
Chapter-28: Three Legged Snake

This chapter is equivalent to MTLed. Read with your own risk. By the way, if you can correct those mistake I will be grateful.

Chapter-28: Three Legged Snake

A good-looking youth on his 20 entered an office-room that won't be defeated by Crown Prince Author Pendragon in terms of luxury.

In that room, a man was sitting behind the table.

Upon entering, youth bowed toward him.

"It's been awhile, Master Gordon."

Of course without saying that youth was Jin Tiger.

"Been awhile Jin-boy."

The other person was Master of the 1st strongest sect which upgraded recently from 2nd strongest because of a certain incident. In short, he was Sirius Tomb's sect master.

Without being reserve Jin sat one of the chairs which are opposite to Master Gordon.

Without any warning Master Gordon stood up and said,

"I won't pity or sympathize with you. Because you are hearing those words again and again, but at first let me beg your apology."

Closing his eyes he bowed.

"We... no... I am really sorry, not being able to there when your sect was in danger. Our Eight Sects Congress's first rule was to help each other without enmity when one of the eight sects in danger. And that was my proposal, but I was the one who broke it first, despite knowing that dragon will attack your sect soon I ignored your SOS and showed coward's back."

Jin showed bitter face seeing one of the proud men of the nation bowing toward him. This man was the 2nd strongest expert in our nation whose under 100 years, he has proud and aloof demeanor who easily never bowed down to even King. But today, in front him, the bowing figure's meaning was sincere and done this from bottom of his heart.

"Well, that can't be help, if I was in your place back then I would be the same as you. That dragon cleaned our sect, we couldn't stop it, and it won't make any difference even if you send your members that time. And that was a wise decision, if I was in your place I wouldn't want to lose my sect members where death is absolute. So please raise your head, your apology enough for me."

He raised his head. But after a long time, he opened his closed eyes.

Then he sat down to his chair.

"Is there any help you are seeking from me? I will do my best comply with you, count as it is my apology toward Tower Of Eden."

'Well, I won't be reserved then.' Jin thought and asked.

"Today… I come here to learn about certain information."

"What kind of information."

"I don't know if remember, but well, in 9th march did something extraordinary happened?"

He was trying to remember.

"9th March is it? Umm… something extraordinary… I don't think so."

'9th march was the date when that masked man who contact Viscount Lister, told Viscount's son to keep Master Gordon busy. But I couldn't tell him that too directly. If he can't remember anything, of course, I will use genjutsu and read minds.' thinking that he asked again,

"Or, something note-worthy happened?"

It is apparent that Master Gordon was thinking hard as he could. After some moment of pause, he gave up.

"I am sorry, it was like everyday life. Nothing happened that I must remember."

Sighing out inside of his mind, Jin was about to prepare Sharingan to cast genjutsu on him.

"No, wait, I remember something."

Jin has paused his genjutsu activation after he said that. It's good that his eyes ball are red in begin with, so he may not notice the change in his eyes.

He stood up and grabbed an idol which was among the antics in his well-organized showcase.

"On that day I was called by Rubel Lister to see his new technique, as you know I always like to see new magic technique as always, that's why I always support magic researcher… like you."

Certainly, he does like new magic and stuff, whenever he visited Tower of Eden if Jin was present in the sect he always went to ask him if he had invented new magic. By the way, he is a magic researcher himself.

Rubel Lister was Viscount Lister's 2nd son who is also happened to be a genius in magic research as well, and if there was no Lancelot JT Pendragon, then he might be the best young researcher of the nation. But unlike Viscount Lister his son was not jealous of others, despite knowing that Viscount Lister and Gem Tiger have bad blood between them, he never hated or showed jealousy on Jin because of his talent. All he ever felt was pure rivalry which is even can be called friendly rivalry toward Jin, and at some point, Rubel Lister started to feel admiration towards him that whenever they see each other he started to talk about. And that is the few reasons Jin didn't kill Viscount Lister and keep him still alive.

Master Gordon continued his speech.

"Rubel Lister told me that his technique requires the last touch to perfect it. But he couldn't find the element of the last touch. So he came here to seek my pointers, and I went to help him happily. After returning from there I saw my showcase was opened. But strangely a single thread wasn't stolen, except this idol had dropped onto the floor."

Jin frowned after seeing that idol. This idol was a statue of a snake which was wrapping its tail on a column, and top of the column was snakes head which was showing its venomous tongue. This snake idol was black colored including the column. It looked creepy yet something you want to keep as antic because it had a strange charm.

"What is that thing?"

Jin asked Master Gordon to know about it further. But Master Gordon shook his head,

"That I don't know. It was here before I become head of this clan. And I was never interested in it to know about it further."

He said ashamedly.

"Can I see that thing with my own hand."

"Of course."

Master Gordon passed him the snake's idol.

After observing he noticed that this snake has actually three legs. 'Wait, does any snake have legs?' He couldn't remember any snake like that. Then he thought that this idol may not be a snake but species of snake or lizard.

"But, why are there three legs?"

He mumbled to himself, but Master Gordon's ears catch that,

"What are you saying? That snake idol always has 4 legs."

"Are you sure about that?"

He passed it to Master Gordon.

"Strange, even though I never showed any interest in it, I know that much that it had 4 legs."

'So that how it was….' Jin's mind clicked on something.

He stood up and said to Master Gordon.

"Master Gordon, can I borrow this idol for a few days?"

"Of course you can… no, you can have it forever, I don't need this thing except showcasing."

"Thanks for your help."


[Back to MC's POV]

Showing interaction between me and Master Gordon I release the genjutsu that I had cast on Northern Dragon King, of course, our conversation was prolonged, but there is no need to show that to him. By the way, that was the second scene in genjutsu; the first scene was the interaction between Viscount Lister and that strange mask man. [AN: ch.11]

[AN: Wow, Master Gordon and Rubel Lister were really good guys... even I was surprised when I wrote it.]

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