
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Yang Jin reincarnated on what he thought was a simple normal life. After some traumatic events, he awakens his [Sharingan] and proceeds to explore his newfound powers and discover more mysteries about himself, like the strange yellow sparks that have been helping him, or the mysterious purple flame that only appears when he is truly angry. PS: The first 85 chapters are the Prologue. Extra Tags: Ruthless Mc, Side Characters are Cannibals, Graphic Descriptions, JoJo, AU, Multiverse, Omniverse, From depressing to positive, from doomer to bloomer, gods, overpowered beings, slow-paced, slice of life, Sharingan, Ripple, Dragon Soul, Not Wyvern, True Dragon.

ClearSkySage · Derivasi dari game
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133 Chs

A moment of clarity.

I am extremely thankful for the [Sharingan] amplified perception, an amplified field of view, and the fact that I can predict future movements. That shit saved me what should've been some pretty big wounds on this fight.

Getting up and recuperating a bit I took some more deep breaths. From the corner of my amplified field of view, I could see Recruit getting up, that Ki filled steel bar passed through his body like a hot knife through butter, from here it looks more like a bullet wound than anything. But Thankfully Recruit is a cultivator meaning a wound like that won't put him down, yet.

But seeing the steel bar filled with blood I had an idea. [Ripple] conducts better in liquids principally blood so maybe if I use that blood-covered steel bar I could deal some more damage. Taking some more deep breath and circulating [Ripple] I jumped towards the concrete pillar the blood-covered steel bar stopped into.

All this time Recruit continue to harass Subordinate with his ammunition while Zen fought tooth and nail to maintains someone stronger than him occupied, it was difficult as Zen had to endure some pretty heavy blows and techniques, but he was doing well so far.

Grasping the blood-covered steel bar with both hands I fill it with [Ripple], and with an ease that I didn't expect I remove it from the concrete pillar. I didn't wait and admired my handiwork, we are in a fight for our livers after all. But I could clearly see that my [Ripple] flowed more easily on the blood-covered steel bar than with the rainwater I was using before.

With a burst of speed, I jumped in the air to get a better angle gathered all the strength I could manage and tossed the blood-covered steel bar now filled with [Ripple] at Subordinate. All this time Recruit didn't stop sending ki-covered projectiles at subordinate which situation is growing worse by second having to fend off from these attacks.

Sadly one of the steel bars covered in blood and shining yellow was enough to alert his senses to dangers, but seeing as he is ways stronger than his foes Subordinate was always able to just repel the steel bars with his strength alone, and even if this bar is slightly different he didn't think much about it, what can those weakling do to wound him after all. Sadly he was wrong.

Covering his right hand with Ki he trie a simple palm strike again the shining steel bar. Sadly his Ki was soon broken through making the steel bar easily traverse and be imbued through his palm like a giant nail.


The pain must be excruciating, right now not only has Subordinate having to deal with the pain of having a giant piece fo metal through his hand, but he also needs to deal with the scorching [Ripple] energy coursing through the metal, which subsequently passes to his body wounding and burning it with the energy of the scorching sun.

Zen of course didn't waste this opportunity, while Subordinate Faltered due to the pain he immediately delivered a series of strong strikes onSubordinate's chin with all his strength. Recruit too been if eh was wounded didn't stop throwing steel bars at Subordinate that is now close to recuperating.

Sadly the [Ripple] filled steel bar managed to anger Subordinate quite a bit, and that was clearly shown by when he used a palm [Inner Power Technique] that created a huge shockwave sending Zen flying and repelling some steel bars that were on their way.

With a burst of speed Subordinate went to attack me, the one who is causing such pain to him in this situation, the one who not only inutilized his right hand but also cause a lot of pain due to some strange technique. Sadly I wasn't fast enough to avoid it, liking it or not I am gonna get hit this time.

But it really felt strange, seeing Subordinate in slow-motion, with the [Sharingan] I could see the extensive damage the steel bar dealt to his right hand, I could see the way he circulated his cultivation technique with an impressive familiarity, I could perceive Subordinate using both a movement skill and simply Ki channeling to make his blows incredible strong, but being able to see his present and future movements and all I could do was wait, all because I am not fast enough, all because I am not strong enough... All because of my weakness...

