

Tiem flew quite fast and some time has passed. Chang-Ho has just proven his magnific intelligence by choosing me as a target of bullying. I know, you didn't even know the details and are already pitying the poor kid.

The start was just some simple insults and comments, things about my height and how buff I am, I have been more than once accused of using steroids, it is quite funny they think that is the reason I am muscular as if I would use that poison for just some measly gains. I didn't care much, for me he was the equivalent of a baby throwing insults, and as the grown-up of the equation, I mostly ignored it.

It wasn't that funny when a teacher called me concerned I was using steroids. They sometimes would throw insults at Shi-Woon but they were very few in between. I don't know if Shi-Woon is being bullied behind my back, I didn't see any wounds on his person with my [Sharingan] but I am not the guy's babysitter or stalker so I won't take care of every one of his problems. I know the plot can be very different, as I am not naive enough to believe that everything will go the same, principally with my presence here. It would be the height of stupidity to expect everything to be the same.

I sook my head clearing the thoughts about school, the teacher was with a pretty big belly so I expect her to take a maternity leave pretty soon, the plot is very close to starting and I am very giddy to know if my [Sharingan] will be able to observe anything different from the cultivator.

But now I have to concentrate on my fight this night. Yes, I didn't stop with my underground fights even after starting school. They are a very good source of money, and it helps me pay the bill immensely. And today I have another fight.

This time my dinner was a bit of pasta with cheese and some sardines to complement. A nice dinner after I was already applying my paint and getting myself ready for my fight. A little trip with the bus and I was already at the place.

Already at the fighter's booth, I had a strange feeling. It was some type of dread? why? I had some pretty devastating fights in my time here, but I never truly felt this feeling of dread on me.

The announcer called my fight and the feeling grew even worse, the closer I walked to the ring the worse it got, it was like someone was holding my heart in their hands and squeezing it, even breathing became slightly difficult. This must've been how Polnaref felt climbing those stars ready to fight Dio, it was like an invisible weight on me pressing me down and making walking seems more difficult.

Everything got even worse when I entered the arena and eyed the other fighter, the looked everything but a professional fighter, he was sleek and compacted, neither short nor small, but I felt something off about him. I don't even know this guy's name or alias, the announcer stayed quiet after announcing the fight. I started moving my left arm up a bit to do the same trick I do in every fight to analyze my opponent.

But my adversary didn't let me, the moment I started moving he bolted towards me. His speed was completely natural, he is literally the fastest real person I've seen to date. I didn't have time to even slightly react as he, simply sent a punch to my face, thankfully my hand was in the way so I think his punch strength got a little bit mitigated.

His fist continued impacting both my hand and my head, my left hand broke almost immediately, three to four fingers broken, and probably a lot more. The pain was excruciating, I've broken my hand before, but this was on another level.

The punch was so strong that I was launched to the arena walls, my back hitting concrete and making me spit some blood. The guy immediately followed it up with a right kick to my left ribs, breaking them in the process. I spit even more blood this time. PAIN, pain, and pain, it hurt so much that I think it's a miracle that I haven't passed out until now. Why? Why, would a cultivator be here...

My mental question was answered by some more fists to my stomach and chest, the guy even smiled a bit sadistically and dislocated my arm. Moving his right leg aiming his feet to the ceiling he brought it down on a towards kick that hit my head making me pass out.

I was woken by what felt like some kind of kick, I was still in the arena and my assailant was above me smiling sadistically.

"Your consecutive wins have been.... quite the bother to my patron. So here is some... Warning to you and whatever master is healing you behind the scenes... This is the Red Comand Territory, not your personal playground... so kindly piss off."(???).

I am in pain, my body hurts so much... I want to just close my eyes and rest... No... I need to exit here first... Even in my painful filled state of mind, I was able to understand his words. So I tried to rise, it was difficult, I had too many broken bones right now, I had dealt with broken bones before but it was normally just a simple crack or fracture from my normal fights. This time my bones were basically obliterated, and broken into many places for me to safely count.

I got up, my legs extremely wobbly, it was difficult to walk but I managed to do it using my still good right hand to support myself, even if it was dislocated and painful as hell it was still usable.

Red Comand... Do you think I have forgotten? Do you think I have forgiven? No... I did not. I just sent one last look at the cultivator that just smiled sadistically and observed me like a hawk.

Slowly bitting my lips to not scream in agony a descended from the arena, passed through the lockers without looking back. I started climbing the stairs and then I was in the club, some people looked at me suspiciously but I just continued walking. I need to reach my home... right... now.

Exiting the club I started walking in the night, the cold wind cooling my body, and as the adrenaline waned my pain only increased. But I need to at least get a bus back home... I need to. this time my wound is too severe, i need to put the bones back in place before I flood them with the positive sun energy. Thank God I have the [Sharingan], so I am able to see this thing in way more detail and put it in the right way.

Due to my painful and messed state of mind, I took longer to detect my pursuers, and when I was able to see them they were already almost cornering and circling me. My heart started to beat faster and faster, seen the danger adrenaline and endorphins started flooding my system. but when I look at what I thought was a leading figure I see Yue...

"Finally finally..."(Yue).

I didn't pay attention to her, the moment I noticed I was getting cornered I was already searching for an opening. Then I see someone who is a little thinner and smile than the others, with a burst of speed I tackle the thinner man out of the way and started running.

If I had eyes in my back I would be able to see Yue still smiling victoriously. They started chasing me, I was turning a bunch of corners and alleys as I run, any items I passed or some kind of material I would throw then to delay my pursuers.

Ir run run run, exerting every bit i could from my wounded body. I need to find a way out of this, I need.... But my thoughts were cut short when something smashed against my head and I blacked out.

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts
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