
chapter 1 death (sorry it's long as hell)

Nathan was watching How to train your dragon in his living room he looked out of the sliding glass door and saw someone rappelling down clad in black with a rifle on his chest that was being hung with a strap he paused it and clicked home. Then two more rappeled down dressed in black as well then they jumped back and at the same time some one screamed in a deep voice "POLICE OPEN UP" not even a half second later the glass shattered.

Then Nathan saw a bright white light and he covered his eyes next second he stood up and ran but one of the swat officers saw his remote and thought it was a gun. The sawt officer then grabbed his rifle and falsely alarmed the others who also raised there rifles and Nathan raised his hand with the remote and the Swat officers opened fire and one got a lucky shot on Nathan's head but it was unlucky for Nathan. He died instantly then he opened his eyes and he was in the body of what looked like a buff 24 year old He had some OK medieval about he had a leather harness on top of some chain miles of some ok quality steel and no helmet he had some regular medieval long sleeve shirt and some what thick brown leggings. He had a fine Halberd by his side that seemed really durable no shield he was on a ship with no one else on it but Nathan. Then a blue screen appeared in front of him and it said

(System uploading)

( 12%)









Then it said what is your name and a new screen appeared that stated



Please note that this cannot be changed

Nathan chose Nathan bark then the system offered "starter package this cannot be reddemed later this is your only chance"

Nathan clicked yes and a bunch of items appeared on a new blue screen and it read

( 1x random weapon ticket)

( 1x random Armor ticket)

( 1x random dragon ticket in cludes saddle)

20 Warrior orc summons

15 archer orc summons

2 orc commanders summons

1 morgul blade

2 Easterling boat summons

5000 gold points

Magic ruin

Nathan stood up and decided to Summon 10 orc warriors on his boat so they could row and make it to land he turned around and saw a speck in the distance and he commanded the orcs to row towards the speck and the ugly orcs set down there garbage looking swords and started rowing forward Nathan inspected his troops and they where ugly as shit some had slits for noses and there ears where inconsistent in size and length.

Nathan walked to the back of the boat and there was a chest he opened it and it creaked there was food for about 3 weeks for and unknown number of people as he didnt know how much orcs ate but they where loyal to him and him alone he knew this because he had died 4 times so far and every time he was watching a show or movie or he watched it recently. He was watching httyd and he's in a viking ship so Nathan must be in Httyd as well he got the chance at a random dragon and saddle.

So he said In his head 'system' and then the bright blue screen appeared with multiple tabs and he went over to the inventory tab and clicked on the random weapon ticket and under it said "redeem ticket" he clicked it and then a notification popped up and it said "masterwork two handed sword recived"

Then he moved over too the random Armor ticket and repeated the Process and he received a masterwork cussies which where 14 century full plate leggings and he scrolled over too the Equipment tab and equipped the new leggings and removed the brown leggings he also summoned the two handed sword to the real world and picked it up he only had a harness that also had a holder for his surprisingly light halberd so he would have to carry it.

He moved the system in front of him and went too the dragon ticket and he prayed for a cool dragon and not a Gronkle or something similar then he clicked it and said " Skrill and Skrill saddle" Nathan almost shit himself from excitement and all of the orcs looked at him worried about there overlord and one spoke up with his raspy voice "master are you ok" Nathan nodded and the orcs went back to rowing and Nathan remembered the magic ruin he got so he clicked on that and the description stated " a magical ruin from another world that Reveals the secrets of magic of The Lord Of The Rings and it seems a dark spirit lingers Upon this magic stone" Nathan was worried about the dark Spirit but he still used the item then a notification popped up and it said "New slots has appeared in the Equipment tab" Nathan then clicked on the Equipment tab and 10 slots appeared and above that is said "magic attunement slots" and 1 spell was there it was named " Earth control (lv1) E.X.P (0/100)" which it was basically earth bending. Nathan changed the tab to the shop he had 5000 which based on the prices was a good amount

1x orc warrior 100 gold points

1x orc archer 115 gold points

1x orc engineer 120 gold points

1x orc commander

1x Easterling warrior 125 gold points

1x Easterling bowman 130 gold points

1x Easterling engineer 140 gold points

1x Easterling commander 145 gold points

1x cave troll 345 gold points

1x mountain troll 525 gold points

1x orc trebuchet 450 gold points

1x orc Magonal 235 gold points

1x random dragon egg 4500 gold points (HTTYD dragon)

1x random dragon egg 7000 gold points (LOTR dragon)

Azog the defiler 5500 gold points

Random weapon 850 gold points

Random Armor piece 1000 gold points

(There way more but I don't wanna write all that)