood for."You want a puppet President," he spat, his voice laced with disgust. "Someone to rubber-stamp your agenda. Well, Ms. Borstov, I may be many things, but a puppet I am not."Emerlda's eyes narrowed. The room crackled with a renewed tension, thicker than before. She had underestimated the President's stubborn streak. But she wouldn't back down now. She had come too far.Her gaze shifted towards Gates, who stood frozen in the corner, a silent observer in this deadly game of thrones. "Gates," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the steely edge she used with the President. "This is what I was fighting for. A chance to create a better future, not just for Russia, but for the entire world. Are you in or are you out?"Gates stared at her, his mind a battlefield of conflicting emotions. A part of him, the idealistic part nurtured on stories of justice, resonated with Emerlda's words. But another part, the one instilled with a healthy dose of skepticism, recoiled at her ruthless methods. He looked at the President, a defeated leader clinging to the remnants of his power.He was trapped in a web of his own making. A pawn on a chessboard where the stakes were no longer secrets or political careers, but the very fate of the world. The weight of that realization settled on him like a leaden cloak, and as he met Emerlda's gaze, he knew his answer, no matter how horrifying, would determine the course of history.The President slammed his fist on the table, the force rattling the holographic display. His face, contorted in a mask of fury, was turning a dangerous shade of red. "Who the hell was that woman?!" he bellowed, his voice strained with a mix of anger and fear.General Petrov, ever the stoic soldier, remained impassive. But a flicker of confusion danced in his eyes. The President's outburst, his complete lack of recognition regarding Emerlda, felt…off."Mr. President," Petrov began, his voice a low rumble, "with all due respect, shouldn't you have been briefed on Ms. Borstov? She's been a thorn in our side for quite some time now."The President scoffed, a humorless sound devoid of its usual presidential charm. "A thorn in your side, General? This woman waltzed in here, threatened nuclear war, then waltzed out with the Director's head on a figurative platter and evidence that could send half my cabinet to jail! And you're telling me I should have been briefed?"A tense silence descended upon the room. The soldiers, their faces grim, exchanged worried glances. This wasn't the calm, collected leader they were used to. This was a cornered animal, lashing out in a desperate attempt to regain control.Gates, on the other hand, remained an island of stillness amidst the storm. His body language, however, betrayed the turmoil within. A muscle in his jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyes flickered between the President and the holographic display showcasing the incriminating evidence.Perhaps, he thought, a horrifying realization dawning on him, Emerlda wasn't entirely wrong. The system, the very foundation he had been a part of, might be more rotten than he ever imagined.The President continued to rant, his voice hoarse from exertion. But beneath the anger, beneath the bluster, a seed of doubt had been planted. Emerlda's words, her ruthless efficiency, had shattered the illusion of control. And as Petrov's confused gaze met Gates' conflicted one, it became clear that the game had just begun, with the fate of the nation, and perhaps the world, hanging precariously in the balance.

