
I witnessed Truck-kun.

A/N While english is my first language I am not a very good writer. Many of my ideas come from other works so if they seem familiar there is probably a reason. I welcome any ideas you may have about the story. Updates may be inconsistent. Thanks for reading


I was walking home from the deli down the street with my sad excuse for a dinner, but with inflation the way it currently was I was having to make sacrafices.

Coming to the intersection I could see someone running across the crosswalk. With just a quick glance I saw that the light was still red. Looking back at the sprinting figure I could see that it was a fairly young man, maybe mid twenty's or so, with brown hair and average looks. He was clutching a large bulky looking paper bag to his chest as he was running. Further back there were several men chasing him.

Suddenly out of nowhere a truck horn sounded. Whipping my head around I saw a truck barrerling towards the intersection faster than I thought anyone could on these smaller residential streets.

The man in the street barely had time to see it coming. I on the other hand saw everything. That included the headlight that detatched from the truck when it made contact with the suprised and terrified man. I saw said headlight flying directly at me but I was frozen in shock. The headlight struck me in the head and my world turned black.


Waking up suddenly I found myself in a waiting room of some sort. It was a nice looking room with comfortable chairs and what looked like a snack bar off to one side. Whoever chose the art seemed to have an obsession with large trucks however. There were at least five very large framed pictures of them hanging around the room. 'That one looks familiar.' I thought to myself.

Before I could think about it anymore I heard shouting coming from a door down the hallway that I had missed before. With no other options I moved closer in an attempt to find out where I was.

"Mr.Smith please calm down. As I said before, you are dead. You were killed in an intersection after failing to look before crossing on a red light." said a rather deep voice.

"But I can't be dead! I'm sitting right here talking to you! What kind of sick joke is this?" Mr.Smith continued to shout.

I heard a tired sigh come from the room. "Every time." I heard the deep voice mumble.

The deep voice continued." I will say this one more time, and if you interrupt me you will not like the consequences. Understood?"

I could only assume Mr.Smith nodded.

"Good" Deep Voice said. " Now as I have already said, you died. You are now in the soul management office. It is my job to determine where you go and with what gifts or abilities you go with. Following so far?"

"Yes." Mr.Smith said.

"Good. Now lets see what we have to work with.'' said Deep Voice.

There was the sound of typing for a few seconds.

"Hmm. David Smith. Age twenty four. Single. No kids. No family. Works at a comic book store. Overall a very boring life." said Deep Voice. '' I'm not going to lie to you Mr.Smith. With a record like this there is only so much I can approve."

'' What does that mean?'' Mr.Smith asked somewhat fearfully.

"You have two options. The afterlife or rebirth." Deep Voice stated. " The afterlife would be what you consider heaven to be. Rebirth on the other hand is reincarnation however it would be in a different world and keeping your memories and gaining other abilities depends on how good your record is."

"I-I haven't really done much with my life so it's probably better not to risk rebirth then." Mr.Smith said quietly.

"I agree. So you are choosing to go to the afterlife then for the record?" Deep Voice asked.

"Yes." Mr.Smith said.

"Then I wish you happiness in eternity." Deep Voice said.

There was a loud whooshing noise followed by silence.

"Finally, that was the last one. Now to close up and hea-"RING. RING. Deep Voice was cut off by a phone.

"Soul management office Dennis speaking."

Dennis? Really?

"Lucy calm down. Now tell me what happened." there was a pause. " Cardboard wings?" Dennis said incredulously. " I swear that boy is dumber than a box of rocks. I will meet you at the hospital."

That was followed by the sound of the phone being hung up and Dennis hurriedly gathering his things.

Not wanting to be found out I quickly went and hid behind the snack bar.

Dennis came out of his office and proceeded out the front door locking it behind him. I was concerned for a moment but then realized that even if I did make it outside I would not be on earth and would probably be caught fairly quickly anyways.

While thinking over my options I proceeded to raid the snack bar. I had missed dinner after all.

After sating my hunger I decided to check out Dennis's office. Making my way over to the door that was left ajar I pushed it the rest of the way open. Walking in I saw that it was just a generic looking office.

More importantly, in his rush to leave Dennis had left his computer on and signed in.

Taking a seat I proceeded to call up my own file.

<Alex Fisher. Age 30. Librarian. Single. No kids or family.>. Going through the rest of my file I saw that I was actually a bit worse off than Mr.Smith had been. Unlike him though I had access to Dennis's computer and I could see all the options that rebirth actually offered.

I spent well over an hour changing my file so that I would have all the options available to me.

When it came to picking which world I would be reborn into I saw that I did not get to pick, It was randomly selected for me.


While not my first choice I could live with it. It could have always been Warhammer or something.

Moving down the page I saw that the abilities section was more like wishes. With me altering my profile the way I did I was granted three.

Thinking about what I actually wanted to do in this new life I made my decision.

Wish one<Ability creation>

Wish two <Object creation>

Wish three < Biological Matter Manipulation>

Continuing to scroll down I came to the backstory section. I proceeded to make myself the twin brother of Bella Swan because why not? If I'm going to be stuck in Twilight I am most certianly going to mess with cannon a bit.

I hit save and went back to erase my file and any changes I made So that Dennis would never know that I was there.

Returning to my saved work I hit execute and disappeared in a flash of light.


When Dennis came into the office the next morning he saw the trashed snack bar. " I swear those pest control people are useless! We have had rats for months now!"

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