
Reborn as Nagato(hiatus)

A logical young man is reborn as nagato, will knowing the future help him in his quest to destroy his fate or will it hinder him? Warning:-I don't own Naruto

Zozo_77 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 2

As I ran on the ground of the forest to reach another town I used chakra to heighten my sense and became keenly aware of every sound and movement around me. The forest was dense and teeming with life. It was around the 5th day that I sensed a disturbance ahead. I came to a stop, crouching low on a branch and scanning the area. My sharp eyes caught a small group of 10 bandits. detecting no chakra and smelling the odor of alcohol I reach into my pants and take two rusty kunai I found in the village before my departure, leaped into a tree's branch, and jumped toward their back with the least sounds I could, I directly killed the two by slicing their throats with a swift and precise motion. The remaining eight people were caught off guard but practically as soon as I made my way to another they turned towards me with rage in their eyes.

I quickly assessed their movements and calculated my next moves. I moved toward their chief who seemed to be the most skilled among them using my short height to my advantage cut the tendons in the legs of two people and dodged the weapon he slashed at me with a vicious snarl, utilizing this momentum I pushed my knife deep in his heart killing him.

As he fell to the ground, I could see the life draining from his eyes. He made one last feeble attempt to strike at me, but I easily evaded his weakened attack. With a final, gurgled breath, the bandit chief succumbed to his injuries and died.

The remaining bandits, seeing their leader defeated tried to flee but they were nowhere near the speed of my attack allowing me to slaughter them in under five minutes. My first battle in this world was over and I had come out victorious despite the odds albeit with some scratches and bruises, I quickly retrieved my kunai the weapons of the dead body tucking them horizontally behind my back after cleaning them with the clothes they had. After this episode I resumed my journey, running through the forest remaining alert and two days later I arrived at the outskirt of town under the official management of the country. I first decided to visit a library to gain more knowledge and browsed with two shadow clones acting as my parent but memorizing all the information they could :

"found what you were looking for young man? Asked the old librarian toward my older shadow clones as I made my way out.

"yes, I was interested in the new routes which are being built, being a merchant myself I wanted to see if they were allowing marchant or only private business"

the librarian snorted and smirked"Don't worry about that, the route is for everybody and is protected by a patrol of ninjas from Amegakure trained by Hanzo-sama himself"

it surprised me that Hanzo would train ninjas but seeing as he was a civilian I decided to just ignore his thought although chakra users were legendary for people like them and whatever they were trained by Amegakure or Hanzo meant the same thing for them.

"alright thank you for alleviating my worries," my shadow clone said with a small bow making the old man smile, he waved his hand dismissively"Run along now your family I waiting for you"

With a nod, I left the library, once in another part of the town I dispelled them making me wince as the memories of them reading several books rushed in and sorted the information rapidly. As I made my way through the bustling market streets of the town, my mind was focused on the task at hand. Armed with the information I had gathered from the library, I was on a mission to gather supplies for my journey ahead. I knew I had to be well-prepared, considering the challenges and dangers that might lie ahead.

My priority was finding a waterproof tent that could withstand harsh weather conditions. I scanned through various stalls and shops, asking about camping gear and outdoor supplies but as I was about to choose a normal tent, I stumbled upon a scroll that caught my attention. It was sealed, and the vendor claimed it contained a waterproof tent that could last a long time. I was intrigued and decided to make the purchase. As I unsealed the scroll, I was pleasantly surprised to find a well-crafted Jonin tent inside. It seemed luck was on my side, or perhaps I had some sort of protagonist aura like Naruto. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the thought of using the famous "talk no Jutsu" to navigate my way through difficult situations but rapidly make my cold face resurface as I was getting weird stares from people. Next, I focused on stocking up on supplies for sustenance during my journey. I found some supplements for body development, as developing my physical strength will be crucial if I want to become stronger. I also grabbed some calorie bars and ration packs for quick and easy sustenance on the go.

Having been an avid cook in my previous life, I knew the importance of a good meal in keeping my energy levels up so I searched for a stall selling fresh produce and picked up some vegetables and fruits that would last for a while. I also found a small portable stove and some cooking utensils to ensure that I could prepare my meals during my travels. With my shopping list checked off, I paid for my purchases and carefully packed them into my backpack. I felt a sense of satisfaction at finally improving my situation, these last twenty days without basic comfort were hard.

'Mission success' I thought to myself as I made my way back into a dangerous part of the forest, where I planned to construct a shelter for myself to facilitate long-term seclusion training. Setting up camp in a secluded spot, I wasted no time and immediately got to work on building a sturdy shelter. With my Jonin tent, it didn't take me long to set up a comfortable and secure space that would serve as my base for the foreseeable future. Once I had shelter and food sorted out, I could focus entirely on my training.

With my new supplements for body development, I was eager to push my limits. I decided to start by utilizing my healing factor, a gift I had acquired from my Uzumaki heritage. I knew it would allow me to recover from injuries much faster and endure intense training sessions.

I began by deliberately dislocating all the necessary joints for my flexibility training. It was agonizing, but I endured the pain thanks to the initial pain resistance I had acquired. I pushed my body to the limits, pushing through the discomfort, knowing that it would pay off in the long run. After an hour of intense training, my Uzumaki healing factor finally kicked in, repairing the damage I had inflicted on my joints. It was a relief, and I took a moment to catch my breath and let the healing process take its course. After three hours, I was ready to continue. With renewed energy, I decided to take a break from training and focus on sustenance. I went fishing, using my newly acquired skills to catch enough fish for a meal. I changed my spot, as I didn't want to deplete the fish population in a single location. I also started to set up traps to catch small game, planning to diversify my food sources.

Once I had replenished my energy with a satisfying meal, I resumed my training. I started with taijutsu, recalling the stances and techniques from my past training. It felt nostalgic yet invigorating to go through the familiar motions, honing my muscle memory and refining my techniques. I pushed my body to its limits, feeling the strain and the burn, but I was determined to improve.

As the days went by, I continued my rigorous training routine, alternating between flexibility training, running, chakra control, and taijutsu. My progress was noticeable, my body began to adapt to the intense training and my chakra started to grow too as the malnutrition I had suffered from my birth gradually disappeared. My healing factor allowed me to recover quickly from injuries, and I could feel my physical abilities improving day by day. One month passed since the start of the training, and despite me sending shadow clones with henge in the town at night time it seemed that another week would allow me to check the rest of the books. Thanks to reading nearly all the books in the library I had the chance to build a common sense adapted to this world, even if my worldview suffered a little I really shouldn't have been surprised to discover that the world was more complicated than the anime showed