
Pillar in the Spirit Forest

A few minutes after walking into the headmaster's room, Tang San walks out with a smile of determination.

The bow of blue silver grass that was originally on his hand to hide his second spirit was gone, revealing a normal hand.

He walks up to Daniel and tells him to prepare for departure in two days. They were going to Spirit Forest with Tang San's new master, the headmaster, to get them their first spirit ring.

Daniel immediately headed over to the nearest blacksmith he could find. When he entered he saw half-a-dozen bulky men sweating over anvils or forges.

Only one of the men spots him, but before he could say anything, Daniel had already grabbed a hammer and brought out a few ingots from who knows where.

Who knows where... the narrator! He brought it out of his... inventory.

He came to make a Warhammer that he would use when he hunts for a spirit ring.

If it were the original Daniel, he wouldn't even think about making a weapon for himself. It seems that this time around, he mentally developed as he was supposed to.

Spirit rings- something he learned yesterday that he needed now.

A spirit beast will drop a spirit ring when it dies. A 10 year-old spirit beast will drop a white ring, 100 drops yellow, 1,000 drops purple, 100,000 drops a red ring, 1 million year-old beasts drop gold rings.

When a Spirit Master reaches rank 10, they need their first spirit ring to be able to rank up to 11-20.

At rank 20, they need one to be able to rank up to 21-30.

At 30, it's the same. Every 10 ranks, you need a spirit ring to rank up.

Because Daniel was born with rank 10 spirit energy, he couldn't cultivate. If he does get a ring, his cultivation will open up and it won't hurt him.

After half an hour of forging, he saw Tang San walk into the smithy and ask to be an apprentice.

A few of the men laughed as one walked up and said: "If you can even pick up this hammer, we might think about it."

He holds the hammer in his hand effortlessly and replies: "Can I use the scrap metal?"

The other blacksmiths nod as they stare at the boy holding such a heavy hammer, thinking that he was a monster, completely forgetting about Daniel.

At almost midnight, Daniel started to walk back to the dorm. He had designed, forged, and tempered the hammer's head for over 10 hours and he was planning to spend the rest of tomorrow on the shaft.

It took him just that long to feel satisfied with the hammer.

The next day, he woke up at 6 am and spent until 9 pm working on the shaft. Afterwards, he assembled the Warhammer and he felt satisfied with it. He marked the center of the shaft with the Skyram logo.

He fell asleep just as he laid into his bed with his hammer in a bear hug.

He once again woke up at 6 am. He sat up and was greeted with the headmaster walking down the stairs.

The headmaster walked over to Daniel and said: "I am Yu Xiaogang, your brothers master. I hope you are prepared to go to the Spirit Forest today."

Daniel nods his head and goes to bathe and get clothed.

As soon as 7 am rolled around and Tang San woke up, all three people got in a cart destined for Spirit Forest.

Tang San saw Daniel's Warhammer during the ride and he scrunched his nose. He had never seen Daniel use a weapon, so he felt suspicious.

*An hour after they got to the Spirit Forest*

Daniel and Tang San were feeling nervous. Daniel was feeling nervous because he felt drawn towards something in the forest. Tang San felt nervous because they were surrounded by Wolf-like spirit beasts.

It was the perfect moment for Yu Xiaogang to display his spirit. There's a flash of light as a tiny yellow dog appears from thin air. He puts on a filter mask and gives one to Tang San and Daniel.

"San Bao!" he shouts as the little dog releases a giant fart that is visible to the naked eye.

All of the wolves pass out and Yu Xiaogang says "It's time, let's go now."

The three sprint away.

They kept spotting spirit beasts as they walked and Tang San would ask if it would be his spirit ring.

"This spirit beast wouldn't suit your blue silver grass. It is a plant so it would be easy to absorb, but it is defensive. You wouldn't want your first ability to be defensive, or you wouldn't be able to kill your next spirit ring."

Daniel kept feeling a pull on his soul. They kept walking and it just kept getting stronger. He could barely resist. It was tugging over and over.

He felt like he was the most magnetic material ever and he was being pulled by the world's strongest magnet. He couldn't take it anymore.

He suddenly started running in nearly the opposite direction that the group was heading. He didn't know what he was doing, his body was running on its own.

He ran into a clearing with an odd pillar in the center. There was an empty circle near the top of the pillar that had a small red glow near the center of it. The pillar was covered from top to bottom in weird runes that were completely unknown to the world.

The tugging was getting weaker and weaker as Daniel came closer. When he realized it, he decided to speed up to see if it would disappear.

He got to a walking pace and he was only a few meters away from the pillar. It was standing on a flat circle of stone that was entrenched into the ground.

He put one foot on the stone platform and his mind goes blank. Not because he was surprised, but because his soul was pulled out of his body.

His translucent right hand that holds his Dragonborn spirit started moving towards the pillar instinctively. As soon as it touches the pillar, he feels a burst of energy going through him as if his soul was refined and purified.

His soul is vacuumed back into his body, with a red ring following him. The red ring was visible to Tang San and Yu Xiaogang.

He feels like he has strength again when he is completely sucked into his body. A red ring slowly starts to materialize behind him.

Yu Xiaogang sees the ring and gasps loudly. It interrupts Daniel's thinking and makes him look back at Tang San and him.

His eyes widen when he sees three bars floating above the two. One bar is red, one green, and the last one a dark purple. He knows that the red bar is health, the green bar is stamina, and he could understand that the purple one is essence. Both Tang San's and Yu Xiaogang's green bars were only around 85% full while Yu Xiaogang's essence bar was almost double Tang San's bar.

exactly 1200 words man

bigchickencreators' thoughts