
Growing up

Well here I am I'm at school and I guess this world is different deku has a quirk it's miner strength enhancement but he still gets bullied and bakugo is actually nice cuz of me I guess turns out I can also make quirks yeah cool I might help deku I mean he's a really nice guy so I wouldn't mind helping him but he needs to prove it I mean cuz of me he might turn into a bully if I'm not careful and we would not want that to happen

Time skip to high school

A lot of kids tried to come at me so I simply flipped them like pancakes then kicked their balls (yes I know how much it hurts I'm sorry for my male readers ) so after that not many people tried to fight me but deku on the other hand had to stick up for him lots of times it's not even funny also bakugo had to stop him from being ego tistackle