
Reborn Otherworldly Immortal Demon Practitioner

  On the way back from work, Hu Huan didn't know if he had done something harmful to heaven and reason, and he was accidentally struck by lightning, but fortunately, he usually helped the grandmother cross the road when he was fine, and he didn't throw a coin when he saw the beggar with inconvenient hands and feet, so God saw that he was reborn in the body of a miscellaneous disciple for the sake of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. In order to cultivate immortals, he fought with people and heavens, and by chance, he integrated many exercises of all the sons and hundreds of schools to create a unique body training exercise, and since then he has embarked on the path of cultivation of immortal and demon practitioners.   The magnificent otherworldly continent, the romantic and timeless history of immortal cultivation, and the unpredictable battle of a hundred races are all in "Reborn Otherworldly Immortal and Demon Practitioners

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84 Chs

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"Lu Yuan, you can really do ah, suddenly pit the boy four hundred magic stone. "Wang Wu said with a happy smile.

"It was pure accident, and now the boy must know that I had cheated him and want to come and tear us to pieces. "Lu Yuan Dandan said, his face did not look happy.

"I said Lu Yuan you how, a twinkling of an eye to earn two hundred magic stone is not happy! "Wang Wu asked Lu Yuan at once when he saw that he looked abnormal.

"You see people suddenly took out eight hundred magic spirit stone, cultivation resources but we can not compare it. Now I am worried about what we will do in three months when the protection period for new students expires. "

"In fact, Lu Yuan, you don't have to worry. I think you found those henchmen far away just now, which shows a strong sense of God. With such a sense of God, it is much easier to learn to make symbols. If you are successful, you don't have to worry about cultivating resources. "Gao Yu said eagerly.

"What you said is a way, but it is not so easy to learn to make symbols! "Lu Yuan said thoughtfully.

"The symbol of this thing depends on the person. Some have studied for years or not so much; But some people learn quickly, and the success rate is quite high. "Gao Yu looked at Lu Yuan, see him hesitate, after a meal and then said:" Draw low level talisman paper a magic stone can buy one hundred, and a finished low talisman sold to one hundred fang, you can sell a magic stone. You calculate, if you have the talisman draw the talisman, and worry about magic stone? "

"Lu Yuan, I think you can. Just give it a try! "Wang Wu also encouraged the way.

"When you say it, I really want to try it. Brother Gao, what must be prepared to make symbols? You must give more advice. "Lu Yuan listened to the two people's words, also moved. I can't find it right now, so let's try it.

"Just buy a pen, cinnabar and demon blood, as well as the character paper. I have a copy of the Basic Talisman here, which I would like you to have as I have no use for now. Not only records inside the talisman entry knowledge, but also with more than ten commonly used talisman patterns, you study well, you can soon entry. "Gao Yu eagerly said, while taking out a book to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan is not pretentious, took over the basic talisman into storage bag.

Three people walk while talking soon to the hundred Fu Fang.

One hundred Fu Fang buddy saw Gao Yu came, immediately happy to say: "Gao Dao friend you can come, I take you to see the shopkeeper. "

"This is my friend. Let's go in together. "

"Turned out to be a friend of noble friends, then come in together. "The man immediately greeted Lu Yuan and Wang Wu warmly. It seems Gao Yu's face is not small.

Three people walked through the store. Store business is very good, there are a dozen famous disciples in the purchase of various talisman. Lu Yuan slowed down, God knowledge to the counter a sweep, found the counter with a variety of talisman, but oneself but also dont know. He from the hapless Cao Rong there got three fire talisman, since then have never touched the talisman.

But is the three fire, can be said to greatly change his fate, therefore he talisman still quite interested in.

They entered the inner room, which turned out to be a small drawing-room with two rows of chairs and a large tea-table in the middle, on which a friar of about fifty was seated. Seeing three people come in, he smiled and said, "Here comes Gao Xiaoyou. Please sit down. "Then I looked at Lu Yuan again.

"Hello shopkeeper, these are my two same door, did not inform you to bring them, also please forgive the shopkeeper." Gao Yu said politely.

"We are open for business and most welcome guests. I have to thank you for bringing my friends here." Then he pointed to Lu Yuan and said: "This little friend looks very fresh, but is it a new disciple?"

"The elders are discerning, the younger generation is the new disciple, please the elders more advice." "Lu Yuan said respectfully.

"I just looked at you with God knowledge scan talisman, your strength of God knowledge but far more than ordinary people, such God knowledge advantage is very conducive to learning system, I do not know you can be interested in this square study system. "Finished, eagerly looked at Lu Yuan.

"I'm glad the shopkeeper agrees. We were discussing it on the way. Gao Yu said happily, prodding Lu Yuan to make him agree.

"The elder kind, the younger generation is really grateful. It is not easy to be afraid of the system symbol, the younger generation is dull, but failed to live up to the expectations of the elders. "Lu Yuan said hesitantly.

"Now that you say so, I am more optimistic about you. You know what? You don't say yes yet. I have a copy of "the First solution of the Tao" here, you take to have a look, and then I will send you a pen and some of the necessary symbols of the symbol paper, cinnabar, demon beast blood. When you get back, practice first. If you think you can't, let it go; If the drawing is successful, how about coming back to discuss with me? "

Lu Yuan a listen, feel that the shopkeeper is really very sincere, to be should down. The shopkeeper is happy to give a thing to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan is not welcome, thank you put up.

Three people and the shopkeeper chat about some of the knowledge of the system, and then leave.

Back to the residence, Lu Yuan put half of the magic stone to Wang Wu. Wang Wu, of course, is welcome, with the magic stone excited back to his residence to practice.

Lu Yuan, however, took out the "Fu Dao Initial solution" and "Basic Talisman" two books carefully study up. In fact, the two books said much the same little difference, Lu Yuan spent two hours to digest the relevant content of seven, eight, eight.

And then you start drawing according to the book.

He was most interested in the fire - based talisman, so as to carefully study the design of fire cloud symbol. At first glance, the pattern looks simple, just a few thin reddish lines wound into a cloud of fire.

But really start to draw, but the hand should not heart, always draw half of the failure. This makes Lu Yuan extremely speechless. Fully spent 30 Fu paper later, Lu Yuan was able to draw a complete set of fire clouds. But according to the book, it's a failure.

Sure enough Lu Yuan input spirit force, seemingly complete talisman indifferent, announced failure product undoubtedly. However, with the first complete drawing, he took a break and began to draw again.

Looking at the pan-spiritual, flashing this light flame breath of their own hand to draw the success of the fire cloud, Lu Yuan can not say the joy.

With forty pieces of Fu paper in hand, Lu Yuan took a break and went back to drawing. After another break, Lu Yuan spent a whole day and night drawing five fire clouds. At that rate of success, he would earn four magic stones, not much, but better than nothing. Moreover, with the improvement of the level, the success rate of drawing will increase, it seems to be a way to make money.

The next day, Lu Yuan took the drawing success of the talisman came to 100 Fu Fang. Lu Yuan thought such a high failure rate will certainly let the shopkeeper disappointed, which know the shopkeeper took Lu Yuan production of talisman, but Lu Yuan is a genius, strongly invited him to 100 Fu Fang study system.