
Reborn : A Second Chance

This is a major warning*** This book needs a lot of editing. Once I finish the book, I will start editing. Just a humble request from this author, if the issue is with the grammatical errors please don't remind me, I already know. ****Warning***** It contains some mature scene. *************************** There is a saying life gives everyone a second chance. Everyone wants to know protagonist side of story but ever heard of Antagonist side of story. But the question is...is she really an antagonist. ____________________________ he blocked me to his office desk and made me sit on it and he is on top of me. "I said leave me. what are you trying to do." my heart is thumping so loudly that I could hear it myself. I'm trying to push him but my hands are becoming weak. Louis holded both of my hands on top of desk. His mouth near my ear I literally could feel his breath " I will never leave you. Mira you have make so possessive so obsessive over you that I can't able to think anything beside you being in my arms ravished and trembling. You are Mine Mira ...... Mine" God why I'm becoming this weak this time I don't want to do anything with him but this time he is not letting me go........ _________________________ My other works Villainess : Antagonist story (on hold) Dragon's mate (mating chronicles book 1)

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Chapter 17

It's been more than 2 days since Louis return to office. Mira is bother by not seeing Louis. It never happened before and Louis is not a type of person to miss office. She got to know from Martha that he had already return the day before then why he hasn't come to office today. With this thought she finish the papers that has been given by Martha then went to see Martha in order to know about Louis.

She went to Martha cabin and went inside without knocking. She was horrified just what she saw.

Martha on the desk between her legs their is man and they where kissing. Mira gasp "Shit! I'm sorry"

They broke apart "Mira ....it's okay" Martha said adjusting her dress .... with awkward smile "this is my husband Ren he works in it department"

Mira give a polite nod he scratching his head back return the nod.

"I'm really sorry Martha I should have knocked"

"It's alright,... so you have anything to say"

"oh yes, I want to return this document could you just check if it's alright"

"Yes sure."

After giving the documents Mira is still standing there. The couple were giving her weird look " is there anything else " Martha said.

"I.....I .... just want to know why haven't Mr Louis didn't test to office is everything alright"

Martha was surprised by my question after all it's obvious for long she tired to ignore Louise .

"well..... Miss Mira ..Mr Louis is sick that's why "

"Oh OK .... I will return to my work" Mira give them an awkward smile and left the cabin.

Inside the cabin.

"Well darling let's continue.... I'm still horny" Ren grunted .

Martha narrow her eyes "You mister behave yourself.... god knows what she would have seen if she arrive any late" Martha face become red.

Ren chuckle " darling forget about that lets continue I have already locked the door ".

" But--" before Martha could object Ren kissed her.






On the other side Mira is trying very hard to concentrate on her work but she couldn't all she could think about is Louis. "Why are you getting so bother Mira anyway you don't want to do anything with that man" Mira murmur. But how much she try to focus her mind and heart is not settling . So she leave the office.

Nottinghill Residence

This is where Louis live. The house in this locality have very tight security. This luxurious place can only few people could afford. It consists of 12 villa and each villa consist of one swimming pool , parking area and garden area. Each villa is built on quite distance from each other so that one could enjoy their private space. This Residence is so big that a small town could be formed.

Mira is standing outside Louis villa contemplating to ring the bell or not. She doesn't know what excuse she would give. After thinking for long time she ring the bell.

Louis open the door he is looking really pale there is dark circles under his eyes. He was surprised by seeing Mira .

"Mira ..."

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I'm really putting a lot of effort to make this enjoyable and putting 2-3 chapters a day . I'm getting the views but not much response ( they are few I'm really greatful for them but likes 1% of views) it's not motivating me.

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