
Reborn Blade: Chronicles of the Soulbound Assassin

In a world where power and technology intertwine, meet Sia, one of the illegitimate daughters of the country's wealthiest man. From the moment she took her first breath, her life was destined for darkness and bloodshed. Trained since birth to become a lethal tool and a loyal slave to her family's desires, Sia's skills in assassination and manipulation knew no bounds. Her life took a tragic turn when the Gustavo Brothers, her half-siblings, betrayed her. Their treachery led to her untimely demise, but for Sia, death was a long-awaited respite from her tormented existence. In the embrace of the afterlife, she found solace, her soul finally freed from the shackles of her past. However, fate had other plans for Sia. Against all odds, she was reborn 3000 years into the future, a time where technology had reached unimaginable heights. As her consciousness awoke in this new era, she found herself in a world of wonder and marvels.

Midzangel · Sci-fi
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7 Chs

A Mother's Joy

As Sia struggled to grasp her surroundings, a sensation of weightlessness enveloped her. She found herself immersed in darkness, floating in what felt like gentle waves of water. Strange and alien sounds surrounded her, echoing in her ears like a distant melody. Confusion and fear gripped her, unsure if she was trapped in a dream or a newfound reality.

Amidst the obscurity, a tender voice called out, "Hello, my baby, how are you? Please let mommy feel your kicks." Though disoriented, Sia felt a warmth in her heart, a connection she couldn't comprehend. She tried to respond, but her body refused to obey, leaving her feeling weak, helpless, and on the brink of unconsciousness once more. In that moment, she found herself yearning for death's embrace, hoping to escape this bewildering existence.

Lady Aresha, sitting on a long couch, gently held her large pregnant belly. Her hologram projected a video call to her husband, Keith Conal, who was away working. She expressed her nervousness about not feeling the baby's kicks after six months of pregnancy.

"It's fine, my love," reassured Keith, his hologram face beaming with affection. "She might be lazy like me and as pretty as you. You will feel her soon, the doctor said she's fine."

As Sia's consciousness flickered once more, she felt a surge of energy. Despite her inability to see or move, she sensed an entrapment around her, suffocating and claustrophobic. Desperate to break free, she attempted to move her body, kicking and punching against the invisible barrier. But the oppressive confinement drained her strength, and she soon faced the prospect of losing consciousness again.

Yet, before the darkness could reclaim her, an excited voice pierced through the veil of confusion. "Ohh, she kicked, she kicked! Oh my Goddess, I can feel her." The joy in Lady Aresha's voice resonated with Sia's soul, bringing a glimmer of hope amidst the bewildering darkness.

Awakened once more, Sia's consciousness sharpened, determined not to waste time in confusion. This time, she focused on her hearing, honing her senses to perceive the world around her. Aware that this was the third awakening, she knew she couldn't be in the realm of the deceased.

"Didn't I die after Gustavo Brothers stabbed me after killing the King?" Sia asked herself, perplexed by her continued existence. If she wasn't dead, was she now trapped in the dungeons, awaiting cruel torture?

Listening intently, she heard a voice that seemed to belong to a doctor. "Mrs. Conal, you are due to give birth this month. I will set up your birthing cove tomorrow to make sure you're prepared," the doctor said.

A gentle voice responded to the doctor, and Sia felt the subtle vibrations of a conversation taking place. Gratefulness laced the voice, expressing gratitude for the doctor's care and expertise.

Realization dawned upon Sia. She wasn't in a dungeon, nor was she dead. She was somewhere else, reborn into a new life.