
Reborn: A Skeletal Sovereign

The protagonist finds themselves reborn as a sentient, low-level skeleton in the magical underground world of a dungeon. Determined to overcome their humble beginnings, they embark on a journey of evolution and advancement, step-by-step fusing and upgrading their skeletal form. His ultimate goal extends far beyond merely ruling the dungeon - he aspire to achieve true sovereignty.

Sherlock112 · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 10 This is the Skeleton

"The Lord's blazing angel walks the earth, sowing His mercy."

"First rank magic, Blazing Angel's Blessing."

The chanting of the priests sounded together again in a continuous stream.

In an instant, the humans' weapons were coated with a layer of holy light, slicing through skeletons like a hot knife through butter, making Eric's scalp numb.

There is no end to it.

The buffs are not stopping.

Eric only felt that the edge of the battlefield was so far away.

He even wanted to explode and rush over there, he couldn't stand these buff monsters.

Calm down, hibernate, hibernate.

Eric hadn't attracted anyone's attention up until now.

As long as he touches the edge of the battlefield and hibernates, looking for opportunities throughout the battlefield, there will be a time to get out of the clutches of the clutches of the clutches of the clutches.

His experience had been patched up to over 200, and with this battle touching down, he might be able to jump a few levels at a time when he evolved and transferred.

This was probably the only thing that could comfort Eric.

However, if you can't escape from Pound's clutches, even a high level is useless, and you'll be working for nothing.

Eric held firm to his belief of escaping Pound's clutches.

"Skeleton, stop!"

A human sprang out and pounced on Eric.

Eric nimbly maneuvered and quickly gathered a few skeletons to surround the human.

Without understanding what was happening, the human was subjected to a righteous swarming and mopping-up attack, becoming part of some evil skeleton's experience value.

"Almost there, almost there!"

Eric had already seen the edge of the battlefield.

Further over there ... was sublime freedom.

It was the sea, the sailing ships, the endless new land.

Otherworldly adventures, lovely elves, and beast-ear women were waiting for themselves over there.

No, the thought of elves and beast-eared women made him feel even more pathetic ...

He stretched out his hand, he wanted to embrace freedom.


There was a loud bang, raising a large cloud of smoke.

It was Pound smashing down from the air.

Eric's body was blown right off the ground by the air currents that kicked up and landed in the center of the battlefield.

Freedom, snapped, gone.

Eric's hatred for Pound, for that missionary and the purple heavily armored warrior reached its peak in this instant.

Pound s smashing down blew away a large number of skeletons and humans in an instant, creating a vacuum in the battlefield.

The purple heavily armored warrior slashed down viciously with his huge sword.

The sword light opened a fascinating silver screen in the air.

The pound was about to dodge out of the way when a huge golden spear fell from the sky along with the sound of chanting, piercing through the gap between Pound's chest bones and pinning it to the ground.

Then, the heavy sword chopped down towards Pound's head.


Pound roared, the flames in its chest and eye sockets burning violently as it raised its head, ghostly blue flames spewing out of its mouth.

The purple heavy-armored warrior had to deflect his body, and his heavy sword deflected, cutting not on Pound's head, but on the horns.


There was a toothsome scraping sound, and a section of the horn was viciously chopped away.

The purple heavily armored warrior was also toppled by Pound taking the opportunity, it violently flapped its wings, the flame in its chest emitted a bursting sound, and the golden spear was shattered.

The Pound that was out of control spread its wings and flew high into the air, its blue flame dragon breath pouring out onto the battlefield indiscriminately.

A chimera spread its wings in a hurry to avoid it, only suffering those skeletons.

Especially Eric, he now just wanted to curse all the guys in the world who could understand his curses.

This is probably the legendary misanthropy.

But at this moment, Pound was furious and lost his mind, unleashing slaughtering attacks without distinguishing between enemy and friend.

The missionaries and purple heavily armored warriors had to resist the recklessly enraged Pound.

Those high-level friendly and enemy troops avoided the enraged Pound, no one cared about these low-level skeletons as cannon fodder.

Opportunity, here it comes.

Eric's eyes glowed as he swept across the entire battlefield, excitement almost overflowing his eyes.

"Finally, finally!"

Eric mixed in with the skeletons and ran in the opposite direction from Pound.