Back to reality

Emerlda's emerald eyes blazed with a fury that seemed to consume the room. With a snarl that sent shivers down spines, she flung the shattered remains of the crystal glass against the wall, the sharp shards raining down like deadly tears."Untouchable?" she roared, her voice laced with venomous sarcasm. "Irreplaceable? You, Burns, a man who built his career on the backs of innocent lives, who sold your soul for blood money and a gilded cage? You're nothing more than a glorified pawn in their twisted game!"Burns, his face ashen, slumped further into his chair. The fight seemed to have drained out of him, leaving behind a hollow shell of a man. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come. Emerlda's words, each one a searing indictment, had ripped away the carefully constructed facade of his heroism, leaving behind the ugly truth of his betrayal."They used you, Burns," Emerlda continued, her voice dropping to a chilling whisper. "Used your loyalty, your patriotism, like a crumpled tissue to be discarded when it became inconvenient. And now, when the house of cards they built on your blood starts to crumble, they turn their backs on you like yesterday's garbage."The weight of her words settled on Burns' shoulders like a physical burden, a crushing realization that choked back any attempt at justification. He looked around the room, his gaze meeting the faces of the soldiers. Were there…flickers of doubt in their eyes? Did they, too, see him through Emerlda's scathing lens?A cold dread seeped into his heart. The foundation of his world, the unwavering loyalty he held for his country, was fracturing. Emerlda, the woman he once saw as an enemy, had become the voice of a truth he desperately wanted to deny. And as he met her gaze, cold and calculating, he knew a terrifying truth – the hero he thought he was had become the villain in her story, and the consequences of his actions were about to engulf not just him, but the very nation he swore to protect.Burns slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing through the tense silence. "Don't you see, Gates? This woman is a wolf in sheep's clothing! She'll use you, then discard you just like the rest of us. Will you turn your back on your country, on everything we stand for, because of some empty promises this…this…" He sputtered, searching for a word vile enough to encompass Emerlda."Because of some cold, hard facts, Burns," Gates interjected, his voice perfectly neutral. He swiveled slightly in his chair, steepling his fingers in a gesture of studied nonchalance. "Facts that paint a rather troubling picture of the very system you claim to have devoted your life to protecting."Burns' face contorted in a mixture of anger and despair. "Facts?" he roared. "Lies! Fabricated evidence to fit her agenda! Don't be a fool, Gates! Think about the chaos this will unleash! We can handle this internally. We don't need a foreign agent meddling in our affairs!"A dangerous glint flickered in Gates' eyes, a fleeting glimpse of the fire that simmered beneath his calm facade. But before he could retort, a harsh laugh cut through the air.Emerlda, leaning nonchalantly against the doorway, a cruel smile twisting her lips, surveyed the scene. "Chaos, Burns?" she purred, her voice dripping with amusement. "Or perhaps…justice? A chance to tear down the rotten foundation and build something new, something better?"The room crackled with a renewed tension, thicker and more volatile than before. Burns, fueled by a desperate loyalty, glared at Gates, his eyes filled with a chilling mix of betrayal and fury. Gates, on the other hand, remained unreadable, a sphinx in a room filled with volatile emotions.A single wrong word, a single misstep, could shatter the fragile peace and plunge them into a maelstrom of violence. The air hung heavy with anticipation, and as Emerlda's icy blue eyes met Gates' unwavering gaze, it became clear that the lines were being drawn, and the battle for the future had only just begun.Gates crouched before Burns, his face a mask of revulsion. The stench of sweat and desperation emanating from the tied-up soldier did little to mask the underlying fury simmering within Gates."Cleaning up?" Gates spat, the word laced with venom. "You make it sound like some menial chore, Roy. Like taking out the trash. But the trash you created, Burns, is a mountain of innocent lives. Lives sacrificed on the altar of your twisted patriotism and the Bloods' bloodlust."Burns, his face flushed with a mix of anger and shame, writhed against his restraints. "It wasn't like that, Gates! We were doing what we had to do to protect this country from…from worse threats! Those people…they were collateral damage, a necessary evil!"His words, however, rang hollow in the tense silence of the room. The soldiers, some of whom had served alongside Burns for years, shifted uncomfortably. The hero narrative Burns had woven around himself was starting to unravel at the seams, replaced by a disturbing picture of a man who had strayed far from the path of righteousness.A flicker of doubt, a fleeting shadow of uncertainty, crossed Gates' face for a brief moment. Was Burns entirely wrong? Was there more to the story than Emerlda's carefully curated narrative? But then he pushed the doubt aside, burying it deep within himself.He couldn't afford to hesitate. He had chosen his side, and there was no turning back. Looking down at Burns, his eyes cold and devoid of sympathy, Gates spoke."Grateful?" he scoffed. "You should be thanking the heavens you're getting off this easy. Because in the world Emerlda is building, there's no place for men like you, Roy. Only…accountability."The weight of Gates' words hung heavy in the air, a chilling promise of a future where past sins would be unearthed and judged. A shiver ran down Burns' spine, a tremor that spoke not just of the cold floor beneath him, but of the cold, hard truth that had finally shattered his carefully constructed illusion. As for the soldiers, their faces, etched with a mix of confusion and unease, reflected the dawning realization that the world they knew, the world they had sworn to protect, was about to face a reckoning, and they were no longer certain where they stood.