
Reborn in Magical World with Cheat

James who is a office worker seems to have isekai into a new world where there is magic.

Existence001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 10: Flames of Resilience

As the dust settled from John's victorious battle against the stony beast, a pack of fire wolves emerged from the shadows, their flaming manes billowing with an infernal glow. Their eyes gleamed with a primal hunger, and their teeth gnashed together, hungry for the taste of victory.

Azrael's voice echoed in John's mind, a steady presence amidst the chaos. "Prepare yourself, John. The next challenge awaits. These fire wolves will test your skills and your ability to withstand their relentless assault."

With resolve burning in his heart, John took a deep breath, his focus sharpening as he drew upon the elements that coursed through his veins. Flames flickered around him, mirroring the fiery manes of the wolves. The air stirred, charged with anticipation, as he readied himself for the battle that lay ahead.

The pack lunged forward, a blur of fiery motion. Their teeth snapped, their claws extended, as they closed in on John with ferocious speed. In the face of this onslaught, John knew he had to be swift, precise, and unyielding.

He summoned a swirling vortex of wind, creating a barrier of swirling gusts that formed a shield around him. The wolves' fiery assaults were met with the resistance of the air currents, dispersing their flames and deflecting their attacks.

But the wolves were relentless, their determination unyielding. They circled John, their movements synchronized, seeking to exploit any opening. Sensing their tactics, John focused his energy, his eyes narrowing in concentration.

With a swift motion of his hand, he conjured tendrils of earth that surged from the ground, ensnaring the wolves' paws and hindering their movements. The element of surprise worked in his favor, allowing him to counter their aggression with strategic precision.

But even as the wolves struggled against their earthly restraints, their fiery essence burned bright, refusing to be extinguished. John knew he needed a more potent offensive, an attack that would bring an end to their relentless assault.

Gathering the heat from the air around him, John focused his will, channeling the flames into a concentrated inferno. With a sweeping motion of his arms, he unleashed a wave of scorching fire that consumed the pack, engulfing them in searing heat.

The wolves howled in pain, their fiery forms flickering and waning, but their determination persisted. They lunged forward once more, their jaws snapping at John's heels. Yet, undeterred, he countered their advances with a torrent of water, extinguishing their flames and dousing their fiery fervor.

A dance of elements ensued, a symphony of fire, water, earth, and air intertwining in a battle for dominance. John's mastery of magic became evident as he seamlessly transitioned between spells, each attack strategically calculated to weaken and overcome the wolves' ferocity.

With a final surge of energy, John summoned a pillar of stone beneath his feet, elevating himself above the reach of the wolves. From this vantage point, he commanded a powerful gust of wind, a cyclone of air that scattered the remaining embers of the pack.

As the last flames flickered out, silence descended upon the clearing. John stood amidst the fading echoes of the battle, his chest heaving with exertion. He had emerged victorious, his resilience and mastery prevailing over the formidable pack of fire wolves.

Azrael's voice resonated within his mind, a deep rumble of admiration. "Well done, John. You have proven yourself once again. Your skill and adaptability in battle are remarkable, a testament to your unwavering spirit and the power of your magic."

John's pulse slowly steadied, his focus shifting from the aftermath of the battle to the path that lay ahead.