
Moonlight Manor.

Two young men are sitting in a brand new white Toyota HiLux in front of a double story white mansion surrounded by tall thick stone walls and a massive steal gate that has the initials M.M on the front.

The two men are Kalan and Sam.

Sam looks at the manor in front of him in shock. He's never seen a house this big before.

"Why are we here?" Sam asks confused while still ogling the mansion.

A cheeky smile spreads across my face. "Well I built this place, it's where we'll be living." I explain to Sam.

Sam looks at me confused. "We?"

"Well I created this place to be our "wolfy headquarters". Sam rolls his eyes at my terrible pun.

I press the button to open the gate, the massive steal gate opens outwardly. After the gate opens fully I drive inside.

"Moving on. I created this manor in preparation for our pack."

I knew that most of the Quileutes would eventually change and that alot of them don't have the most ideal living situation, so using the money I got from the stock market(A/N An original money making idea in FF am I right.), I created this manor as a place for them to live if they ever needed it.

Sam looks at me with a questioning expression on his face. "Our pack, are there more of us?"

"Not yet, but there will be. The Cullens stay here will cause more of us to change, that's why we need to keep an eye out on any potential pack members."

"How do we do that?"

"Just look for anyone who hits a massive growth spurt out of nowhere and suddenly packs on a ton of muscle, they'll also have sudden outbursts of anger over the tiniest thing."

Sam nods. "Alright, should be easy enough."

After we pulled into the garage, we climb out of the car and walk inside the house through the door in the garage.

"Welcome to Moonlight Manor!" I announce as we walk though the house.

"You can pick any room in the house, apart from the main bedroom at the end of the hall on the second floor, I already claimed it."

Sam is looking around our mansion in awestruck but manages to answer. "Sure." Sam turns to me with a look of admiration on his face. "This place is massive, how could you afford it?"

"Well I got lucky on the stock market and the elders liked my idea of building a sanctuary for our pack, so they gave me this plot of land for free."

Sam looks impressed. "How much more of the tribe do you think will change?" Sam asks.

I contemplate for a few seconds, because if it's like the books/movies, then I know which tribe members are gong to change, for now I'll give a vague response and just watch out for the original pack from the movies and books.

"I'm not really sure, that's why we have to watch them closely, I don't want anyone to be accidently killed when our members change for the first time, the problem is that the first change happens on the full moon, luckily if we test them with wolfsbane we'll be able to confirm their changes." I explain to Sam.

Sam frowns remembering how painful it was when he touched the wolfsbane.

"Can you show me where we'll spend our full moons?" Sam asks slightly nervous. Seeing the place he'll be imprisoned in does make him a little anxious.

"Alright follow me then." I start walking toward the basement door, where our prison was built.

The door to the basement looks more like a vault door then a normal door. The door is made out of thick reinforced steal. I notice Sam looking at the door hesitantly.

I walk up to the door and use my key to unlock the door, I slowly pull the door open and walk inside, when inside I flip the light switch and start walking down the stairs with Sam following close behind me.

As we reach the bottom of the stairs I hear a gasp escape Sam's lips.

The room in front of me looks like a prison, there's about 10 cells made of thick reinforced steal bars surrounding them, the bars are coated with wolfsbane, so one touch and it's straight to painsville.

Sam pales slightly seeing the cells, they're kind of intimidating to look at for him.

"I wouldn't touch the bars if I were you, one touch and you'll be writhing on the floor." I warn Sam.

"How will we get into the cells then?" Sam asks confused.

"Billy made an arrangement with Sue, to lock us in every full moon." I explain. "Come let's us go back up we have to discuss our patrolling arrangements."

"Patrolling?" Sam asks confused.

"Yea as protectors of our tribe, we have to make sure everyone is safe, be it from vampires or humans in general. As Billy explained it to me, we're basically tribal police, our job is to keep the peace within our lands. Of course we try to deal with things non violently if possible, unless we're dealing with vampires. If it's a vampire apart from the Cullens, we have license to rip them apart." A feral grin spreads across my lips at the thought of tearing one of those evil vampires apart.

Sam let's out a sigh. "Seems like we're going to be very busy soon."

"You don't know the half of it." My feral grin is replaced with a cheeky smile at Sam.

After going going back upstairs me and Sam sit in the living room and discuss the times of our patrols. Since there was only two of us, we decided that we'll patrol the area once every few days, one will do dayshift, the other night shift, and for the next patrol the one who did night shift will switch to day shift and vice versa.

I decided that heavy patrolling isn't needed for now, because the threat of vampires wasn't serious yet, we only had the Cullens to worry about, but so far they've kept to the treaty. I've deemed them not dangerous for now anyway.

After our discussion was done, I made us some burgers, we each ate about 6 burgers each before we were satisfied, after eating and speaking for abit more Sam and I said goodnight and we both went to sleep.

I had alot of plans to help out the Quileute tribe, so I knew starting tomorrow I was going to get very busy.

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