
RECORD 1: Change Of Scenery

1st Record of Dreamcatcher

January 13, 2022 - Sunday | Change of Scenery

[WARNING: It might trigger traumatic experiences. Skip if you have to, otherwise read at your risk. It's not advisable to read this part if you are mentally and emotionally weak.]

It started with my vision filled with tall green grasses. I don't know what happened before that and I can't remember no matter how I think about it.

I seem to be unaware that I'm dreaming since I wasn't thinking of how strange my surrounding is when last night I was just sleeping on my bed. I keep looking around when my eyes caught two children running or walking behind the swaying height of grasses. I'm not even sure anymore if there are really two children or just one, I don't remember at all.

And so, I followed them while keeping my presence unknown. Then suddenly, I can only see a child now and I don't even know if that other child really exists there. By the way, the child is a little girl or boy (?), I'm not sure anymore. Ugh, the child have a short caramel hair and I don't even remember the face so I'm really frustrated right now.

Still, I followed the child when she (let's just assume she's a girl) stopped in front of the sink. Like, what?! How can a sink siddenly appear in the middle of nothing but grass? Well, it's not like I was sane that time since I also didn't think that it was strange back in my dream.

It was made of cobblestone, I can only remember the wall with the sink stuck in front of it. It looks old, if I remembered it right. Then out of nowhere I asked for a glass of drink, I don't know why I asked for it in the first place but maybe it's because I thought the child was also fetching a drink. I don't know if she really did since she handed me a brown mug first and I immediately turned my back on her as soon as I said my thanks.

However, when I turned around, everything changed in a blink and I woke up...or not. The feeling of being awaken was vague but it was there, though I suspect it was just another dream of mine. I don't know, all I ever thought at that time is that I need to see a boy and I don't even know why I am looking for a certain boy. Maybe I forgot the part of it and I am really clueless.

Nonetheless, I still closed my eyes and wished to dream for a boy. I earnestly wished and thought, 'Let me see the boy. Let me see him, please.'

But it was a mistake.

Strange as it is, I saw a refrigerator, about the size of a ten-year old girl. I just opened it without much thought and a face of a boy emerged from it. There's no shelves like you can usually see inside but just a face, only there's a white mist around him.

There was no time for me to ponder when my eyes shot open and found myself lying on the bed. I thought I was awake back then when suddenly...

I can't move.

This time, I knew it was again, an another dream. I tried so hard to move but my body won't listen. I was so frightened that I screamed and even that was impossible.

I desperately shouted inside my mind, I called for help so much that I feel like bursting my insides to break free. I feel like my eyes were close when I can clearly see everything in front of me. I was leaning a little to my left, I can't move my head but my eyes can. I gazed to my left and there, I saw it.

There's someone beneath me. It was clinging to me. The moment that registered in my head, I struggled to let go, again and again and again and again but I failed.

Its arms were all black and maybe its whole body. I can only see its arm and twig-like leg that was twisted in a very strange manner. I was really terrified.

And so, I started praying.

I prayed in my mind but it kept on choking me. It keeps on tightening its hold on me whenever I recite the holy name of saints. 'Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.' I continuously prayed. I desperately screamed.

'I want to wake up! This is a dream, this is all just a dream. Please wake up, come on!'

I commanded with all my might but the grip around my neck and hips only got tighter and tighter and...tighter.

With all of my agony and anguish, I can only repeatedly pray.

It was at that time when I rapidly blink my eyes without any reason and this time, finally, and surely...

I woke up.

I opened my eyes and still can't get over it. It was my first time experiencing that horrible feeling. As if that creature visited when my mentality were all about being assured that it's going to be okay tomorrow. I never expected that end. It was just grass back then, it was just a mug of water. How come it became a nightmare I could never forget?

The next day, I refused to sleep again when I woke up at 2 AM, the same time I slept when I had that nightmare.

[End of Record 1: Change of Scenery]

Sania Dates | RECORD: Dreamcatcher

Finally had the courage to write this up. Were you terrified the same, too? Please let me know in the comments!


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