
recarnated as a god in marvel

Ifijen_Tunde_6554 · Fantasi
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3 Chs

reincarnation and wishes

Louis:I opened my eye to find myself in a black void I was confused wasn't I suppose to be dead? wait! isn't this like those isekai novels where the mc is recarnated with wishes as he thought this he became very excited.

God: hello there young soul

suddenly a golden light appeared in front of him

Louis: hello I assume you are god

God: ah yes am sorry to tell you but you are dead

Louis:yes I know and are you here to recarnate me do I have wishes, how many wishes will I get,

God:well yes am here to recarnate you, and yes you also have a wish and you have 5 wishes now tell me Louis Lucifer Morgan (that's his full name) what do you wish,God asked,

Louis:well my wish is as follows

1. I wish to be born as a god

2. I wish for my domain to be creation, destruction, time and reality and space

God: normally those are more than one wish, but I grant it for you anyway so go on,

Louis:o thank you my other wish are

3: I wish to have a gacha system,

God:ok but I will modify it so that you can be able to use to draw anything from the Multiverse,

Louis: my 4th wish is to have a world of my own, as for my 5th wish is to have infinite resurrection but modify it so that if I am kill I will resurrecte with the power of who killed me,

God: now that is over is it time to choose your appearance

Louis: as he said that a holographic screen appear before him, after taking time to create his appearance he has successfully created an appearance befitting a god with short black hair, bright golden eye that seems like you looking into a deep abyss a no too slim and not to flat body tan skin.

God: is time to choose the world you will recarnated in.

Louis: I choose mcu marvel, I have always wanted to meet them to experience it by myself.

God: ok good bye I wish you are prepared for the journey ahead,

god said but before our mc can ask him what he means he was already envelope in light and transported to be his journey unaware of the danger ahead.

please comment and tell me your thoughts

this is my first story

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