
Reborn As The King Of The Jungle

Waking up in a jungle James starts to worry, "What happened? wasn't I at home?" for a moment he thought this was peace. finally he was away from all the constant yelling of the manager filled with the rage of fire. until... *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*... _______ please do go support this book on royal road the name and cover art are the same https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/78456/reborn-as-the-king-of-the-jungle

SoftBreezeWasTaken · Fantasi
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12 Chs

learning magic!

It had been two days since he had suddenly appeared in this new world from his slumber, well at least that confirmed this was not a dream and he was actually in the world with magic, maybe it was finally time for him to live a normal life.. well as normal as it can get with magic existing.

His new lion parents or now that he had learned their species were named Niol they were the magical beasts of the Siraj forest, had treated him very nicely feeding him till he was full and when he peed or pooped himself conjured water magic to clean him up and dried up the air around him to dry him quickly.

It was nice not having to do anything but he wanted learn magic as soon as he could or at least learn the basics or advance himself somehow, fortunately today the male Niol was going to teach his cubs how to utilize the basic of magic for hunting, hopefully they'd be near him or talk loudly even if they were outside so he could listen to them.

Finally when the time came they sat inside the cave, so excited James made a happy "Wahh!" Sound and giggled, The male lion named Jester smiled back at him and then looked at his cubs "Stand straight!" He said with strictness in his tone, even James quieted down to his words ready to listen carefully to his explanation.

"Magical power is one of the fundamentals of life, without magic nothing has life, even a rock contains magic even if subtle, because otherwise it would crumble into dust, magical energy is all around us but only those who can accumulate the magical energy are deemed magical beasts (sorcerer's among humans, he added for the baby) in order to accumulate the world energy or magical energy around us, we need to first let go of our body and strictly focus on understanding the world around us, or in simple words meditate, once we learn to sense the world energy we have to breathe in the world energy by a precise breathing techniques" which after saying he showed to everyone including James.

"Then once we have accumulated the world energy we have to let it go which intern strengthens the mana body which is where we keep mana for our magic to consume and use."

"That is how one strengthens the mana body, but one needs a lot of focus for that, for now let's talk about the different elements, the 4 basic elements are earth,water,fire and wind the two advanced elements are light energy and darkness, the 4 basic elements are pretty self explanatory on what you control with them, so let me elaborate on light and dark energy or element.

"Light energy is the presence of life it is associated with healing magic and creation magic, it can also put a sort of artificial life in inanimate objects, and dark energy is the absence of light so it is related with destruction magic, every other element is a derivative of light and dark magic as all the other elements can either create things destroy things or do both, but not as strong as light and dark energy themselves.

"In return light and dark magic are the hardest magic to use, some of the strongest magical beasts can't use them and rather stick to the basic elements and master them, magic can do a lot more but that's complicating things you can experiment with magic all you want to figure all those out if you're stuck somewhere come to me and I'll explained."

With that the basic of magic was taught to all 4 of them including James, he immediately wanted to start training but he didn't want to alarm the family of him trying to use magic at such a young age, even though he was truly 18 he thought way ahead like a game of chess in order to have the best outcome.

Once everyone was either outside or busy doing something he finally started to do as jester had said he first tried to feel the world energy, visualizing it in his brain as a golden color running through everything, at his first couple of attempts it didn't really seem to work making him more and more frustrated every time he failed to concentrate, after 18 failed attempts he finally did it successfully and felt the world energy for the first time.

It made him feel powerful.. like he was on top of the world.. it made him feel like he was free out o, anyone's reach, his five senses had heightened beyond belief as he could now even listen to the rustling of the leaves outside the cave heck he could even feel the air pressure of the area and the most important of all the magical power of the area.

It was just simply mesmerizing to him, this feeling of power he never had when he lived in his world, it was just awesome but he couldn't afford to wait and enjoy the moment, he immediately started the breathing exercises shown by jester and boy oh boy did that feel amazing, not only did it make him feel powerful he felt energized and awake like never before.

He kept doing so for the next couple of hours, each time he breathed in and out it made him feel more powerful, each time he felt on top of the world, it was addicting the power he felt like never before, simply one of the best feelings ever.

Soon night approached, James was too much in focus that he didn't notice that his two Niol parents and his brothers had returned, once they returned jester and Elisha looked at the boy they were astonished, the boy was performing the breathing technique he had just taught to his cubs, even the cubs couldn't do it because they couldn't even get the focus part right.

And yet this little child had surpassed them and even was using the breathing technique he taught, at the sight of his parents he was just about to stop breathing realizing what he had shown them but before he could they spoke up "I knew it, that time I saw that necklace I knew he was gonna be the next king of the jungle, it was bound to be, after all he's Marquis's son"

"Marquis? King of the jungle? What are they talking about?..."

and so the learning of magic Begins, but who do you think is marquis? also vote for my book if you like it!

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