At that moment, under such a pressure of clearly seeing an unavoidable attack, of not being able to do anything. My mind reached an epiphany, suddenly it was easier and smoother to move my Ki, abruptly I could easily blend my [Ki] and [Ripple] together, promptly I clearly use my Ki outside of meditation. Suddenly I reached the [Second Step]. And reaching the [Second Step] means I can finally use a [Inner Power Technique], I can finally use a martial skill.

Seeing the menacing Subordinate in slow motion I tense my big and muscled body. Countless [Inner Power Techniques] surface in my mind, different uses, and applications that I had copied not even moments prior to this fight. But my mind focused on a specific technique, a technique that I've seen been executed multiple times by people with completely different Realms of proficiency on it. The [Soul-Crushin Strike]. The Signature Technique of the Demon King.

It would be undoubtedly awkward and severely underpowered too, comparing it to what it should be they would be miles away. It's literally my first time using one after all, and its use was born of some sense of desperation too. But if I am going to be hit by Subordinate anyway, might as well aim for a mutual destruction scenario. Not that I think I would die, no. After reaching the [Second Step] and being able to move Ki while I am in movement, principally in this special moment of clarity, I doubt his strike would be fatal. But it sure as hell is gonna break some bones. So might as well try to fit a [Soul-Crushing Strike] in.

And due to the proprieties of the [Soul-Crushing Strik] of bypassing defense, I am sure I can deal quite a lot of internal damage on Subordinate there.

Circling the Ki in a similar way I've seen and copied countless times, the results were awkward and completely unrefined, my Ki control severely lacking to do something of this caliber, but I pushed through. At the same time for some supernatural reason outside of my control, my [Ripple] started following the direction of my Ki, it followed the Ki like a lost poppy that has found its owner. Why it is happening? I have no concrete idea. But any help is welcomed at this point.

Both energies interweaved in a beautiful and symmetric way. Slower than Subordinate I started moving my arm, while he grows closer and closer. I couldn't aim towards a more beneficial area so I simply aimed towards the left side of his stomach region, it's currently the easier and closer region for me to hit.

The moment he reached me was almost the same moment my right fist reached him. The moment following the patter of the [Soul-Crushin Strike] I've seen and copied hundreds of times, I let out a punch containing it all, all the Ki I could move, and all my [Ripple].


The impact was so loud that it basically shattered the air around it, creating a loud ear-shattering sound. The [Soul-Crushin Strike] was so fucking strong that both the skin of my fist and the skin of where I hit it immediately ripped. But what was most impressive was still to come, due to me using the [Soul-Crushin Strike] together with [Ripple], the strike literally rippled across all of Subordinate's body traveling through his bloodstream causing untold amounts of internal damage.

Due to the impact of our strikes, we both were sent flying in opposite directions, the only difference being the huge trail of blood spilling out of Subordinate's mouth.

I fell to the ground, my brief state of clarity waning and fading into obscurity, its only vestige resting in my memories. My reward? Pain. My right hand has been completely shattered, it should be said it is a small miracle it is still held somewhat together, the shitiest thing is that it has probably been burned, broken, cracker, and shattered. So it will probably be a total bitch to heal.


But even due to the incredible pain I couldn't help, but shout out in a scream containing my feelings of pain, but also my deepest feelings of victory. Sadly my feelings of victory were short-lived, with my [Sharingan] still active I could see Subordinate getting up, showing that his status as an [Advanced Master] wasn't just for show.

But he definitely didn't come out unscattered from my strike, from his mouth flowed what I could only describe as rivers of blood, it's an exaggeration of course, but that still made me wonder how he is up after losing so much blood. But I guess I shouldn't underestimate a [Advanced Master], thankfully I wasn't fighting alone, Seeing Subordinate getting up Zen immediately sprung to action and went back to fighting again him. Even the Wounded Recruit continue tossing steel bars against his foe.

Seeing the dedication of my situational comrades I guess I couldn't just lay on the ground here. Taking deep breaths and letting [Ripple] flow through me giving me a bit more energy to my exhausted self. Liking it or not my strike drained me too much, but with my [Ripple] and my strong [Spirit] I was able to get up and somehow resume the fighting.

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

~~Thanks for reading~~

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