
Reborn In Avatar LOK

I forgot the password of my other account, Avatar LOK so I'll be posting here. Gon gets reincarnated in the Avatar world and has to try and get stronger from there on out.

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28 Chs


"The Equalists have taken Bolin," Korra said.

"What happened, Korra!!!" Gon interrogated.

"We were low on money, so Bolin decided to join the Triads," Korra cried, "It was our fault."

"It is okay, Korra," Gon comforted, "All we need to do is find him."

Gon felt sorry for Mako and Korra, especially Mako. His brother's life was on the line because of the Equalists.

"He is my blood," Mako screamed, "The only one I have left, my parents died when I was young I can't lose him too. I would do anything in my power to get him!!!"

Mako was angry not at Bolin but himself for not being able to protect his brother better. When he was younger, his parents had got murdered by a fire bender, and ever since then, they had been on their own, orphans. Mako could not afford to lose his brother. If he did, he was not sure what would happen.

"I think I know where they are," Gon stated, "I went there yesterday."

"Take us there," Mako demanded.

Gon nodded and shouted, "Follow me!!!"

They walked in the direction of the place, and after a few minutes, they got there.

Gon scanned the area and saw four equalists soldiers near the entrance.

"They have upped security since I was last here," Gon voiced, "Okay, let us go in and Mako, Korra, please do not use your bending unless needed. We do not want to scare the civilians inside."

"Okay," Korra and Mako said.

They quickly rushed towards the gate and entered. Once Gon, Korra, and Mako were in, they saw hundreds of people chanting Amon. They looked up to the stage and saw Amon, Bolin, and some other people.

"That is my brother," Mako whispered about to rush towards the stage.

"Calm down, Mako," Gon uttered, "Let us wait and see before we attack."

"Okay, but if they do anything to Bolin I-" Mako barked.

"I know you're worried, but if we attack now, we will look like the bad guys," Gon interjected, "Wait a few minutes and just watch the show."

Gon, Mako, and Korra looked up at the stage.

"Welcome my non-bending brothers," Amon spoke, "When I was young I lived in the countryside with my family. We were not the richest, but we were happy. One day a fire bender came and took that happiness away from us. He started with my mother first raping and then burning her to death, then my father, then me. I was the only one to survive that day. I wear this mask to hide my scars. I am going to show you something extraordinary today."

Gasps got heard from the crowd. Everyone there became quiet once hearing this. They did not know what to say. They only pitied Amon.

Amon looked at one of his men and said, "Bring out the first one."

"Yes, sir," One of the equalists replied.

The equalist create brought out a man in a cage that many from the crowd knew. It was one of their biggest oppressors.

"This here is Lightning bolt Zolt, The leader of the triads" Amon announced, "He has oppressed many of you, stealing your money, beating you up destroying your businesses. He will get his punishment for his crimes. I will make us equal. Let him out!!!"

The equalist let Lightning bolt Zolt out of his cage, and he did he got beaten to the ground by the man he had freed.

Zolt looked at Amon and shouted, "You should not have done that!!"

Zolt started to throw multiple fireballs at Amon, but the man dodged all of them. Zolt tried to shoot Lightning but was kicked by Amon so hard that it seemed his head would fly off. Then the man stood over Zolt, who spat out blood and teeth.

Zolt struggled up fighting the pain that was moving through his body. He was scared for the first time in his life. It was like death was knocking on his door. He saw Amon's hands come near his face and closed his eyes, accepting death.

Amon instead touched the top of his head. As soon as he had done that, Zolt felt like he had lost something precious. He attempted to bend but could feel nothing. It was like his soul had left his body. He screamed and shouted but to no avail. He had lost a part of himself that he knew he would never get back no matter what. He just stood there in tears. He wanted to die.

"I have taken his bending," Amon declared, "We are now equal."

The crowd watched with a mix of fear and awe at today's happenings. They did not know what to say. On the one hand, they were happy that they were not going to be oppressed by this man anymore, but on the other, the look of sadness in the man's eyes scared them.

Gon stood up and walked up to the stage with a wave of anger in his eyes. The equalist members tried to stop him, but he just beat them up quickly and continued to the stage.

As soon as he stood there, he heard whispers from the crowd, "That is the bender that saved us," and other things.

He waved his hands and started to speak, "Raise your hand if any of you have any family members that are benders or any friends who are benders."

Most of the non-benders raised their hands.

"Now, look at this man and remember to think of him as that family member or friend," Gon preached, "Could you do this to them. Take away their soul. Bending is part of who they are without it; they have lost something special. Think about that."

They all thought about it and realized the disgustingness of what Amon was doing. They have become just like their oppressors under the pretense of equality. Some felt sick, while others just kept quiet. They all had parents, grandparents, children, or even friends that were benders. They did not want to see this happen to them.

"I came here to free my friend who joined the wrong crowd and got captured by Amon. He is a teenager, a kid." Gon stated, "Are you going to abuse him as those people abused you? He did not do anything to you, yet you are condemning him. I wanted to help your people and still do. I will take him and leave. Come to the Air bending temple tomorrow morning if you want to learn to protect yourself."

Gon went to one of the cages, freed Bolin, and left. Amon could not do anything about it, not without angering all the non-benders here and losing his followers who were already starting to question if they had chosen the right leader.

(Back with Gon)

"Aren't you angry," Korra asked.

"I was at first, but then I realized that when you hurt, you try to make others hurt," Gon replied, "I want to end that cycle."

Korra smiled at this. It was one of the reasons she liked him.

(Author's note)

Hey guys help me get to 500 power stoned

Hey guys, thanks for reading. I tried to do something interesting from my main character. I also used more dialogue tags

Powerstone and comment if u like

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