[Creeping Foot] was activated, bending down, almost minimizing his concentration.

Constantly running wildly, wildly.

The speedy retreat of the scenery on either side of him, and soon, Eric was at the edge of the battlefield.

Several humans also noticed a low-ranked skeleton bent on getting out of the battlefield and surrounded it.

They were so careless that they didn't even raise their swords.

After all, he was just a low-ranked skeleton.

Eric's eyes quickly swept over the few humans.

Two lv11, one lv12, and two lv13.

Two magicians, two heavily armored warriors, and one swordsman.

That is brittle skin, tank, and melee output.

"A low-ranked skeleton, why is it so strange, charging this way?"

One of the tanks spoke.

"Hurry up and solve it, the bone dragon over there went crazy, damn it, shouldn't have taken this commissioned quest."

The swordsman spoke up, casually raising his sword and aiming it carelessly at Eric.

No one thought Eric was a threat until he bared his fangs.

The fangs bared for only a split second with this peculiar skeleton.

Ribs instantly transformed into a bone sword, and with a single hand, mud mixed with a stream of water formed a mud bomb that shot out.

"Magic? What the hell!?"

The swordsman froze and hastily raised his sword to block.

But Eric was fast, and the mud bomb instantly smashed into the eyes of the swordsman and the two tanks.

Losing their vision in an instant, the swordsman and the two tanks were confused.

But they did have a lot of experience, the tanks groped forward and activated their skills to form a barrier.

The swordsmen immediately backed up, groping about to duck into the tanks' barriers and clear their eyes.

How could Eric give them a chance?

One foot stepped towards the ground, and the ground under the tank and swordsman's feet instantly turned into a swamp.

It made the two heavily armored warriors' bodies shake, and the lack of sight combined with the unsteady center of gravity caused a large gap in the barriers.

He took the opportunity to leap up and threw out his bone sword with a blue trailing flame, stabbing straight at the swordsman's throat.

A precise hit.

The swordsman touched his neck, but could only feel hot blood.

[Ding, killed human swordsman lv13, experience value +250]



The two magicians also reacted and hastily threw out magic.

The ground caved in all of a sudden, and the fireball smashed down head-on.

However, Eric had been on the lookout for the two mages and followed the collapse, getting down on his body and dodging the fireball.

Seeing this, the mage hastily detonated the fireball.

However, Eric's body had already been covered with a layer of water curtain, and even though the burst damage of the fireball passed through the water curtain, it was not a threat to Eric, who possessed 12 points of Elemental Resistance Physique.

With [Swiftness] activated, he bowed his body, ignoring the roars of the two tanks, and rushed towards the two fragile mages.

Too late to cast magic, one of the mages rushed to meet them, wielding a blunt mace and blocking Eric, while the other hid behind and chanted.

The mage here was not completely incapable of melee combat.

His long staff was wielded with a tiger-like grip, greeting Eric towards his vitals.

Eric just wanted to settle the fight quickly.

He raised his right arm, and his arm bones flew and wriggled and grew, forming a long, narrow shield that met the shield strike.

With a bang, the long staff bounced off, while only a few pieces of debris and powder fell from the bone shield.

For the entire skeleton, it could only be considered a minor injury.

What kind of ability was this? What kind of defense is this? Is this still the weak skeleton I know?

The mage's head was full of question marks.

Eric just wanted to yell out, Physique 12-point boy!

The claws of his other hand grew violently, and a grip broke through the mage's throat and windpipe.

Blood spurted and stained the skeleton red.

The other mage had finished his chant by now.

"First-rank magic, Elven Fire Vector!"

Flames outlined in the air and coalesced into a living, breathing arrow that let out a popping sound and shot toward Eric.

Fast, it was just too fast.

Eric even only saw a red line.

Raising his right arm, the bone shield was instantly pierced through a small hole.

Then, the fire vector was unstoppable and grazed through his skull.

Seeing this, a despair spread across that mage's face.

"Get out of the way!"

Those two heavy warriors finally broke free of the swamp, regained their sight, and rushed towards Eric.

And Eric wouldn't give them a chance, striding forward and choking the mage's neck.

[Giant Force] was unleashed, easily crushing the neck.

Blood flowed down his white skeleton, and a ghostly blue flame burned in his hollow bones.

This was the skeleton.


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